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Sb 375: CReating Great Communities in California

Sb 375: CReating Great Communities in California. The Opportunity. California has an unprecedented opportunity Reform transportation and land use policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions AND Advance public health, social equity, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.

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Sb 375: CReating Great Communities in California

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  1. Sb 375: CReating Great Communities in California

  2. The Opportunity • California has an unprecedented opportunity • Reform transportation and land use policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions AND • Advance public health, social equity, environmental sustainability, and economic growth

  3. Senate Bill 375 (SB 375) of 2008

  4. SB 375 Goal: To align regional transportation, land use and affordable housing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  5. Step 1: Set Targets

  6. Step 2: Create Sustainable Communities Strategies

  7. Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) • Transportation investments + Land use patterns • Where will homes, job centers, open space, retail be located? • More opportunities to drive less through increased public transit and biking and walking options.

  8. SCS + RTP = ↓ VMT, OMG! MPO = Metropolitan Planning Organization COG = Council of Governments RTP = Regional Transportation Plan SCS = Sustainable Communities Strategy VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled GHG = Greenhouse Gases

  9. San Joaquin Valley is Key

  10. Source: Paving Paradise, AFT, 2007 Source: California Regional Progress Report, CalTrans, 2010

  11. Transportation is a big part of household budgets: ofteneven bigger than housing Percent of Monthly Income in the Fresno Metro Region Source: H+T Affordability Index, Center for Neighborhood Technology; 2008 gas pricesData for Fresno region; other regions' data available at http://htaindex.cnt.org/

  12. Building and Demonstrating Broad Support for Good Growth

  13. Our work in the SJV SB 375 Community Equity Coalition Capacity Building Community Education and Organizing Health Impact Assessment (Fresno and Kern) Developing relationships with MPO staff and decision makers

  14. Rural Communities At a Glance California Unincorporated: Mapping Disadvantaged Communities in the San Joaquin Valley 3.6 million identified by Census Bureau Additional 2.8 million residents not previously captured 525 communities in the SJV 64% of households are low income 65% people of color PolicyLink, 2013

  15. Challenges to Overcome

  16. Challenges to Overcome

  17. Risks for Rural Communities Strong Urban Bias and Competing Interests Where will investments go? Counties have encouraged disinvestment and growth around and away from historic low income neighborhoods and communities Systematically underserved in the overall allocation of public resources Left out of local decision making processes

  18. Opportunities • Improved Health Outcomes • Affordable Housing • Improved Public Transit • Access to Services • Funding for our Region • Farmland protection and conservation

  19. What’s it going to take to win • Strong, unified, and organized voice • Educate our decision makers to build political will and leadership • Create welcoming environments for public engagement • Sustained Civic Engagement

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