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Market-Based Insurance Pricing: A Pragmatic Approach

This paper explores a pragmatic market-based approach to insurance pricing, discussing the reasons behind varying prices for similar risks in the market. It sheds light on the commonalities between insurance and option pricing theories, emphasizing the stochastic value versus market price relationships. The key insight lies in viewing insurance contracts as call options and understanding the dynamic hedging of insurance contracts. The use of martingale valuation and risk-adjusted probability transformation is discussed to achieve fair risk valuations. Traditional actuarial approaches, including risk loading and cost considerations, are compared with untraditional methods incorporating supply and demand dynamics. The pricing challenge in markets with different customer segments and risk profiles is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of optimizing profitability while considering true risk/cost prices and market sensitivities.

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Market-Based Insurance Pricing: A Pragmatic Approach

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  1. Pragmatic Insurance Option Pricingby Jon HoltanIf P&C Insurance CompanyNorway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland CAS Spring Meeting, Puerto Rico, May 8th 2006

  2. From only fair risk valuation to also include market-oriented pricing Market based insurance pricing Formulated within a market based context Financial option pricing Insurance risk/ cost fair valuation • Main objectives of the paper: • First of all: Point out a pragmatic market based approach of insurance pricing. • Why do different insurance players offer different prices for unique risks in the same market ? • Important bi-effect: From a practical point of view describe the common headlines of the theories of insurance and option pricing. • Gives valuable pragmatic insight to (stochastic) value versus (market) price relationships !

  3. Well-known: Insurance contract as a call option Call option => C is a Euro call option on stock price S(t) and strike price K Insurance => Z is excess-of-loss contract on claims process N and Y => Z* is stop loss contract on claims process • Insurance call contracts => "Insurance option pricing" • Z is a stochastic sum of N single European call options • Z* is an ordinary European call option • But: Crucial difference between options and insurances: • Options => based on geometric Brownian stock processes • Insurances => based on compound Poisson claims processes

  4. Hard insight: Dynamic hedging of insurance contracts • General definitions: • Dynamic hedging => continuously buying and selling • Hedging strategy => remove risk by replicating a risk free payoff • Main difference between financial options and insurance: • Options => hedging to remove risk => do not rely on the law of large numbers • Insurance => diversification to manage risk => rely on the law of large numbers • However: insurance hedging may be seen as an approach to establish a relevant and efficient insurance market place and hence better understand the market information dynamics. • Example: a company reduces its insurance risk through reassurance. Martingale !

  5. Key setup: Risk-neutral martingale valuation • Help: The arbitrage-free (Black-Scholes) hedging approach helps us to better understand market based insurance pricing. • But: Arbitrage-free dynamic hedging of insurance contracts is only possible when buying and selling martingale values. • Hence: A risk-adjusted probability measure transformation from P to Q makes a risk-neutral martingale valuation of the insurance contracts Fair value excess of loss: Fair value stop loss: = Fair value call option: What "market" information should we put into Q?

  6. Key question: What information should we put into the probability measure Q? 1) Traditional actuarial information approach I: • Risk and risk loading Delbaen & Haezendonck (1989) approach: Give more weight to unfavourable events • Expected value premium principle => E(X) + a E(X) • Variance premium principle => E(X) + b Var(X) • Esscher premium principle => E(X exp(aX)) / E(exp(aX)) 2) Traditional actuarial approach II • Add expenses, reassurance costs, investment returns => cost allocation 3)Untraditional actuarial information approach => add supply and demand information like purchasing preferences and insurer's price position in the market • Very relevant information in incomplete markets ! • Actuaries should not let the real market information be irrelevant to them !!

  7. Market based insurance pricing Formulated within a market based context Insurance risk valuation Financial option pricing OK

  8. Finn & Lane (1997): "There are no right price of insurance.... ...there is simply the transacted market price which is high enough to bring forth sellers and low enough to induce buyers" Key question: Complete or incomplete market? • 1) Complete markets => Most financial markets • Unique price per unique risk => Unique market prices => The law of one price • Optimal price per risk is pure risk and cost price based • 2) Incomplete markets => Most insurance markets • Optimal price per risk is also market adjusted => Different market prices per risk • Because: Each combination of buyer and seller generates valuable uniqueness • ...ref Harrison & Pliska (1983): • "A market is complete if and only if there is only one equivalent martingale measure of the underlying stochastic process (stocks or claims) describing the market" • Hence: Purchasing preferences should be part of the price models!

  9. Key pricing challenge: How to optimize bottom line in markets with profitable and non-profitable segments? • Driving elements: • True risk/cost prices versus market prices of different markets/customer segments • Price sensitivity of different markets/customer segments Risk segments where the market makes losses High price Best knowledge of true risk/cost price level Average price level in market Risk segments where the market earns money Low price Low risk High risk

  10. Market based insurance price models A general set up: Net sales price per risk = pure risk price + internal cost allocation price adjustments + external market price adjustments A more specific set up => Should be expressed with respect to price p: Net present value V(T) of the insurance portfolio over the time period (0,T):

  11. Parameter estimation = real insurance pricing! • Risk, expenses, capital & return pricing estimation => Well-known! • Risk selection multi-factor: GLM; Bayesian; Credibility; etc • Price level: RR and CR targets based on capital & return allocation (DFA) per LoB • Claims level trend: ARIMA time series forecasting, Claims reserving, ++ • Expense allocation: Internal "ABC"++ methods (from simple to complex) • Market pricing estimation => Not well-known! • Customer purchasing rate (multi-factor based): LogReg on hitrates/renewals • Soft/hard opinions of the price and product positions in the market • Dynamic, flexible, short time-to-market, data driven IT price calculation systems • No final answers and no fixed rules

  12. Market based insurance pricing OK Formulated within a market based context Insurance risk valuation Financial option pricing OK

  13. Summary insurance versus option pricing

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