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Academy of Economic Studies Doctoral School of Finance - DOFIN Exchange Rate Risk: Heads or Tails? MSc Student: ANA-MARIA GAVRIL Supervisor: MOISA ALTAR, PhD Bucharest 2009. CONTENTS: Motivations for approaching and assessing exchange rate risk Objectives of the paper State of the art
Academy of Economic Studies Doctoral School of Finance - DOFIN Exchange Rate Risk: Heads or Tails? MSc Student: ANA-MARIA GAVRIL Supervisor: MOISA ALTAR, PhD Bucharest 2009
CONTENTS: • Motivations for approaching and assessing exchange rate risk • Objectives of the paper • State of the art • Methodology • Data and results • Backtesting • Concluding remarks • References
1. Motivations for approaching and assessing exchange rate risk • Major risk in banking (devaluation, convertibility and transfer) - stakeholders. • Basel II regulatory framework. • Increased volatility of exchange rates (more than 4-5 sigmas). • Stylized facts about exchange rate returns1 vs. normality assumption • The centre and the tails of exchange rate distribution characterize different circumstances. • VaR models – normal market behavior; EVT – extreme market behavior. • The current crisis - effects of deregulation, poor risk management and unawareness, great criticism of VaR models 1 Starting with the work of Mandelbrot (1963)
2. Objectives of the paper • General Idea: test the performance of EVT as a complementary risk measure of VaR, fit for the analysis of extreme events, in the context of exchange rate risk, using EUR/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/RON and EUR/USD exchange rate returns and underline the existing trade-off between coverage and accuracy. • Main objectives: • analyze the presence of stylized facts in our data • produce point estimates of potential losses from exchange rate positions using VaR and EVT • modelling VaR to incorporate EVT and determine dynamic extreme VaR measures • backtest the results and conclude on the specific performance of employed measures. Determine how the models should be used.
3. State of the art Exchange rate risk management for banking- models: 1. Value at Risk– Here we use: Historical Simulation, Hybrid HS, EWMA, EGARCH. Literature: Engle (1982), Bollerslev (1986), Nelson (1991), Hendricks (1996), Duffie and Pan (1997), Engel and Gizycki (1999), Rockafellar and Uryasev (2000), Jorion (2001), Alexander (2001), Kaplanski and Levy (2009) and others. Why VaR is not enough: Mandelbrot (1963), Fama (1963); empirically proved poor performance - great criticism. 2. Extreme Value Theory – Here we use: Peaks over Threshold Method. Literature: Hill (1975), Pickands (1975), Dekkers et al. (1989), Embrechts et al. (1997), McNeil (1997a, 1997b, 1998, 1999), Matthys and Beirlant (2000), Blum and Dacorogna (2002), Wagner and Marsh (2003) and others.
4. Methodology (1) – The Models • VaR = - (μ + σQ); µ sample mean, σ sample variance, Qαα% quantile. • HS: pick the percentile from sorted historical data; • Hybrid HS: assign declining weights to older observations; • EWMA1: account for past returns and past variance; • EGARCH2: account for past returns, past variance and variance ‘volatility’. • EVT – POT method3: excesses over a high threshold u (i.e. tails) ~ Generalized Pareto Distribution with shape parameter. ξ > 0 denotes fat tails. extreme VaR: and ES: • Hybrid VaR-EVT: where: λ decay factor (0.94 daily data), ξ shape parameter and σ scale parameter of GPD, Xk,n kth order statistic (equals threshold u), k number of upper order statistics, n number of observations in the sample, p or α desired probability. zt = t/σt 1 RiskMetrics (1996),2 Nelson (1991) 3Balkema-de Haan-Pickands
4. Methodology (2) – The Steps • Process and analyze the data – assess stylized facts • Compute VaR at 99% and 99.9% confidence levels: • - point estimates day 1 out of sample – Historical Simulation, Hybrid HS, EWMA, EGARCH – Student-t • - dynamic one-day ahead forecast - EWMA and EGARCH • Data – autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity - produce i.i.d. series • Assess fat tails and pick threshold • Estimate shape parameter; assess fit • Compute extreme VaR - point estimates day 1 out of sample • Compute dynamic hybrid EWMA-EVT and EGARCH-EVT • Backtest - percentage of failures for dynamic measures - Mean Squared Error – performance in the tails, overall performance
5. Data and results (1) – preliminaries Data: daily exchange rate log-returns EUR/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/RON, EUR/USD1 between January 1999 and June 2009. Source: The National Bank of Romania. Facts: Main statistics: * Denotes significance at 1% (critical value 9.210) 1Denoted CHF, GBP, RON and USD, respectively
5. Data and results (2) – Assess characteristics EUR/CHF EUR/GBP • FX returns: • Reject normality • Skewed • Leptokurtic • Stationary • Heteroskedastic • Clusters • Weakly AC • Strong AC for • squares EUR/RON EUR/USD
5. Data and results (3) – VaR point estimates (day 1 O.o.S) Objective: compute maximum losses in normal market conditions *values in percents. U – right tail. L – left tail.
VaR EGARCH vs. Empirical Returns
Autocorrelation →ARMA for conditional mean Heteroskedasticity → EGARCH for conditional variance ε(t), σ(t) Problem: 5. Data and results (4) – Data for EVT Compute standardized residuals ~ i.i.d. returns: Main Statistics: * Denotes significance at 1% (critical value 9.210)
CHF right tail GBP right tail RON right tail USD right tail 5. Data and results (5) – Assess fat tails - Mean Excess Plot Mean Excess Function: MEF Plot: • Ideal case (GPD): • positive slope • linear towards infinity GPD MEF Exp MEF
5. Data and results (6) – Pick threshold – Hill Plot GBP right tail CHF right tail Hill Estimator of ξ: Hill Plot: RON right tail USD right tail • Behavior: • Stable around ξ • the tail – less than 10%1 1 Peng et. al (2005)
5. Data and results (7) – Estimate shape parameter • Hill Estimator – Hill (1975): • Pickands Estimator – Pickands (1975): • DEdH Estimator – Dekkers, Einmahl, de Haan (1989): • where: • k – number of order statistics in the tail: small variance; large bias1 • Xk,n – kth order statistic • [x] – largest integer not exceeding x • The ‘moments’: 1 Bias-Variance trade-off
5. Data and results (8) – EVT point estimates * VaR in percents
5. Data and results (9) – GPD tail fit with ML ξ CHF right tail CHF left tail GBP right tail GBP left tail RON right tail RON left tail USD right tail USD left tail
5. Data and results (10) – VaR 99% - ξML estimates CHF right tail – 4.03% CHF left tail – 5.11 % GBP right tail - 4.00% GBP left tail – 3.98% RON right tail – 4.75% RON left tail – 4.07% USD right tail – 3.36% USD left tail – 3.37%
5. Data and results (11) – Hybrid EWMA & EGARCH - EVT * Point estimates for day one out of sample
6. Backtesting (1) – Percentage of failures (coverage, conservatism) *Denotes accepted models **Denotes models close to acceptance
6. Backtesting (2) – Mean Squared Error (accuracy) * Minimum MSE in bold
Are extreme scenarios that improbable? 1 With +0.55% change in previous day 2 With -0.25% change in previous day
7. Concluding remarks (1) • What have we learned? • our data presents the general behavior of FX returns (stylized facts) • due to large, unexpected changes in FX rates, regular VaR models underestimate risk • EVT is able to predict quantile (losses) situated far in the tails (>4-5 sigmas) • Hybrid VaR-EVT models seem to take the best of both worlds (really?)* • In terms of coverage, hybrid models perform better than regular VaRs • In terms of accuracy, prediction in the tails is dominated by ML –based estimates, prediction for the whole distribution is split between EWMA(99.9%) and EGARCH (99%) – catch: EWMA is closer to real returns but due to the fact that it underestimates less what EGARCH overestimates - medium size losses; Hybrid models overestimate in the centre and underestimate in the tails (so...not really)* • Basically, there is a trade-off between conservatism and accuracy • An extreme scenario is not unlikely to happen
7. Concluding remarks (2) • How do we use our lessons? • Expect FX rates to behave as they are prone to - erratic • Use each model for the purpose it was designed for: VaR for regular activity, EVT for stressed market conditions • VaR purpose and best use: determine medium size losses, capital requirements • EVT purpose and best use: limit setting, stress testing • Hybrids – computation of out of sample quantiles • Remember: risk management is about safety in being aggressive! • Further research: test these uses and also apply to other assets, portfolios or risks. • And the answer to our question: • Is not a matter of heads OR tails, but a matter of heads AND tails
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