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Exercises for the mind. Author of one of the best methods for the development of the mind is Dr Paul Dennison . He created methods that integrate actions and thoughts so they are ideal for the cooperation of the body and mind. EXERCISES.
Author of one of thebestmethods for the development of themindisDr Paul Dennison. He createdmethodsthatintegrateactions and thoughts so theyareideal for thecooperation of the body and mind.
EXERCISES Exeriseswhich will be shownbelowcan be doneduringthelesson, orbeforeit. Theyarerelativelyshort, can be treated as relaxing, and simultaneosulythey help to developthewhole body, activatenervous system and risethevital energy. Theseexercisescan be modifiedaccording to thetopic of thelesson. Theyalsoshould be doneduringtheday and we should do as many of them as we can.
Alternatemoves • Cross yourstraightarmsin front of yourchestin a waythattheleftarmishigherthantherightarm. Then, changetheposition of thearms. • Touchyourrightelbowwith palm of thelefthand. Then, changetheposition. • Touchyourrightearwithlefthand. • Do the same exercise, but this time touchtheleftkneewithrighthand. Due to theseexercisesyou will correct yourwriting, readingstyles as well as thecomprehension. Alsoyourbreath will be stronger.
Cook’sPosition Cross yourankles, outstretchyourhandsin front of you and twist yourpalms so thumbsare down. Then, move one armabovetheother one and joinpalmswiththeinnersidekeepingthumbs down. Cross yourfingers, thenbendtheelbows and touchthechestwithhands. Closeyoureyes, touchyourpalatewiththetongue. Breathloosely. Keepthatposition for 2 minutes. Aftertwomintesreleasethetongue and arms. Thisexerciseincreasesattention, correctshearing and improveswritingtests.
Lazy „eights” for theeyes In standing positionoutstretchyourleftarmin front of you, make a fist and point yourthumb up. Then, drawhorizontaldigit 8 inthe air and followitwithyoureyes. Remember to keepyourheadstill. Start themovemenet to theleft and up. Next, do the same exercisewithrighthand, and thenwithbothhands. Thisexercisecorrectssight and readingcomprehension.
Elephant Outstretchyourleftarmforwardwithyourpalm’sinnerside down, layyourhead on theoutstretchedarm, legsslightlybent, stand littleastride. Draw big eightsinthe air. Then, straightenyour body and changethearms. Thisexerciseactivatescreativethinking.
Lazyalphabeticeight Draw a few „lazy” eightsin a largedrawing pad, thenwritesmallletters of alphabetinthem. Remember to start drawing to theleft and up. Thisexercisehas influence on creativewriting, improvesmanualskills, precision of movements and enablescoding and decodingsymbols.
Butterfly on theceiling Lift yourhead up. Draw eights on theceilingwithyournose. Thisexerciseimproveswriting and reading.
Cradle Sit on thefloor, bentarmsslightlybehindyou. Bentknees and lift yourfeet. Releasethetensionin one hip, theninthesecond one. In themeantime do slight leg movements. Thisexerciseimprovesfocusing and understanding.
Bicycle Lift arms and headup, braceyourheadwithhands and holdit. Touchyourleftkneewithrightelbow and theotherwayaround. Breathsteadily. Thisexercisehelpsinwriting, reading, listening. Italsoimprovesmathematicalskills.
Pushingthedoorbell Stand straight, move one leg backwards and on yourtoes. When on exhale, bent leg thatisin front of you and simultaneouslytry to layyourotherfoot on theground. Then, inhale and straightenyour front leg. Lift theheel of your back leg. Your back leg should be straight. Thisexercisedevelopscreativewriting, listening for details, and italsoimprovestheskills of clear speaking.
Owl Grab and holdmuscles of theshoulderwith one hand, turntheheadleft and thenright. Try to reach as far as youcanwhenturning. Thisexercisesimprovesattentivelistening, perception and memory.
Reaching for theball Stand up and cross yourankles, thenbendtheupper body forwards and outstretchyourhands to the front of you. Thisexerciseimprovesreadingcomprehension and abstractthinking.