1. Restructuring the National Cancer Clinical Trials Enterprise
Sheila A. Prindiville, MD, MPH
September 17, 2007
2. CTWG Restructuring Initiatives Enterprise-Wide/Integrated Management
Prioritization/Scientific Quality
Operational Efficiency
CTWG Report, June 2005 - http://integratedtrials.nci.nih.gov
3. Establish an external clinical trials oversight committee to advise NCI Director
Develop a coordinated organizational structure within NCI to manage the clinical trials enterprise
4. NCI Federal Advisory Groups
5. Provide extramural oversight for the implementation of the CTWG recommendations and initiatives
Provide strategic advice regarding NCI’s entire clinical trials portfolio including resources associated with clinical trials
Advise on the use of new correlative science and quality of life funds
Advise on the formal evaluation of the impact of the restructuring plan
Chair, Dr. John Niederhuber
Ten members current Boards (NCAB, BSA, BSC, DCLG)
Fourteen new members from extramural clinical trials community
Next meeting November 14, 2007
6. Clinical Trials Operations Committee (CTOC)
Internal NCI committee established in December, 2005 to provide strategic oversight for NCI clinical trials programs and infrastructures
Reviews and prioritizes clinical trial programs proposed by Divisions, Centers, and Offices to coordinate efforts Institute-wide
Membership from all NCI Divisions, Offices, and Centers involved in NCI-supported clinical trials
Chair, Dr. John Niederhuber
Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CCCT)
New office in the Office of NCI Director established in 2006 (http://ccct.nci.nih.gov)
Supports the implementation of the CTWG initiatives in conjunction with NCI’s Divisions/Centers/Offices
Supports CTOC and CTAC
7. Integrated Management
8. CTWG Restructuring Initiatives Enterprise-Wide/Integrated Management
Prioritization/Scientific Quality
Involve all stakeholders in design and prioritization of clinical trials that address the most important questions, using the tools of modern cancer biology
Operational Efficiency
9. Prioritization /Scientific Initiative #1
Establish an Investigational Drug Steering Committee (IDSC) for early phase trial prioritization
IDSC has been established to provide strategic input to CTEP drug development planning
Co-Chairs: Drs. David Gandara and Mark Ratain
Task Forces
Clinical Trial Design
Signal Transduction
Gap Analysis
CTEP Career Development Letter of Intent (LOI) Program for Young Investigators
10. Prioritization /Scientific Initiative #2
Establish Disease-Specific Scientific Steering Committees (SC’s) for phase III trials
Responsibilities of the Disease-Specific SC’s
Prioritize phase III concepts for therapeutic clinical trials
Convene State-of-the-Science meetings to identify critical questions to prioritize key strategies and future concepts for NCI supported clinical trials
Develop phase III concepts for new clinical trials utilizing Task Forces
Periodically review accrual and unforeseen implementation issues
11. Initial Disease-Specific Steering Committees
Gastrointestinal Cancer (Co-Chairs: Joel Tepper, MD and Daniel Haller, MD)
Gynecologic Cancer (Co-Chairs: William Hoskins, MD and Gillian Thomas, MD)
Head and Neck Cancer (Co-Chairs: Arlene Forastiere, MD, David Schuller, MD, and Andrew Trotti, MD)
Symptom Management and Health-Related Quality of Life (Co-Chairs: Deborah Bruner, RN, PhD and Michael Fisch, MD, MPH)
12. Prioritization /Scientific Initiative #3
Increase community oncologist and patient advocate representation on steering committees
Community oncologists
GI: Drs. Phillip Kuebler and Roscoe Martin
GYN: Drs. Michael Method and Margaret Wilmoth
H & N: pending
SxQOL: Drs. James Wade and James Bearden
13. Prioritization /Scientific Initiative #4 Establish a funding mechanism and prioritization process for correlative science and quality of life studies
Separate budget has been established to support this initiative
Primary purpose is to fund studies conducted in association with phase III trials when the cost of studies is too large to be covered by the Cooperative Group mechanisms in a timely manner
Task Force of the Program for the Assessment of Clinical Cancer Tests (PACCT), DCTD has developed criteria for prioritization of correlative science studies (essential marker and imaging)
Symptom Management SC developing develop criteria for prioritization of QOL studies
Divisions/Centers/Offices will recommend studies approved by Scientific Steering Committees to CTOC and CTAC for prioritization and funding
14. CTWG Restructuring Initiatives Enterprise-Wide/Integrated Management
Prioritization/Scientific Quality
Coordinate clinical trials research through data sharing and providing incentives for collaboration
Operational Efficiency
15. Coordination Initiatives Establish a comprehensive database containing regularly-updated information on all NCI-funded clinical trials
Realign NCI funding, academic recognition, and other incentives to promote collaborative team science and clinical trial cooperation
Cooperative Group program guidelines are in the process of modification to reflect collaboration with SPOREs and Cancer Centers positively
CTAC Coordination Subcommittee formed with initial focus on harmonizing program guidelines to enhance collaborations
Evaluating feasibility of accruing patients to SPORE and Cancer Center clinical trials through NCI’s Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU)
16. CTWG Restructuring Initiatives Enterprise-Wide/Integrated Management
Prioritization/Scientific Quality
Standardize informatics infrastructure and clinical research tools
Operational Efficiency
17. Standardization Initiatives
Informatics infrastructure interoperable with caBIGTM
Standard Case Report Forms incorporating Common Data Elements
Credentialing repository for investigators and sites that is recognized and accepted by NCI, industry sponsors, clinical investigators and clinical trial sites
Establish commonly accepted clauses for clinical trial agreements
18. CTAC Public-Private Partnerships Subcommittee Chair: Dr. David Parkinson
Function: Provide advice to the Director, NCI on how to enhance NCI-sponsored clinical trials through collaborative interactions with the private sector
Initial focus: Oversight for the implementation of the CTWG initiative to establish commonly accepted clauses for clinical trial agreements
19. Common Themes of the Restructuring Plan Enterprise-Wide/Integrated Management
Prioritization/Scientific Quality
Operational Efficiency:
Use resources most efficiently through improved cost-effectiveness and accrual rates, and more rapid trial initiation
20. Operational Efficiency New Initiative #1 Restructure the funding model for phase III efficacy trials to provide incentives for more rapid rates of patient accrual while preserving the funding flexibility of the present system
Current system – large differential between NCI per-case costs and actual clinical trial costs is not sustainable over time for the Coop Groups nor CCOPs
There may be some cost inefficiencies in the current system
Sites that accrue only a few patients per year may result in a high per-case cost because of fixed costs
21. Implementation Plan Conduct a financial analysis of clinical trials costs
Evaluate data quality as a function of patient accrual
Develop a new phase III trial funding model collaboratively with the Cooperative Groups
Align reimbursement with trial complexity
Reduce duplication of administrative functions
Incentivize high accruing, cost-efficient sites
Establish minimum accrual standards
22. Identify the institutional barriers that prolong the time from from concept approval to accrual of the first patient, and develop solutions for overcoming these barriers
23. Operational Efficiency Initiative #3 Develop approaches for enhancing adoption of centralized Institutional Review Board processes
An analysis of the barriers to utilization of the Central IRB has been initiated
Preliminary findings will be presented at the November 2007 CTAC meeting
24. Evaluation and Outcome Measures
Structured evaluation system
Designed by experienced evaluation specialists
Blend of quantitative and qualitative measures
External clinical trials expert panel has reviewed the proposed measures
Baseline evaluation conducted in FY07; analyses underway
Periodic evaluations to assess impact of restructuring