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Penn State Mont Alto 2008-13 Strategic Plan update: Goal 1. Mike Doncheski, Carranda Barkdoll, Craig Houghton, Lois Orndorf. Metrics: Number of additional rewards and recognitions established by 2013
Penn State Mont Alto 2008-13 Strategic Plan update: Goal 1 Mike Doncheski, Carranda Barkdoll, Craig Houghton, Lois Orndorf
Metrics: • Number of additional rewards and recognitions established by 2013 • The percent of full-time faculty who participate in relevant University Disciplinary Community • Number of recognitions on Faculty Activity Reports for participation in interdisciplinary and cross-unit collaboration on an annual basis • Dollar value of the Honors Program (Vernon and Elaine Shockley) endowed scholarship in 2013 • Number of faculty who participate in study abroad programs on an annual basis and document financial support that was received • Number of documented technological instructional improvements in Faculty Activity Reports on an annual basis • Creation of a web presence and documentation of the number of emails and brochures announcing teaching resources • Number of opportunities for student community involvement on an annual basis • Completed outcomes assessment plans for programs, courses, and general education • Annual dollar expenditures on the enhancement of the learning environment (such as classrooms, labs, and technology) Goal 1: Continue to support teaching, research and service to enhance academic excellence and student achievement.
Objectives: • Support and enhance faculty enthusiasm about their teaching, research, service, advising, and outreach (Metric 1) • Enhance curricular consistency and rigor on the Mont Alto campus (Metric ?) • Encourage faculty to take greater advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other faculty in teaching and research on and off campus (Metrics 2 & 3 ) • Enhance financial support for the Honors Program (Metric 4) • Increase faculty utilization of available resources to improve teaching (Metric 6) • Expand the understanding and use of alternate instructional delivery systems (Metric 6) • Enhance student experience through greater applied learning opportunities in international programs, service learning, internships, and undergraduate research (Metrics 5 & 8) • Increase student civic engagement (Metric 8) • Develop an outcomes assessment plan for courses, programs, and general education (Metric 9) • Enhance the overall student learning environment including both curricular and co-curricular activities (Metric 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10) Goal 1: Continue to support teaching, research and service to enhance academic excellence and student achievement.
5. Increase faculty utilization of available resources to improve teaching 6. Expand the understanding and use of alternate instructional delivery systems 8. Increase student civic engagement 10. Enhance the overall student learning environment including both curricular and co-curricular activities What we did well!
Metric 6: • Course in College Teaching delivered at PSMA summer 2012; traveling IDS and Media Commons consultants to campus frequently • Increase in number of online, hybrid and video conference course offerings by Mont Alto faculty; Partner with CE to deliver courses on-campus and off in a variety of formats (face-to-face, hybrid, videoconference, WebEx) • 88% of full-time faculty surveyed indicate that they utilize technology in some or all of their courses 5. Increase faculty utilization of available resources to improve teaching6. Expand the understanding and use of alternate instructional delivery systems
Metric 8: • Student Affairs increased opportunities for students to engage in community service. Programs increased from 8 in 2010-2011, to 14 in 2011-2012, and 17 in 2012-2013. • THON continues to be the largest student organization on campus, with more than 80 students involved. In 2012-2013 Mont Alto students increased the amount they raised for the Four Diamonds Fund to a record $33,000. • Student Affairs provided support and guidance for seven students and a faculty member who participated in an Alternative Spring Break trip in 2011-2012. • Athletics worked with student athletes in 2012-2013 to sponsor Dig Pink (a volleyball fundraiser for breast cancer), a fundraiser for PCAR, and the John Benchoff Basketball Tournament. • Many of the service learning projects noted below promote civic engagement. • Writer’s Blocks on Constitution Day promote civic awareness and engagement. 8. Increase student civic engagement
Metrics 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10 • Metric 4: • See later • Metric 5: • Cheryl Cheek and Robin Yaure participated in HDFS in Rome/Italy each summer, 2008-2012; Peggy Russo and Lisa White participated in the Bard in Britain, summer 2013 (approximately $6700); Deb Mirdamadi conducted a site visit in India in preparation for study abroad in 2014 (approximately $600) 10. Enhance the overall student learning environment including both curricular and co-curricular activities • Metric 6: • See previous slide
Metric 8: • Student Affairs collaboration with athletics regarding intramural and recreational programs • Student Affairs collaboration with Information Technology Services regarding Wiestling hall improvements • Student Affairs collaboration with Academic Affairs regarding curricular and co-curricular activities (PAWS, Writer’s Blocks, student transitions to UP, etc.) • Student Affairs Activity Calendar • Student Affairs work with student veterans • Academic Affairs/Academic Support Center initiatives (Structured Learning Assistant program, peer and professional tutoring, skills workshops, etc.)
Metric 10: • Approximately $163k invested in Science Lab Improvements between 2008 and 2013 • Approximately $25.5k per year in student computer lab room updates; approximately $40k in Summer 2012 to upgrade 101A GS • Approximately $150k of campus funds devoted to UCIF Classroom improvements; including University Park contributions, approximately $300k devoted to classroom improvements
1. Support and enhance faculty enthusiasm about their teaching, research, service, advising, and outreach 4. Enhance financial support for the Honors Program 7. Enhance student experience through greater applied learning opportunities in international programs, service learning, internships, and undergraduate research 9.Develop an outcomes assessment plan for courses, programs, and general education What we do and must continue (to improve)!
Metric 1: • Four faculty have been promoted to senior instructor • One nominee each for University-level Faculty Outreach, Engagement, Teaching (Atherton) and PSEAS Teaching Awards; one nomination successful • Five nominees for University Advising awards • Five awards of the Penn Stater Faculty award • Four awards of the Martha A. Fisher full-time and one part-time • Five Mont Alto Faculty Scholar awards 1. Support and enhance faculty enthusiasm about their teaching, research, service, advising, and outreach
Metric 4: • The Honors Program receives $5000 per year, plus course releases for the Program Co-coordinators and the Honors Committee Chair amounting to an additional $5000 per year) • Endowments for scholarships Outstanding Academic Achievement = $250k 4. Enhance financial support for the Honors Program
Metric 5: See earlier slide • Metric 8: • Dramatically increased support for Internships on campus; Chancellor initiated the process to centralize internships on campus (CE and program faculty explore new internship opportunities, Career Services serves as single point of contact; improved communication between Career Services and employers, students and faculty concerning internships • Service learning: inter-disciplinary projects (Lumberjack iStan and Raised Bed Gardens at Quincy Home) plus additional opportunities HD FS @ Quincy Home, IST Database for OT/PT Fieldwork sites, IST Web design project… 7. Enhance student experience through greater applied learning opportunities in international programs, service learning, internships, and undergraduate research • No Metric: • Undergraduate research: oversee OUE funds (currently $1450 per year), Schatz and Eckert endowed funds (Schatz Undergraduate Research Award endowment = $125,000; Eckert Memorial Conservation Undergraduate Student Research Stipend endowment = $34,560.12), and some campus funds to support undergraduate research.
Metric 9: • Arranged for 14 full-time campus faculty to attend one of three Assessment workshops by Linda Suskie; Suzanne Weinstein presenting on Assessment at August Professional Development Day • Cooperating with OUE, ACUE, UC on program and general education assessment, providing campus program assessment plans and progress reports to Tanya Furman • Assessment plans in place for 2NURS, NURN, 2OTCC, PTA as required by accreditors; other BACC program assessment plans are in preparation by the University College; campus assessment plan in place utilizing a rubric-based assessment in ENGL 015/030 and CAS 100 • Campus Life staff establish learning objectives and assessments for programs offered through residence life, student activities, and new student orientation. Staff members conduct formal assessments on at least 20 programs each year • Campus Life staff use the IMPACTS Model to track attendance, success and areas for improvement for every program offered • Student Affairs staff incorporate the CAS Standards (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education) when designing learning objectives and outcomes for programs. Programming models are intentional and based on student development theory • The orientation planning committee developed learning objectives and outcomes for NSO2 and Orientation Leader training • 176 Mont Alto students responded to the 2010 Student Satisfaction survey. Results were compiled and highlights and recommendations were shared with campus constituencies 9. Develop an outcomes assessment plan for courses, programs, and general education
2. Enhance curricular consistency and rigor on the Mont Alto campus – No Metric directly associated with objective 3. Encourage faculty to take greater advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other faculty in teaching and research on and off campus Metric 7: Creation of a web presence and documentation of the number of emails and brochures announcing teaching resources – No objective directly associated with Metric What we “did not do well!”
64% of full-time faculty responding to a survey indicate that they participate in University College or University disciplinary communities • Interdisciplinary service learning projects:Lumberjack iStan, Raised Bed Gardens at Quincy Home, Retro Room at Quincy Home • 48% of full-time faculty responding to a survey indicate that they participate in interdisciplinary or cross-unit collaborations in their role as Penn State Mont Alto faculty 3. Encourage faculty to take greater advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other faculty in teaching and research on and off campus
Important enough? Encourage faculty to take greater advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other faculty in teaching and research on and off campus. In line with Core Council recommendation regarding sharing of campus resources. Creation of a web presence and documentation of the number of emails and brochures announcing teaching resources.
Concentrate on a smaller number of objectives and strategies: combine similar objectives • Metrics must be meaningful (measuring the results of an objective or strategy) and practical (can extract the required information easily, e.g., “Number of documented technological instructional improvements in Faculty Activity Reports on an annual basis” there is no single category for instructional improvements in Digital Measures (FAR) database). • Each Objective has at least one Metric directly associated with it (and vice versa) Lessons learned?