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Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks: from GSM to LTE. Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks: from GSM to LTE. GSM. GSM system – introduction 1/3. GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication Operates in 900 and 1800 MHz
Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks: from GSM to LTE
Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks: from GSM to LTE GSM
GSM system – introduction 1/3 • GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication • Operates in 900 and 1800 MHz • Access to the radio link is based on frequency division multiple access (FDMA) and time division multiple access (TDMA) • Each band available for the system is divided into channels with bandwidth of 200 kHz • For the GSM 900 system there are 124 available channels (separate for the uplink and downlink direction), and for the GSM 1800 374 channels
GSM system – architecture 1/6 • In the GSM system three basic subsystems can be distinguished: • base station subsystem (BSS) • core network (CN) • user equipment (UE) • Between particular elements of the system the interfaces are defined
GSM system – architecture 2/6 • Base station subsystem – includes system of base stations and their controllers • Base station provide optimum radio coverage of a given area and communicates with user equipment over air interface • The operation of the base station subsystem is controlled by the base station controller (BSC) • This manages radio resources allocation, controlls the setting-up of calls, gathers results of measurements carried out by base station and mobile station • The BSC is also responisble for power controll and handover controll • Interface A enables the BSS system to be connected to mobile switching center (MSC) • Interface Gb connects BSS with packet switching element
GSM system – architecture 3/6 • The main elements of the core network are: • mobile switching center (MSC) • visitor’s location register (VLR) • home location register (HLR) • authentication ceter (AUC) • equipment identification register (EIR) • serving GPRS support node (SGSN) • gateway GPRS support node (GGSN)
GSM system – architecture 5/6 • MSC basic task is to control and regulate services provided by the system, circuit switching, and gathering billing information • VLR registry keeps information concerning mobile stations available in the area of one, or several, MSC switching centers • SGSN is the equivalent of the MSC switching center of packet switching • GGSN is an interface between the mobile packet network and external packet networks
GSM system – architecture 6/6 • HLR is a central database that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber authorized to use the GSM core network and includes authorization data • AUC generates sets of keys used in encryption of transmission, identifies the mobile station and the network, and controls and regulates the integrity of transmitted data • EIR is a data base that keeps a list of numbers identifying a given mobile station – IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
GSM system – time structure 1/3 • In the GSM system each carrier frequency is divided into eight time slots • Packet transmission is commenced every 4.615 ms and single bit lasts 3.69 µs • Typical packet, except access packet, has 148 bits, thus its duration is about 546 µs • The duration of a single time slot is 577 µs, wich allows for maintaining a steady interval between successively transmitted packets
GSM system – logical channels 1/4 • Logical channels can be divided into two categories: • control channels – are used to set up a connection in the radio network for transmission of control data • traffic channels – are used to transmit user data • In the GSM system, speech signals are transmitted with traffic channels (TCHs). Speech can be transmitted at full rate, 13 kbps, or at half rate, 6.5 kbps
GSM system – logical channels 3/4 • Frequency correction channel (FCCH) – used by the mobile station to tune to the carrier frequency, a frequency correction burst is transmitted on the channel by generating unmodulated sine waves • Synchronization channel (SCH) – transmits base station identity code (BSIC), which allows the mobile station to identify the base station and to convey synchronization information • Broadcast control channel (BCCH) – used for transmission of control information such as: radio channel frequency used by a given cell, neighbor cell list, information on the paging channel, configuration of logical channels in the base station • Paging channel (PCH) – with the PCH the base station initiates a connection with the mobile station
GSM system – logical channels 4/4 • Random access channel (RACH) – used by mobile station for initial access to a system (with the RACH the mobile station initiates a connection with base station) • Access grant channel (AGCH) – used by the base station to assign resources to a mobile station requesting access to the network • Stand alone dedicated control channel (SDCCH) – used to provide a reliable connection for signaling and SMS messages, for authentication, and to provide information on location update • Slowassociated control channel (SACCH) – supports the SDCCH channel, used for sending network measurement reports and information related to power control procedures • Fast associated control channel (FACCH) – coupled with the speech channel, used for immediate transmission of information related to, for example, cell handover
High SpeedCircuitSwitched Data 1/4 • High Speed Circuit Switched Data is an additional feature of the GSM network and was introduced in phase 2 • HSCSD technology enables a simultaneous application of several speech channels for a single data transmission link • A connection can be set up that makes use simultaneously of n channels (time slots) in the radio interface, where n takes on the values n = 1; 2; ...; 8 • A HSCSD connection can be set up only when the mobile station is capable of using several radio channels simultaneously • Additional modifications are needed in the BSS system that involve multiplexing of a component data stream in one 64 kbps channel of A interface
High SpeedCircuitSwitched Data 2/4 • A HSCSD connection can have a symmetrical configuration – the same number of speech channels is allocated for the uplink and the downlink direction – or a non-symmetrical configuration • A non-symmetrical configuration is chosen when the subscriber requirements cannot be accomplished in a symmetrical configuration • The maximum link transmission speed that can be achieved by the HSCSD technology depends on the number of channels used in the radio interface and on the applied coding • Due to a necessity of transmitting all channels included in a HSCSD connection in one link 64 kbps in interface A, the transmission speed is limited to 57.6 kbps
GPRS PacketTransmission 1/6 • The implementation of packet transmission in the GSM system requires changes in the structure of the system • New elements are included in the network – SGSN and GGSN nodes • According to the assumptions given in 3GPP specification, GPRS should allow: • pulse data transmission in which time interval between individual moments of transmission is considerably higher than the average transmission delay • frequent transmission (several times per minute) of small amount of data (bursty data transfer up to 500 octets) • occasional transmission of large volumes of data
GPRS PacketTransmission 2/6 • The GPRS technology makes it possible to transmit data in several channels. Within one packet connection, the mobile station as well as the base station can make simultaneous use of 8 time slots in a frame • All users of a packet service can share resources available for data transmission that are allocated, due to the asymmetry of traffic, separately for the uplink and for the downlink direction • The radio interface resources can be dynamically shared by speech service and packet data transmission depending on the configuration of the network
GPRS PacketTransmission 3/6 • Following logical channels, responsible for transmission of data and signalling information are introduced: • Packet Common Control Channel (PCCCH) • Packet Random Access Channel (PRACH) – used by the mobile station to initiate uplink transfer of user data or signalling information • Packet Paging Channel (PPCH) – used to page a mobile station preceding downlink direction packet transfer. The channel can also be used for establishing speech connections • Packet Access Grant Channel (PAGCH) – used in the packet transfer establishment phase to send resource assignment to a mobile station preceding packet transfer • Packet Notification Channel (PNCH) – used to send point to multipoint multicast notification information to a group of mobile stations preceding multicast packet transfer
GPRS PacketTransmission 4/6 • Following logical channels, responsible for transmission of data and signalling information are introduced: • Packet Broadcast Control Channel (PBCCH) – used to broadcast packet system information • Packet Data Traffic Channel (PDTCH) – allocated for user data transfer. Several PDTCH channels can be allocated to a given mobile station. They can be allocated temporarily to one or more mobile stations • Packet Associated Control Channel (PACCH) – used to transmit signalling information related to a given mobile station, such as those related to power control or packet reception acknowledgement messages • Packet Timing Advance Control Channel, Uplink (PTCCH/U) – used to ensure that the correct timing advance is maintained for each mobile station. In the uplink direction, the channel is used by a mobile station to send an access burst • Packet Timing Advance Control Channel, Downlink (PTCCH/D) – used to send packets in the downlink direction to assess the needed timing advance in order to achieve frame synchronization
GPRS PacketTransmission 5/6 • Four coding schemes (CS) have been defined for the GPRS transmission: CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4 • Particular schemes are characterized by different user data transmission speed and by a various degree of error protection procedures • CS-1 coding, due to its highest level of protection (error correction), is used for channels with highest interference and for signalling channels • CS-4 coding enables the fastest data transmission speed – 21,4 kbps for one channel, but has no protection
EDGE PacketTrasnmission 1/2 • Voice transmission in the GSM system and the GPRS packet transmission uses the Gaussian minimumshiftkeying (GMSK) modulation. This is a binary modulation withspeed of 270.833 kbps • EDGE technology achiveshigher speed value with the same bandwidth of the radio channel thanks multivalue, eight-levelphaseshiftkeyingmodulation (8PSK) • EDGE usesninecodingschemes: MCS-1 – MCS-9 • Eachcodingschemeischaracterized by a different data transmissionspeed and data protection • Transmissionspeed for one PDTCH channel with MCS-1 codingis 8.8 kbps, for MCS-9 codingschemeis 59.2 kbps