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Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Dr. Linda Stevenson, APN Programme Manager (on behalf of Dr. Gerhard Breulmann, IAI Scientific Officer). IAI Member Countries. 1. Argentina 16. Peru 2. Bolivia 17. United States of America 3. Brazil 18. Uruguay
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research(IAI) Dr. Linda Stevenson, APN Programme Manager(on behalf of Dr. Gerhard Breulmann, IAI Scientific Officer)
IAI Member Countries 1. Argentina 16. Peru 2. Bolivia 17. United States of America 3. Brazil 18. Uruguay 4. Canada 19. Venezuela 5. Chile 6. Colombia 7. Costa Rica 8. Cuba 9. Dominican Republic 10. Ecuador 11. Guatemala 12. Jamaica 13. Mexico 14. Panama 15. Paraguay = Non Annex I
IAI’s MISSION “IAI’s Mission is to Develop the Capacity to Understand the Integrated Impacts of Present and Future Global Changes on Regional and Continental Environments in the Americas and to Promote Collaborative Research and Informed Action at all Levels.” (IAI Scientific Advisory Committee, 1997)
IAI’s GOAL To Augment the Scientific Capacity of the Region to Better Understand the Global Change Related Phenomena and their Socioeconomic Implications, and to Next Promote, at all Levels, the Dissemination of the Emerging Information.
Strategy for IAI Programmatic Development Start - Up Grants (SG) ‘96 -’97 Assembling scientific teams and planning research. 37 projects, 1 year, ~US$ 50K Initial Science Programs (ISP) ‘97 - ‘02 Promote initial scientific activities. 39 projects, 3 years, US$ 200K PESCA ‘00 - ‘02 Expanding Scientific Capacity 11 projects, 1 year, ~US$ 30K Collaborative Research Network Program (CRN) ‘99 – ‘04 ‘Full Research Networks’ 14 projects, 5 years, ~ US$ 820K
3rd CRN/IAI - IGBP Meeting’Building Global Change Networks in the Americas’ Mendoza, Argentina, January 2003- Major regional scientific meeting - approx. 70 participants- Platform to link regional (IAI) science to global programs- resulted in MoU with IGBP (signed October 2003, IGFA, Johannesburg)
Revision of IAI Science AgendaI - Understanding Climate Change and Variability in the AmericasII - Comparative Studies of Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Land Use and Cover, and Water Resources in the AmericasIII - Understanding Global Change Modulations of the Composition of the Atmosphere, Oceans and Fresh WatersIV - Understanding the Human Dimensions and Policy Implications of Global Change, Climate Variability and Land Use
Current Programs/Projects- 14 Collaborative Research Networks, CRNs (5-years, min. 4 countries, up to US$820K)’- 16 projects under Small Grants I (1-year, min. 3 countries, up to US$ 30K)- 3 IAI Summer Institutes (thematic, 2-3 weeks, approx. 20 participants/institute) – in collaboration with other orgs.
Small Grants Program II (SGPII)- Total budget for SGP II US$640K - One-year projects, min. 3 countries participation, up to US$ 30K, - Purpose of SGP II is network development (prep for CRN II)- 86 proposals received- 48 “fundable”!! (high quality of proposals)- 22 approved for funding (11 Res; 8 WS; 3 Tech Rep.)Projects starting in March/April 2004
Streamlining of IAI proposals process- Regular (annual/) call for Small Grants (12-18mths projects, US$ ~30K, 3 countries). Emphasis of call will change according to the needs (identified by IAI SAC)- Maybe earmark some funds for ‘young’ scientists- Fully Web-based submission system
Planning of second round of CRNs- Open call- No thematic Focus (all IAI Agenda Themes)- Conditional funding for 4 or 5 years (Evaluation in Year 2 or 3)- max. US$ 200K/a; 4 countries minimum participation- Timeline to be approved by CoP in July 2004(launch the call in early 2005??)
● Synthesis of past IAI programs - Start-up Grants (SG) - Initial Science Programs (ISP) - Program to Expand Scientific Capacity in the Americas (PESCA)● Launch of 2-3 new IAI Training Institutes in collaboration with other orgs/programs (e.g. IHDP, UNDP)
Summary Info ‘Participation’ • * Number in parenthesis is at program start in 1999 • ** Number of DIFFERENT institutions/scientists
For further details about IAI please contactDr. Gerhard BreulmannIAI Scientific Officergerhard@dir.iai.intURL: www.iai.int