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Crime & Fear Analysis in New Cross Gate NDC Workshop

Explore case studies on crime and fear in New Cross Gate NDC, analyzing notifiable offenses, hotspots, fear patterns among ethnic groups & low-income households. Utilize additional geographical and temporal data for comprehensive research.

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Crime & Fear Analysis in New Cross Gate NDC Workshop

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  1. National data – local knowledge NDC National Evaluation Workshop A: Measuring crime and the fear of crime Case study: New Cross Gate NDC

  2. Measuring crime and the fear of crime Examples from New Cross Gate NDC Steve Broome, Evaluation and Strategy Manager 5 December 2006

  3. This presentation • Notifiable crime • Experience of crime • Fear of crime • Additional data New Cross Gate NDC

  4. Notifiable offences New Cross Gate NDC

  5. Notifiable offences New Cross Gate NDC

  6. Notifiable offences • Temporal analysis – identifying spikes in offending • Geographical analysis – locating hotspots • theft 4pm – 6pm along main high street • burglary on isolated estate 8pm – 10pm • robbery 12am – 2am outside late night venue New Cross Gate NDC

  7. Crime and fear of crime New Cross Gate NDC

  8. Crime and fear of crime • Fear of crime: burglary • White ethnic groups, particularly older people, fearful of having home broken into • Experience of crime: burglary • Economically inactive and low income households most likely to suffer break-ins New Cross Gate NDC

  9. Additional data • Geo-coded data – can the MORI and SDRC be broken down into neighbourhoods within NDC areas? • Time series – can the longitudinal element of the MORI survey be provided to track individual answers from 2002 to 2004 to 2006? • Data on concentration of victimisation • Data from local research very important – when and where crime and fear of crime occur, impact on behaviour, local solutions New Cross Gate NDC

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