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Current Events 5th Grade

Name: __________________ Signature: ______________ Date of Presentation ______________. Current Events 5th Grade.

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Current Events 5th Grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Name: __________________ Signature: ______________ Date of Presentation ______________ Current Events 5th Grade • Choose a world, national or local news article that is informative and interesting. The article may be from a newspaper or magazine. Please no articles about sports, sport stars, movie stars or violence. Use a newspaper or an online source. Some online sources are bookmarked on Mrs. D’Arcy’s website. • First summarize the article. Your summary should be at least 10-12 sentences in length. • Next write an additional paragraph stating your opinion about the article. Use the “Opinion Helpers” page to help. Your opinion should be at least 4 or 5 sentences. • Use the attached form for your summary and opinion. Staple the article to your summary. The summary and opinion must be hand-written. • Prepare 2 questions about the article that you will ask your classmates. These should be open ended. • Present your article to your classmates. This presentation should sound just like your written report. Lead a discussion on your article based on your questions. You may not hold your paper during your presentation, but you may use a notecard. Use this checklist to help you prepare for your current events day. check

  2. Name: ________________________ Due Date: ______________ Title of Article: ____________________________________________________ Source of Article: _________________________________________________ Type of Story: world national local Summary (at least 10-12 sentences) Start with something catchy to grab the reader’s attention!

  3. Opinion. Write your opinion about the event in 4-5 sentences. Use your Opinion Helpers! Write 2 questions to ask the class. Be sure these questions are ones that we can discuss. (opinion questions) Grade: Presentation:_________ Summary: _____________(see rubric for details)

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