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The Parity Violation A4 Experiment at forward and backward angles. Sebastian Baunack for the A4 collaboration. Strange Form Factors The Mainz A4 Experiment Result at forward angles A look at backward angles. Structure of the Nucleon. Contribution of s-quarks to the vector current.
The Parity Violation A4 Experiment at forward and backward angles Sebastian Baunack for the A4 collaboration • Strange Form Factors • The Mainz A4 Experiment • Result at forward angles • A look at backward angles Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Structure of the Nucleon Contribution of s-quarks to the vector current Constituent Quarks QCD: sea quarks, gluons… e- • Electromagnetic interaction • Weak interaction e- Z0 g p Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
PV Asymmetry Weak interaction: Parity violation Flavour Decomposition of form factors: • Universality of quark distribution, charge symmetry… Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Extraction of Strange FF Strangeness contribution : No strangeness Standard model calculation Strange FF extractable! Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A4 Kinematics Detector rotated Detector 35º e- p-Target Forward angles: sensitive to E=854.3 MeV Q2= 0.23 (GeV/c)2 A0= -6.30 ppm E=570.4 MeV Q2= 0.11 (GeV/c)2 A0= -2.08 ppm with h ~ Q2 [in GeV/c)2] Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A4 Kinematics Detector rotated Detector 145º e- p-Target (and the axial term) Backward angles: sensitive to E=315.1 MeV Q2= 0.23 (GeV/c)2 A0= -16.2 ppm (AV=-13.6 ppm , AA=-2.6 ppm) Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Statistics Count elastic events N+, N- with Meas. Time 1100 h 400 h 600 h Q2= 0.11 (GeV/c)2forward: Ntotal=1 x 1014 Q2= 0.23 (GeV/c)2 forward: Ntotal=1 x 1013 Q2= 0.23 (GeV/c)2 backward:Ntotal=1 x 1012 5% Accuracy: A4: Large solid angle (0.6 sr) PbF2 calorimeter Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A4 Experiment at MAMI MAMI E=854.3 MeV E=570.4 MeV Compton Laser Backscatter Polarimeter PbF2 Calorimeter Transmisson Compton Polarimeter 10 cm liquid hydrogen target Luminosity monitors Polarized GaAs electron source I=20 mA, P=80% Forward angle configuration Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A4 Experiment at MAMI MAMI E=854.3 MeV E=570.4 MeV Compton Laser Backscatter Polarimeter PbF2 Calorimeter Transmisson Compton Polarimeter Scintillator 20 cm liquid hydrogen target Luminosity monitors Polarized GaAs electron source I=20 mA, P=80% Backward angle configuration Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Polarized electron source • Superlattice GaAs Photocathode • Pockels cell: Rapid helicity flip every 20 ms • Rotatable halfwave plate: Current asymmetry < 10 ppm • Insertable halfwave plate:Slow helicity reversal every 50-80 h, systematic check => K. Aulenbacher, May 20, 18:00 Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Compton Backscatter Polarimeter => J. Diefenbach, May 20, 16:30 Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
PbF2 Calorimeter • 1022 PbF2 crystals in 7 rings and 146 frames • Pure Cerenkov radiator, intrinsically fast • Solid angle: • W=0.6 sr, 0£F£2p • 30°£Q£40°or140°£Q£150° • Total rate» 100MHz • Sum of 3x3 crystals Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Luminosity monitors • 8 Integrating water Cerenkov detectors • Measurements every 20ms • Small forward angles, 4.4°£Q£10°,optimized for Moller electrons Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Transmission Compton Polarimeter (TCP) • Determination of electron spin angle • Relative measurement of polarization • Control of halfwave plate status Asymmetry/10-5 Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Forward angle measurements PbF2 Energy spectrum Single channel, Q=34.1° E=854.3 MeV Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 I = 20mA, t = 2.5min Fit: Double Gaussian plus exponential Calc. energy resolution Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Forward angle measurements • Calculate low ADC cut: Can be choosen, We use k=1.6 From fit • High ADC cut: • No difficulty Elastic events N+, N- Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Forward angle measurements PbF2 Energy spectrum Single channel, Q=34.1° E = 570.4 MeV Q2 = 0.11 (GeV/c)2 I = 20mA, t = 2.5min Also clean extraction of elastic events Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Analysis For each 5min run: 2044 spectra (+/-) Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Analysis • Elastic events for one run: with r target density • Experimental Asymmetry: P: Beam polarisation X1: Current asymmetry X2: Horiz. position diff. X3: Verti. Position diff. X4: Horiz. angle diff. X5: Verti. angle diff. X6: Energy diff. • Determination of ai via multiple linear regression Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A4@MAMI, forward angle Q2= 0.23 (GeV/c)2 APV=(-5.44±0.54stat±0.26syst) ppm F.E. Maas et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.93:022002 (2004) Q2= 0.11 (GeV/c)2 APV=(-1.36± 0.29stat±0.13syst) ppm F.E. Maas et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.94:152001 (2005)
Detector 35º e- p-Target Detector 145º e- To the backward measurements p-Target => B. Gläser, May 17, 18:30 Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward angle PbF2 Energy spectrum Single channel, Q=145.9° E=315.1 MeV Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 I = 20mA, t = 2.5min PbF2 spectrum Coincidence spectrum Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward angle PbF2 Energy spectrum Single channel, Q=145.9° E=315.1 MeV Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 I = 20mA, t = 2.5min PbF2 spectrum Coincidence spectrum • A4 Standard fit possible • Elastic events extractable Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward angle Noncoincidence spectrum N+back, N-back: Background analysis N+coinc, N-coinc: used for the preliminary analysis Coincidence spectrum Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Background subtraction • In development Estimate background dilution factor e Subtract background: Coincsub(ADC)=Coinc(ADC)-e×Back(ADC) Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Background subtraction Coincidence spectrum • Good estimation of background dilution • fit possible Coincidence spectrum with background substracted Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward angle, beam parameter Asymmetries and differences in current, position, angle, energy: The smaller, the better Beam current Asymmetry Mean: -0.31 ppm s: 4.36 ppm N: 8037 Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward angle, beam parameter Beam parameter False Asymmetry |AFalse| (Estimation) 0.31 ppm Current Asymmetry AI -0.31 ppm Horiz. position diff. DX -0.10 mm Verti. position diff. DY -0.04 mm Horiz. angle diff. DX‘ -7.41 nrad Verti. angle diff. DY‘ -3.00 nrad Energy diff. DE -0.21 eV 0.15 ppm 0.06 ppm 0.03 ppm 0.01 ppm 0.00 ppm Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
A look at luminosity Luminosity asymmetry vs time Luminosity asymmetry smaller than 1 ppm Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Spin angle determination • E=315.1 MeV • Rotate electron spin with Wienfilter • Asymmetry in TCP polarimeter sensitive to longitudinal spin • QS=(1.6±6) ° Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Backward asymmetries • Done: • Extraction of elastic events with standard A4 method • Partly corrections of helicity correlated false asymmetries • Polarization correction (based on a preliminary analysis) • Ongoing: • Development of new fit and background subtraction • Full analysis of helicity correlated false asymmetries • Target density analysis • Systematic check of energy spectra (more than 25x106 so far) • And so on… Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 backward Very preliminary About 550h of data Nelastic=1.6x1012 Aout = (-14.0 ± 1.9) ppm Ain = (+17.2 ±1.8) ppm Acoinc= (-15.8 ± 1.3) ppm Coincidence data • Halfwave plate sign flip observable • In/Out asymmetries consistent • Asymmetries have expected magnitude Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 backward Very preliminary Noncoincidence data Nbackground=3.1x1012 Aout = (-4.6 ± 1.4) ppm Ain = (+3.2 ±1.3) ppm Aback= (-3.9 ± 0.9) ppm • Bg. asmmytries by a factor of 4 smaller than coinc. asymmetries Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 backward Some speculation: Acoinc= (-15.8 ± 1.3) ppm Aback= (-3.9 ± 0.9) ppm Assume dilution factor e=0.1 APV= (-17.1 ± 1.4) ppm No strangeness: A0=-16.2 ppm => Not very strange…… But: Analysis very preliminary!! Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06
Summary and Outlook • PVA4 setup successfully rearranged for backward measurements • 550 hours of backward data taken at Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 • First results look reasonable • Analysis in ongoing • Measurements at Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 will continue soon • (June 2006) Sebastian Baunack, PAVI06