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Unit 209 : Promote children’s and young people’s behaviour. My views of behaviour problems- can you sort these by rank order. Pupils’ inner emotions must always be considered as valid reasons for behaviours.
My views of behaviour problems- can you sort these by rank order... Pupils’ inner emotions must always be considered as valid reasons for behaviours We need to realise that pupils are greatly influenced by their own families, the neighbourhoods they live in, their peers, and TV No matter how limited a pupil’s abilities are, we should give them the responsibility to make choices and decisions We should nurture the pupil’s creativity and self-expression as much as possible
We should always be firm but fair in taking disciplinary action A good TA may discuss several alternative disciplinary actions when a pupils breaks a school/ class rule If a TA is unhappy about how a rule/ positive behaviour can be enforced, they should discuss this with the teacher We should ensure that all pupils understand what is expected of them, and how they can manage those expectations Sometimes it is a good idea to ignore negative behaviours
Behaviour management: a process (Wolfgang, 2005) 1. Rules and consequences 3. Relationships and learning 2. Confronting and contracting • Other people’s perspectives • Teamwork • Resourcing • Coping • Prevention • Feedback • Open and honest • Recognising individual needs • Looking for ‘win/ win’ situations • Taking responsibility • Involve pupils • Clear, positive and enforceable • Few • evaluated, reviewed
My list of negative/ challenging behaviours... Small, not intrusive to well-being of class: Beginning to develop further, becoming disruptive to others: Full-scale, challenging behaviours:
Cann Bridge Positive Behaviour policy and strategy... Attendance policy
What’s worked well in terms of managing behaviour? consistency Parent support communication Teamwork! Pupil involvement Motivating work for pupil Relationship development Liaising with other agencies/ professionals Time and space
Values and expectations: how I perceive behaviour in the classroom (score 1-10, 1 totally disagree/ 10 totally agree) Sometimes I let a behaviour ‘go’ because I know that pupils has a special problem today... When I’m tired and feeling a bit down I’m less tolerant towards negative behaviours... I sometimes ‘take it personally’ when a pupil refuses to cooperate with me... I like it best when the class is really quiet and everyone is working ‘on-task’ I’m not always sure of the best way to manage a negative behaviour... I really enjoy managing challenging behaviours I’m not always sure that the real cause of behaviour problem has been identified...
Causes of negative behaviours- example, please... Demonstrating/ challenging power Attention-seeking Seeking revenge Inadequacy/ notions of ‘self’ Stage of development (eg adolescence) Physical/ mental health Role-models Not understanding what to do Environment
Why managing behaviour can be difficult... Lack of professional support Lack of opportunity to share ideas/ opinions External factors, eg environment Resourcing • Lack of understanding of pupil’s needs: • Medical • Emotional • psychological Unpredictability to behaviour patterns
Reflective questions Is pupil behaviour getting more complex and challenging in schools? What advantages do TAs specifically possess in dealing with difficult and disruptive behaviour?
Test your knowledge! • What behaviour support policies relevant to your setting? • How does the school make pupils aware of boundaries/ rules? • How do you promote positive behaviour on a regular basis? • What professionals could you draw upon to help you manage challenging behaviours? • How can pupils be encouraged to discuss/ communicate their behaviour issues?