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Reorganizing the Field Training Program for the 21 st Century

Reorganizing the Field Training Program for the 21 st Century. Steve Pendergrass June 2001. Introduction. “Socialize them yourself or someone else will”

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Reorganizing the Field Training Program for the 21 st Century

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  1. Reorganizing the Field Training Program for the 21st Century Steve Pendergrass June 2001 UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  2. Introduction • “Socialize them yourself or someone else will” • Socialize them correctly while you have the chance, or take the chance that someone else will socialize them inconsistent with Department goals and values. UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  3. Where Socialization Begins • Training Academy • FTProgram • Failure to provide best training and socialization in both programs results in officers who provide less than peak ability and commitment to community. UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  4. Problem and Analysis • Two basic problems face the FTProgram • FTPCoordinator has no control over program • No FTProgram Support Staff UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  5. Failure to Understand the Program • None of top or mid-level administrators participated in San Jose model program currently in use • Few patrol Sergeants served as FTOs under current program • Result is lack of understanding of needs and goals of the current FTProgram UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  6. Most Patrol Supervisors … • View the FTProgram as a nuisance they must contend with • Fail to understand why program is important to Department • Commanders feel they can train rookies better themselves • Adherence to FTProgram varies from Area Command-to-Area Command UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  7. San Jose Model • San Jose Model FTProgram adopted in early 1990s • APD continues to use patrol to administer this program • Administration fails to completely understand needs of program • Use of patrol to administer program will never result in proper emphasis of training UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  8. Need for a FTProgram Staff • FTProgram is a high maintenance training program • Program must be kept current with… • Dept. policy changes • Academy Training • Tactical and patrol procedures • Etc. UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  9. FTPCoordinator • Only one person currently assigned to administer program • Keep up in changes in Department • Changes in Academy instruction • Monitor PPOs • Train new FTOs • Maintain program records, etc. UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  10. Response • FTProgram reorganized to an autonomous unit of Training Division • Training Station concept established • Number of FTOs reduced & supplemented by FTO Alternates UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  11. FTProgram Organization UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  12. Advantages • Planning • FTOs used as trainers • Academy • In-Service • Show-Ups • No additional cost to Department UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  13. Sgts supervise FTOs and PPOs directly in field • Sgts familiar with FTProgram and its needs • Personally able to monitor PPO progress • FTOs not performing up to program standards can be removed from program UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  14. PPOs remain assigned to Training Division for duration of FTProgram • Easier to reassign to different FTOs when needed • Can be reassigned to Academy for remedial training • Transferred to patrol bureau when released to single car status UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  15. Commanders Retain Effective Control Over Quality of Program • Board made up of Area Commanders • Allows Commanders to judge quality of product turned out by Academy and FTProgram • Places pressure on PPOs and FTOs • Success or failure of PPOs reflection of trainer’s personal and professional capabilities UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  16. Equal Commitment to FTProgram • FTProgram must have a staff in order to keep up with maintenance of program • Mesa P.D. - 750-officer department • 7-officer FTProgram staff • 2 civilians • APD cannot hope to maintain current quality or increase future quality with only one person to maintain the program UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  17. Assessment • Use current Field Training Program Critique UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  18. Assessment • Free-form graph which sets out goals and planned accomplishments for a 3-year period UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  19. THREE YEAR PRACTICAL VISIONTOWARD MODERN PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOWARD EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TOWARD IMPROVED COMMUNICATION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Expand Support Functions Efficiency Through Technology Program Quality Improvement Quality Training Enhanced Career Development Information Sharing (Internal & External) FTO Administrative Sergeant 1 FTO Administrative Officer per 25 OITs FTO Unit vehicles FTO Program Computer Vehicle Mounted Video Cameras (4) FTO Forms on Computer Network Laptops training for recruits in the Academy Report Writing Skills Development Streamline Paperwork/ Forms Comply with CALEA Standards OIT assignment to Districts Testing process for FTO selection OIT/DUI Task Forces Traffic FTOs Patrol lieutenants included in program NAFTO Team FTO Effectiveness Team (CQI) OIT input into Program Development Establish OIT Performance Objectives Annual review of Program components Update PAF inserts for FTOs/FTO Sergeants Training Program for FTOs/Supervisors Advanced FTO Training Arizona POST Instructor and HGN certification for FTOs Establish FTO Training Budget Mesa FTO School Arizona POST approved 5% pay for FTOs during entire 18 week training cycle NAFTO membership for FTOs Representation at the State and National NAFTO Conventions 5:3 FTO/OIT ratio Evaluate FTO Incentive Program Take home car for FTOs Rotate FTOs through special assignments between classes Regular meetings with Hiring & Academy Organize & establish an Arizona  State NAFTO Chapter UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  20. Assessment • Time Line graph which sets out specific times when certain phases of new program should be accomplished or implemented UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  21. Conclusion • Level of commitment by Administration dictates how well recruits will be socialized into the Department • Degree of commitment provided by Department to socialize its new officers will determine the degree of success those new officers will have in providing quality service to the citizens of Austin UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  22. That quality of service will determine how the Austin Police Department is perceived both at home and in the nation UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  23. Remember, UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  24. “Socialize them yourself, UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  25. or someone else will.” UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

  26. The End UT – APD West Point Leadership Program

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