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Extracting Names Using Layout Clues in Genealogical Books

Extracting Names Using Layout Clues in Genealogical Books. Aaron Stewart David W. Embley March 20, 2010. Problem. Process. Finding Names. Name recognition in genealogical texts Focus: Lists, Directories. Finding Names. Which side was easier?.

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Extracting Names Using Layout Clues in Genealogical Books

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Extracting Names Using Layout Clues in Genealogical Books Aaron Stewart David W. Embley March 20, 2010

  2. Problem

  3. Process

  4. Finding Names • Name recognition in genealogical texts • Focus: Lists, Directories

  5. Finding Names Which side was easier? It’s easy for us to spot names… But how does a computer do it?

  6. Finding Names Natural Language Processing Stanford Named Entity Recognizer ? Apache UIMA Framework MEMM CRF

  7. BYU OntoES Ontology Extraction System • Dictionary • Regular Expressions

  8. Part 1: Preprocessing

  9. Ancestry.com Data • Word text • Word bounding boxes • Genres: • Genealogical Books • City Directories • Yearbooks • Newspapers

  10. Page Separator

  11. Line Segment Identifier

  12. RANSAC Margin Finder

  13. Margin Finder – Future Work Key Left Center Right

  14. Margin Finder – Future Work • ABBYY FineReader handles – • Paragraphs • Newspaper columns • But has trouble with – • Hanging indents • Outline indentation (possibly)

  15. Part 2: Pattern Finding

  16. Pattern Finding • Apply baseline name extractor (OntoES) • Apply margin finder and insert markers • Find left and right context for each name • Apply common contexts to extract more names

  17. Pattern Finding 1. Apply baseline name extractor (OntoES)

  18. Pattern Finding 2. Apply margin finder and insert markers LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2

  19. Pattern Finding 3. Find left and right context for each name LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2

  20. Pattern Finding 4. Apply common context patterns to extract more names LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2

  21. Pattern Finding – Sample Results Baseline Results • Precision: 40% • Recall: 31.25% • F1: 35.09% Results of Most Salient Pattern • Precision: 51.52% • Recall: 53.12% • F1: 52.31% Not all results are this good!

  22. Challenges • Evaluation • More aligned data • Annotation tool • Other books • Centered and right-aligned text • Knowing when to apply patterns

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