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In Chapter 15, Atticus is surrounded by a lynch mob out to get Tom Robinson. How does Scout defuse the potentially violent confrontation? How is this moment a turning point in the novel?. Thursday 10/25/12. Make a C laim (AKA: Topic Sentence)
In Chapter 15, Atticus is surrounded by a lynch mob out to get Tom Robinson. How does Scout defuse the potentially violent confrontation? How is this moment a turning point in the novel? Thursday 10/25/12
Make a Claim (AKA: Topic Sentence) • Take a position and offer an answer (mini-thesis) • Back it up with Evidence • Provide examples to support the claim. The best examples tend to be quotes directly from the text which illustrate your point. • Analyzethe evidence • Explain the relationship between the claim and the evidence. • Answer the questions “Why?” or “How?” C.E.A Paragraph
The upper bun is the claim that introduces the paragraph. • The evidence is the “meat” that comes in the middle of the paragraph. It tends to be the most substantial part. • The lower bun is the analysis that supports all the other pieces. It explains how the evidence supports the claim. Your paragraph needs to be a cheeseburger that satisfies your reader…
Much of the book has let readers see the parenting styles of several men (Atticus, Uncle Jack, Mr. Radley). Compare these father figures and cite evidence to suggest what each one values. What comment do you think Harper Lee might be making about parenting by including these details in the book? CEA Response