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Wonders of the World. Pripravila: Vlasta Rudar-Nenadović Gimnazija Antona Aškerca, Šolski center Ljubljana. Wonders of the Natural World. There are many lists – this one was made by CNN. Victoria Falls: The Smoke That Thunders.
Wonders of the World Pripravila: Vlasta Rudar-Nenadović Gimnazija Antona Aškerca, Šolski center Ljubljana
Wonders of the Natural World There are many lists – this one was made by CNN
On November 17th of 1855 David Livingstone became the first European to see them. Afterwards he wrote: "No one can imagine the beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England. It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight."
Despite being more than a mile* to the bottom, the Grand Canyon isn't the deepest gorge in the world, but it certainly is the most spectacular. *1 mile = 1.6 km
What was the Vikings’ explanation? • In Norse mythology the Valkyries* would come galloping across the night sky upon their horses equipped with helmets, spears and armour that would glow and shimmer in the darkness. • These lights, coloured red, blue, violet and green, would spread in curtains from horizon to horizon, amazing the mortals below. * immortal, war-like virgins, maidens of Odin, who bring the souls of slain warriors to Valhalla
Another name for The Northern Lights is? • Aurora Borealis • The name of the effect itself comes from the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas.
Three months after leaving Lisbon, on January 1st, 1502, the Portuguese explorer Gonçalo Coelho on his ship reached what seemed to be the entrance to an enormous river. • The bay they found was spectacularly surrounded by huge, oddly shaped mountains that astounded the European explorers. Taking a cue from the date on which they'd found this amazing harbour, they named it the "January River" or Rio de Janeiro.
Just before 11 pm on June 11th, 1770, the HMS Endeavour*, captained by Lieutenant James Cook, ran aground. • Though Cook didn't realize it at the time, the coral reef he had run onto was part of a vast system of 3,800 coral banks and islands that ran along the coast of Australia. • Known as the Great Barrier Reef, it is the largest structure in the world created by living organisms. * =Attempt, effort, enterprise
On February 20, 1943, Dionisio Pulido was working in his cornfield just outside the Tarascan Indian village of Paricutin, Mexico, when suddenly a volcano appeared. • This was the first time scientists would be able to observe a volcano from birth through extinction.
Ancient Wonders of the World
Do you happen to know any? • How are they different from the natural wonders? • Do you happen to know what kinds of structures these Ancient wonders were? • Where were they? • Can we still see them today? • Can you name any of them?
The Great Pyramid - Egypt • http://www.unmuseum.org/kpyramid.htm
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon • http://www.unmuseum.org/hangg.htm
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia • http://www.unmuseum.org/ztemp.htm
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus • http://www.unmuseum.org/ephesus.htm
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus • http://www.unmuseum.org/maus.htm
The Colossus* of Rhodes • http://www.unmuseum.org/colrhode.htm *A colossus = • any statue of gigantic size./ • anything colossal, gigantic, or very powerful.
The Great Lighthouse at Alexandria • http://www.unmuseum.org/pharos.htm
Since it was the Greeks who made the lists it is not unusal that many of the items on them were examples of Greek culture. • The writers might have listed the Stonehenge if they'd seen it, but this place was beyond the limits of their world.
Sources: • http://www.zgodovinarka.si/sedem-svetovnih-cudes-antike/ • http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedem_%C4%8Dudes_starega_veka • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Wonders_of_the_Ancient_World • • http://projekti.svarog.org/7wonders/index.html • http://projekti.svarog.org/7wonders/viri.html • http://projekti.svarog.org/7wonders/kazalo.html • http://projekti.svarog.org/7wonders/galerija.html • http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/wonders/http://www.unmuseum.org/wonders.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/3225/wonder.htmhttp://www.fgsd.winnipeg.mb.ca/vmc/swaweb/cc/ccswow1.htmhttp://123world.com/wonders/http://www.cleveleys.co.uk/wonders/sevenwondersoftheworld.htmhttp://www.wonderclub.com/AllWorldWonders.htmlhttp://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/wonders/modern/http://www.globalnets.com/wonders/modern.htmhttp://www.civl.port.ac.uk/comp_prog/wonders/Severn%20wonders%20of%20the%20world.htmhttp://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/huntwondersmr2.html •
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