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The environment comprises all natural components surrounding individuals, including earth's surface, natural resources, climate, and forces like winds and storms. Learn about types of pollution - air, water, soil, and noise - their causes and effects, and international and national efforts for environmental protection. Address the urgent need to safeguard the environment to prevent detrimental consequences like rising sea levels and climate change.
Issues of environment protection Meaning of environment-: Environment includes all those direct and indirect components which have surrounded the individual from all sides and effect him since his birth till death. In it we include the surface of earth, its natural directions and natural resources such as land, water, mountains, plants, and trees, birds and animals, climate and all the natural forces as strong winds and storms etc which pay havoc on this mother earth
Forms of Environment environment can be divided into two forms such as- 1. Natural environment • Abiotic • Biotic 2. Man made environment
Meaning of environment pollution Environment pollution means imbalance in the natural environment. keeping in mind the purity of environment, the nature had created every thing in a fixed quantity. But because of his growing greed, the man has destroyed the natural balance as a result of which, today we are facing the problem of environment pollution
Types of environment pollution • Air pollution • Water pollution • Soil pollution • Noise pollution
Air pollution • When poisonous gases, dust particle and dangerous chemicals etc mix up in the air it pollute the air • Classification of air pollution • Particles pollution • Gas pollution • Chemical pollution • Smoke and fog pollution
Sources or causes of Air pollution • Smoke • Industrial production and waste • Vehicular pollution • Pollution due to the use of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides • Nature as a source of air pollution
Effects of air pollution • Effect on human life • Effect on birds and animals • Effects on vegetation • Effects on climate and weather
Water pollution The water mixed with unwanted and dangerous minerals and gases gets polluted. Causes of water pollution • Water pollution through human activities • Industrial waste • Agro chemicals • Mineral oils • Emersion of dead bodies in water • Natural activities
Effects of water pollution • Effect on human life • Effect on birds and animals • Effects on vegetation • Destruction of the quality of soil
Soil pollution The soil pollution means the reduction in productivity of the soil due to the addition of undesirable substances such as industrial waste, insecticides, pesticides and inorganic fertilizers.
Main sources of soil pollution • Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, weedicides and fertilizers • Industrial and chemical waste • Domestic waste and sewerage • Water loading and salinity • Atomic experiments
Effects of soil pollution • Destruction of the quality of the land • Lowers the production power of soil • Land become saline • Effect on human life • Poor quality of food grain
Noise pollution The increase of noise in environment over a particular level is known as noise pollution. Sources of noise pollution • Natural sources of noise pollution • Unnatural sources of noise pollution Effects of noise pollution • Physical effects • Psychological effects
Efforts at national level for the protection of environment • 42nd constitutional amendment and issue of environmental pollution, 1976 • Establishment 0f the department of environment and forests, 1985 • Factories act, 1948 (Amended in 1987) • Environment conservation act, 1952(Amended in 1988) • Wild life protection act, 1972(Amended in 1995) • Water protection and pollution control act, 1974(Amended in 1988) • Air prevention and control of pollution act, 1981(Amended in 1987) • Motor vehicle act, 1938(Amended in 1988) • Energy conservation act,2001
Efforts at international level for the protection of environment • Stockholm conference, 1972 • Nairobhi declaration 1982 • Vienna convention for the the protection of ozone layer, 1985 • Montrial protocol, 1987 • Rio declaration, 1992 • Convention of biological diversity, 1992 • United nations earth summit, 1997 • Kyoto protocol, 1997 • World summit on sustainable development
Conclusion After reading the description we come to the conclusion that protection of environment is quit serious issue and for its protection so many efforts are being made at national and international level. Because of the greenhouse effect, the temperature on the earth increasing day by day and if it goes on increasing with this speed then the snow on the Arctic will melt and as a result of which the sea level will rise considerably. As a result of this the cities situated on the sea cost will drown in water. Apart of this millions of people will become the victim of starvation, floods, drought etc. so the issue of the environment protection needs immediate attention.
References Badyal, J.S, Political Theory, Raj Publishers, 2012, Jalander.