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Chapter 13 Parallel SQL

Chapter 13 Parallel SQL. Understanding Parallel SQL. Enables a SQL statement to be: Split into multiple threads Each thread processed simultaneously Used with multi-CPU systems Serial method only uses one CPU Only available in Oracle Enterprise Edition. Serial processing.

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Chapter 13 Parallel SQL

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  1. Chapter 13Parallel SQL

  2. Understanding Parallel SQL • Enables a SQL statement to be: • Split into multiple threads • Each thread processed simultaneously • Used with multi-CPU systems • Serial method only uses one CPU • Only available in Oracle Enterprise Edition

  3. Serial processing • Only single CPU used for a query SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_year_of_birth; • Single process proceses all rows in above query • Rows fetched • Rows sorted • Rows returned

  4. Parallel processing • Multiple CPU’s can be used for a query SELECT /+* parallel(c,2) */ * FROM customers c ORDER BY cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_year_of_birth; • Multiple processes for all rows in above query • Fetching process split into two • At end of fetch, two sort processes are invoked • Then, sorted results combined and returned • The “query coordinator” coordinates the parallelism processing stream

  5. Parallel processing • Restricted to operations needing a scan • Table • Index • Table partition • Can become bottleneck is misused • Shouldn’t be used for non-tuned SQL

  6. Degree of Parallelism • Also known as “DOP” • Defines number of streams that will be created • Number of actual processes 2x or greater than DOP • Data fed between steps • Two steps required to maintain parallel stream • Example statement with below requires 5 processes for DOP of 2 (see. Figure 13-2 p. 398) • Full table scan • ORDER_BY • GROUP_BY

  7. Parallel Slave Pool • Configured with Oracle parameters • PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS • PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS • Slaves created as needed for parallel SQL • Slaves shut down after period of inactivity • If more slaves required than maximum allowed • Query DOP may be reduced • Query may run serially • Query may generate error • Query may be delayed until slaves available

  8. Direct Path IO • Normal IO path for parallel operations • Bypasses buffer cache (avoids contention) • Perform IO directly • Used when reading/writing temporary segments • For sorting • For intermediate result sets

  9. When to use Parallelism • Server has multiple CPU’s • Data is spread across multiple disk drives • SQL is long-running or resource-intensive • Long running reports • Large table bulk updates • Index builds/rebuilds on large tables • Analytic or other ad-hoc intensive processing • If above criteria not met, using parallelism may be slower than running serial process • Not suitable for OLTP systems

  10. Configuring Parallelism • Key parameters include • PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU • PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY • PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER • PARALLEL_IO_CAP • PARALLEL_MAX SERVERS • PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS • See pp. 407-408 for full list • Default DOP is 2x CPU if not configured

  11. Parallel Hints • Invoked within SQL statements • Examples: SELECT /*+ parallel */ * FROM sales s SELECT /*+ parallel(s) */ * FROM sales s SELECT /*+ parallel(s,8) */ * FROM sales s SELECT /*+ noparallel */ COUNT(*) FROM sales s SELECT /*+ parallel(auto) */ COUNT(*) FROM sales s

  12. Parallel Explain Plans • More complex than serial SQL plans SQL> select /*+ parallel(a,8) */ count(*) 2 from emp a ----------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Cost (%CPU)| ----------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 266 (1)| | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | | | 2 | PX COORDINATOR | | | | 3 | PX SEND QC (RANDOM) | :TQ10000 | | | 4 | SORT AGGREGATE | | | | 5 | PX BLOCK ITERATOR | | 266 (1)| PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 266 (1)| -----------------------------------------------------------

  13. Parallel Explain Plans (cont.) • PX Block Iterator • First Step • Breaks table up into chunks • PX Send • Indicates data being sent from one process to another • PX Receive • Indicates data being received by one process from another • PX SEND QC • Send operation to the query coordindator • PX COORDINATOR • Indicates query coordinator receiving data from parallel streams and returning it to the SQL statement

  14. Parallel Explain Plans (cont.) • PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL (or S->P) • Represents a serial bottleneck in a parallel operation • See table 13-1 (p. 411) for full list • Parallel data distribution options • RANGE – Rows distributed based on value range • HASH – Based on hash value • RANDOM – Rows randomly assigned to slave • ROUND ROBIN – Done in circular fashion between slaves

  15. Tracing Parallel Execution • Use DBMS_SESSION to set session identifier • Use DBMS_MONITOR to enable tracing • Run the parallel SQL • Use trcsess utility to create trace file • Analyze results • Should be used as last resort

  16. Other Parallel Statistics • V$PQ_TQSTAT view • Contains information about • Actual DOP used • Data transferred between parallel processes • Limited use: • Only visible within session that executed the parallel SQL • Only shows most recent statement • V$PX_SESSION • Information about slaves currently running SQL • Join to V$SESSION and V$SQL to get all details

  17. Optimizing Parallel Performance • Start with SQL optimized for serial execution • Ensure the SQL is suitable for parallelism • Ensure server is configured for parallelism • Ensure all parts of the execution plan is parallelized • Ensure the DOP is realistic • Monitor actual DOP • Check for workload and data skew

  18. Other Parallel Topics • Parallel Index Lookups • Usually not parallelizable • Can be parallelized on partitioned indexes • Done with PARALLEL_INDEX hint • Parallel DML • Enable with ‘alter session enable parallel dml;’ • Parallel Insert particularly effective • Parallelize both SELECT and INSERT operations • Uses APPEND method (bypasses buffer cache) • Parallel Merge (Merge combines UPDATE & INSERT)

  19. Other Parallel Topics (cont.) • DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE • Introduced in 11g • Can execute operations in smaller chunks • Committed individually • Restartable • Done with PARALLEL_INDEX hint • Parallel DDL • Controlled by parallel clause in the DDL statement • DOP then set at specified degree for subsequent queries

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