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A GENERAL & DIFFERENT VIEW OF SIKHISM. By: Daljeet Singh. Have you ever wondered what Sikhism says about life?. What does Sri Guru Granth Sahib say about the meaning behind life?. Here’s what SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI says about life….
Have you ever wondered what Sikhism says about life? • What does Sri Guru Granth Sahib say about the meaning behind life?
From the very tiny insects, such as ladybugs, mosquitoes, and flies …
Waheguru created other galaxies, stars, and planets… • From the very beginning of time & space…
sB eyk idRsit smqu kir dyKY sBu Awqm rwmu pCwn jIau ]sabh eaek dhrisatt samath kar dhaekhai sabh aatham raam pashhaan jeeo ||They look upon all with equality, and recognize the Supreme Soul, the Lord, pervading among all. gurmuiK eyk idRsit kir dyKhu Git Git joiq smoeI jIau ]2]guramukh eaek dhrisatt kar dhaekhahu ghatt ghatt joth samoee jeeo ||2||As Gurmukh, look upon all with the single eye of equality; in each and every heart, the Divine Light is contained. ||2||
Guru Nanak Dev Ji stressed that this world is our temporary home…
jgu supnw bwjI bnI iKn mih Kylu Kylwie ]jag supanaa baajee banee khin mehi khael khaelaae ||The world is a drama, staged in a dream. In a moment, the play is played out. gurmiq hoie vIcwrIAY supnw iehu jgu loie ]7]guramath hoe veechaareeai supanaa eihu jag loe ||7||Through the Guru's Teachings, they come to understand and see that this world is just a dream. iehu supnw sovq nhI jwnY ]eihu supanaa sovath nehee jaanai ||This is a dream, but the sleeper does not know it. nwnk khq jgq sB imiQAw ijau supnw rYnweI ]2]1]naanak kehath jagath sabh mithhiaa jio supanaa rainaaee ||2||1||Says Nanak, the whole world is totally false; it is like a dream in the night. ||2||1||
ijn hir hir hir rsu nwmu n pwieAw qy BwghIx jm pwis ]jin har har har ras naam n paaeiaa thae bhaageheen jam paas ||Those who have not obtained the Sublime Essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, are most unfortunate; they are led away by the Messenger of Death. sy mukqu sy mukqu Bey ijn hir iDAwieAw jI iqn qUtI jm kI PwsI ]sae mukath sae mukath bheae jin har dhhiaaeiaa jee thin thoottee jam kee faasee ||They are liberated, they are liberated-those who meditate on the Lord. For them, the noose of death is cut away. mqI mrxu ivswirAw KusI kIqI idn cwir ]mathee maran visaariaa khusee keethee dhin chaar ||The people are intoxicated; they have forgotten death, and they have fun for a few days. Awvxu jwxu n cukeI mir jnmY hoie KuAwru ]3]aavan jaan n chukee mar janamai hoe khuaar ||3||Their comings and goings in reincarnation do not end; through death and rebirth, they are wasting away. ||3||
Countless reincarnations and the pain and sufferings throughout the reincarnations…
ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw mir jMmih vwro vwr ]5]birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa mar ja(n)mehi vaaro vaar ||5||They waste their lives uselessly; they die and are reincarnated over and over again. ||5|| punrip jnmu nwhI gux gwau ]5]punarap janam naahee gun gaao ||5||Such a person is not reincarnated again; he sings the Glories of God. ||5|| jo pRB BwvY jnim n AwvY ]jo prabh bhaavai janam n aavai ||One who is pleasing to God shall not be reincarnated again.
~ The more you go towards Gurbani, the more you will learn ~
People work hard on the fields, while we get easy life here and yet we still complain……
pihlw scu hlwl duie qIjw KYr Kudwie ]pehilaa sach halaal dhue theejaa khair khudhaae ||Let the first be truthfulness, the second honest living, and the third charity in the Name of God.
Remember 1/10 of your honest earnings must go towards charity..
When you meet the poor, instead of giving them money offer to pay for school, clothes …
idnu rwiq kmwieAVo so AwieE mwQY ]din raath kamaaeiarro so aaeiou maathhai ||Those actions you perform, day and night, are recorded upon your forehead. krxI kwgdu mnu msvwxI burw Blw duie lyK pey ]karanee kaagadh man masavaanee buraa bhalaa dhue laekh peae ||Actions are the paper, and the mind is the ink; good and bad are both recorded upon it. doiq aucwpiq lyKu n ilKIAY pRgtI joiq murwrI ]dhoth ouchaapath laekh n likheeai pragattee joth muraaree ||The day-to-day account of deeds is not recorded for that person, who manifests the radiance of the Divine Light of the Lord.
Here we get great healthcare right away… • While in Punjab, many cannot afford to even get sick… • In this picture – A Sikh doctor is helping a Muslim patient...
That is better!!! • God wants happiness for all persons… • Sikhism teaches you how to get it…
We all want fancy cars better than our neighbors and friends… • But we may end up with…
Keep in mind that we live in a… Material World Materialistic world & Spiritual World
And we want nice big homes… • Better and bigger than others…
We never stop! We want more, more, more… IT NEVER ENDS!!!!! AND HERE’S WHAT GURBANI SAYS…
eyhu mno mUrKu loBIAw loBy lgw luoBwnu ]eaehu mano moorakh lobheeaa lobhae lagaa luobhaan ||This foolish mind is greedy; through greed, it becomes even more attached to greed. Din jobin jgu TigAw lib loiB AhMkwir ]dhhan joban jag t(h)agiaa lab lobh aha(n)kaar ||The world is deceived and plundered by riches, youth, greed and egotism. AMqir loBu mhw gubwrw iPir iPir Awvx jwvixAw ]7]a(n)thar lobh mehaa gubaaraa fir fir aavan jaavaniaa ||7||Within is the terrible darkness of greed, and so they come and go in reincarnation, over and over again. ||7|| nwnku AwKY rwih pY clxw mwlu Dnu ikq kU sMijAwhI ]4]27]naanak aakhai raahi pai chalanaa maal dhhan kith koo sa(n)jiaahee ||4||27||Says Nanak, you will have to walk on the Path of Death, so why do you bother to collect wealth and property? ||4||27||
Answers: hir hwru kMiT ijnI pihirAw gur crxI icqu lwie ]har haar ka(n)t(h) jinee pehiriaa gur charanee chith laae ||Those who wear the Necklace of the Lord around their necks, and focus their consciousness on the Guru's Feetiqnw ipCY iriD isiD iPrY Enw iqlu n qmwie ]4]thinaa pishhai ridhh sidhh firai ounaa thil n thamaae ||4||-wealth and supernatural spiritual powers follow them, but they do not care for such things at all. ||4|| scu Ktxw scu rwis hY scy scI soie ]sach khattanaa sach raas hai sachae sachee soe ||Earning Truth, and accumulating the Wealth of Truth, the truthful person gains a reputation of Truth. guru nwmu idRVwey rMg isau hau siqgur kY bil jwau ]gur naam dhrirraaeae ra(n)g sio ho sathigur kai bal jaao ||The Guru has lovingly implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru.
Don’t worry!!! • GURBANI has the answers…
You must learn how to control you anger… • Learn to forgive…to avoid situations…
Whether you are rich …… BILL GATES