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Kingdom (?) Protista General Characteristics

Kingdom (?) Protista ( ch . 25) Use your notes chart to summarize info and list examples. You only need to know the phyla and specific examples in your chart and lab. Kingdom (?) Protista General Characteristics.

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Kingdom (?) Protista General Characteristics

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  1. Kingdom (?) Protista(ch. 25)Use your notes chart to summarize info and list examples.You only need to know the phyla and specific examples in your chart and lab.

  2. Kingdom (?) ProtistaGeneral Characteristics • Most diverse kingdom, contains organisms that cannot be classified in other kingdoms • Eukaryotes with little or no cell specialization • Trophism - Hetero- or autotrophic

  3. Kingdom ProtistaGeneral Characteristics • Growth pattern – unicellular(most), colonial, or multi-cellular / filamentous

  4. Kingdom ProtistaGeneral Characteristics • Habitat – watery environments: aquatic (freshwater or marine), terrestrial (moist), host or vector (parasitic)

  5. Kingdom ProtistaGeneral Characteristics • Reproduction • Asexual: many use binary fission, some use multiple fission (more than two offspring produced); fragmentation & regeneration Binary fission video in Euglena – Utube Binary fission video – Paramecium - UTube

  6. Kingdom ProtistaGeneral Characteristics • Reproduction • Sexual – many use conjugation (four genetically different offspring produced) Paramecium conjugation  exchange of micronuclei

  7.  conjugation tubes  Zygotes develop into thick walled, resistant zygospores.

  8. Alternation of Generations – Multicellular Algae *Draw this on your notes! * * * Mitosis used in every step except formation of spores.

  9. Kingdom ProtistaEvolution • Similarities to bacteria suggest evolution from prokaryotes through endosymbiosisor in-folding • Resemble the likely ancestors of animals, plants, and fungi, which are multicellular and have a higher degree of cell specialization (many tissues & organs)

  10. Kingdom Protista - Classification • Three large categories/sub-kingdoms based mainly on trophism: • animal-like • plant-like • fungus-like

  11. Photosynthetic Protists Symbioses with Cnidarians Some anemones, corals, and jellyfish have symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae )

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