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9/11/2002. 2. Oracle Designer 6. Oracle Designer 6i is an integrated CASE tool.It supports tasks in the area of strategy, analysis, design and code generation.It helps users design the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and generate full functioning forms and reports
1. 9/11/2002 1 Oracle Designer 6i INFS 622 Fall 2002
2. 9/11/2002 2 Oracle Designer 6 Oracle Designer 6i is an integrated CASE tool.
It supports tasks in the area of strategy, analysis, design and code generation.
It helps users design the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and generate full functioning forms and reports – It provides a complete upper CASE and lower CASE solution.
It has a repository or a central storage place.
System Projects are stored in an integrated fashion.
3. 9/11/2002 3 Designer Components The System Modelers
Dataflow Diagrammer
Process Modeler
Function Hierarchy Diagrammer
Entity Relationship Diagrammer
Transform Preliminary Designs
Database Design Transformer
Application Design Transformer
4. 9/11/2002 4 Designer Components Design and Generate
Design Editor
Repository Service
Repository Object Navigator
Matrix Diagrammer
Repository Management facilities
5. 9/11/2002 5 Dataflow Diagrammer Develop a process-oriented graphical representation of an application system.
It will show the movement of data among external entities, the processes and data stores within a system.
The multi-layer sub-system within a function can be developed by decomposing processes into upper layer functions.
6. 9/11/2002 6 DFD Components Frame functions
The main function that contains the local functions (= the child functions).
Local functions
A function within the Frame function (main function).
Global functions
A function of outside of the frame function.
7. 9/11/2002 7 DFD Components Data flows.
It represents the flow of data from a function to a store, or a function to a function.
Data stores.
Physical data storage place.
An organizational units or entities from other application.
It can be data sources or sinks.
8. 9/11/2002 8 Dataflow Components
9. 9/11/2002 9 Process Modeller (PM) A process is a set of input and output activities.
Process Diagrams are graphical representations of;
Processes and storage of the firm.
Manipulation and exchange of data between firm and external entities, or between the various units of the firm.
10. 9/11/2002 10 Process Modeller (PM) An alternative system designer to data flow diagrams.
It helps to design processes that an organizational unit has for business system.
It has become increasingly popular due to business process re-engineering (BPR).
11. 9/11/2002 11 Components of PM An organizational unit.
The unit that performs the processes in the system.
The system divided into a certain area for own processes.
A process step.
A process or a function associated with the unit.
A process flow.
The flowing of data (input or output) from process step to another or a data store.
12. 9/11/2002 12 Components of PM A data store
A collection of data that is stored somewhere.
An external
It is outside scope of the system.
It can be a source for data flowing from or a destination for data flowing to.
It is usually placed in the unspecified organization unit in the diagram.
13. 9/11/2002 13 Process Modeller
14. 9/11/2002 14 DFD vs. PM
15. 9/11/2002 15 Function Hierarchy Diagrammer It shows all the functions involved in the system in a hierarchy manner like in an organizational chart.
It does not show the organizational units involved in the Functions, Datastores, Dataflows.
It specified the Parent and Child functions.
16. 9/11/2002 16 Function Hierarchy Diagram
17. 9/11/2002 17 Entity Relation Diagrammer A logical representation of the data for a firm or business area.
E-R Diagram consists
Entities: Data for a person, place object or concept.
Attributes: Certain properties of an entity.
Relationships: It is associations between the instance of entities.
Degree of relationship: The number of entity types that involved in a relationship. (unary, binary)
Cardinality of a relationship: the number of instances of entity that can be associated with a instance of other entity. (1-1, 1-M, M-1, and M-M)
18. 9/11/2002 18 Entity Relation Diagrammer
19. 9/11/2002 19 Other Components Database Design Transformer:
It transforms the conceptual data model that you design with Entity Relationship Diagrammer to actual tables in the database.
Application Design Transformer:
It creates business application designs based on functions and business units definitions created in the repository using.
Design Editor:
Generate Physical DB and Business Module.
20. 9/11/2002 20 Oracle Resource Need Login ID and Password: (Registration required)
Oracle Home Page: www.oracle.com
Oracle Download: http://otn.oracle.com/software/content.html
Oracle Designer Library: http://otn.oracle.com/docs/products/designer/content.html
21. 9/11/2002 21 Demonstration Student Registration System (SRS)
22. 9/11/2002 22 Data Flow Diagrammer Practice
23. 9/11/2002 23 Processes Student Registration System (SRS) – Main Process
Maintain Student Records (SRS1)
Validate Course Data
Update Offered Course Records
Maintain Course Information (SRS2)
Maintain Course Enrollment (SRS3)
List Schedule (SRS4)
24. 9/11/2002 24 Data Stores & Externals Data Store (SD):
Student (SD1)
Courses (SD2)
Enrollment (SD3)
Approved Course DB (DS4)
Student (SR1)
Department (SR2)
25. 9/11/2002 25 Data Flows Inside of system:
Stud_info _insert_update: SRS1? DS1
Course_insert_update: SRS2 ? DS2
Stud_status: DS1 ? SRS3
Stud_request: DS1 ? SRS4
Course_info: DS2 ? SRS3
Enrollment: SRS3 ? DS3
Course_status: DS3 ? SRS3
Stud_course_info: DS3 ? SRS4
26. 9/11/2002 26 Data Flows From or to External
Student_req: SR1 (EXT) ? SRS3
Notification_accrej: SRS3 ? SR1
Schedule_report: SRS4 ? SR1
Course_info: SR2 (EXT) ? SRS2
Notification_of_invalid_course: SRS2 ? SR2
27. 9/11/2002 27 DFD Diagram
28. 9/11/2002 28 Process Modeller Practice
29. 9/11/2002 29 Organizational Units, Processes and Data Stores Maintain Course Enrollment System(SRS3)
Admission Office:
Student Database: DBSTUD (SD3.1)
Registrar’s Office:
Check Student Status (SRS3.1)
Check Course Detail (SRS3.2)
Update Enrollment (SRS3.3)
Course Database: DBCRSE (DS3.2)
Enrollment Database: DBENROL (DS3.3)
Unspecified (External)
Student (SR1)
30. 9/11/2002 30 Data Flows Data Flows:
Course_info: DBCRSE to Check Course Details
Student_status: DBSTUD to Check Course Details
Course_status: ENROL to Check Course Details
Student_req_valid: Check Student Status to Check Course Details
Valid_course_stud_req: Check Course Details to Update Enrollment
Notifi_accrej: Check Course Details to Student
Notifi_accrej: Update Enrollment to Student
31. 9/11/2002 31 PM Diagram
32. 9/11/2002 32 Function Hierarchy Diagrammer Practice
33. 9/11/2002 33 Functions Student Registration System (SRS)
Maintain Student Records (SRS1)
Insert Student Records (SRS1.1)
Update Student Record (SRS1.2)
Delete Student Record (SRS1.3)
Maintain Course Information (SRS2)
Validate Course Data (SRS2.1)
Update Offered Course Records(SRS2.2)
Maintain Course Enrollment (SRS3)
Check Student Status (SRS3.1)
Check Course Detail (SRS3.2)
Update Enrollment (SRS3.3)
List Schedule (SRS4)
34. 9/11/2002 34 FHD Diagram
35. 9/11/2002 35 Entity Relationship Diagrammer Practice
36. 9/11/2002 36 Entity Relation Diagrammer Student Table
STUDID Varchar2 5 Primary key
STUDName Varchar2 20
FTPT_Status Varchar2 2
Major Varchar2 20
Sex Varchar2 1
Start_Sem Varchar2 10
Start_Year Varchar2 4
37. 9/11/2002 37 E-R Diagrammer Course Table
CourseID Varchar2 5 Primary key
CourseName Varchar2 20
Max_Class_Size Varchar2 2
Schedule Varchar2 20
Instructor Varchar2 20
38. 9/11/2002 38 E-R Diagram
39. 9/11/2002 39 Creating Tables from E-R Diagrammer ER Diagrammer ? Utility ? Database Design Transformer
Conceptual DB Model will be transformed to physical DB within the repository.
Run Designer Editor
Choose “Server Model” and click OK.
Expand “Relational Table Definitions.”
You must highlight data tables using Left Mouse button + Shift key to generate view and physical data table.
40. 9/11/2002 40 Creating Tables from E-R Diagrammer Check Entity Relations between Student Entity and Course Entity using “View”.
Right Mouse on highlighted tables ? Show on New Diagram
Generate physical tables to Oracle 8i Server.
Generate ? Generate Database from Server Model….
Choose Database, and input name, password and host name of DB where you want to generate tables.
Click “Execute DDL”
You will find new tables within user account.
41. 9/11/2002 41 Question? End of Practice