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Cost Estimation Toolkit (Version 1). Kathy Fontaine, NASA Greg Hunolt, Bud Booth, Mel Banks, SGT ES DSWG 2 nd Joint Working Group Meeting October 18, 2004. Agenda. CET Goals and Approach Concept for use of the CET How the CET is Implemented Evaluation, Testing, Performance of the CET
Cost Estimation Toolkit(Version 1) Kathy Fontaine, NASAGreg Hunolt, Bud Booth, Mel Banks, SGT ES DSWG 2nd Joint Working Group Meeting October 18, 2004
Agenda • CET Goals and Approach • Concept for use of the CET • How the CET is Implemented • Evaluation, Testing, Performance of the CET • CET Status
Goal and Approach • Goal: Provide the capability for NASA funded principal investigators or NASA staff to estimate the life cycle costs of implementing and operating a new “data activity”. • A new “data activity” can be a ‘stand-alone’ data service provider such as a DAAC, SIPS, ESIP, etc., or… • A new “data activity” can be a data service provider function within a flight project or other science or applications project. • A new “data activity” can be wholly new or an addition to an existing base (e.g. a DAAC taking on a data service provider role for a flight project). • Approach: • Adopt Cost Estimation by Analogy methodology: base life cycle cost estimates on experience with existing data activities; • Develop reference model; • Collect information from DAACs, SIPSs, ESIPSs, other DAAC-like activities (space science, NOAA); • Build database, develop and test estimating tool.
Concept for Use of CET • For the PI planning a new Data Activity: • To help PI consider the full range of items that will contribute to the life cycle cost of a new data activity (Processing function example follows); • To assess which items are significant cost drivers, to examine sensitivities to possible changes in workload or schedule (e.g. by running ‘what if’s); • To make an estimate that the PI can compare to estimates produced by other means. • For the NASA program staff: • To perform a ‘sanity check’ on PI proposals, to identify areas for follow up with PI; • To make overall program budget estimates. • Cautions for Users: • CET estimate is not definitive or “The Answer”. • Current answers based on what is (maybe or maybe not what ‘should be’). • Estimates five to ten years into the future are fraught with hazard: • Shifts in operating paradigms (driven by technology or changing user needs) may make estimates based on even recent experience less accurate.
How the CET is Implemented • Cost Estimation Toolkit (CET): • Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Project; • CET workbook includes Activity Dataset worksheets that the user builds – these describe the user’s data activity(s) or user’s ‘what-if’ variants to be estimated, and other internal worksheets; • Estimator, Reviewer, CDB Analyzer implemented in VBA software; • Runs on PC or Macintosh platforms. • Comparables Database (CBD): • Excel Workbook, one worksheet for each data activity; • Identity of CBD data activities is hidden. • Package Available for Users: • CET and CDB workbooks; user needs PC or Mac, Excel 97-or newer; • Users’ Guide, Technical Description Document; • All available on CD from Kathy Fontaine, kathy.fontaine@nasa.gov • Points of contact for help provided.
Independent Testing Results • Results are based on testing with 21 CDB sites: • Eight DAAC data activities, seven SIPS’s, three ESIPs, and one NOAA DAAC-like activity (SAA), two space science DAAC-like activity (STScI, NSSDC). • Test Results for Version 1 CET, Sept 2004: • The typical annual error of estimate is 2.78 FTE (average absolute error, so positive and negative errors don’t cancel). The typical error % of actual is 21.2%. • The standard deviation of the typical error is 1.96. • The overall annual average error across the 21 sites is –0.43 FTE, which is –3.3%, showing low overall bias. • For the individual estimates for the 21 data activities: • 11 have errors less than 20%; • 15 have errors less than 25% • 16 have errors less than 30%; • 17 have errors less than 50%. • So – if you need accuracy within 20% - this suggests you have roughly a 50% chance of getting it – if you need accuracy within 25%, roughly a 70%, within 30%, roughly a 75% chance, and within 50%, roughly an 80% chance.
Improving Average Annual Typical Error for CET Estimator 7.00 6.08 – 39.2% 6.00 4.89 – 34.6% 5.00 4.00 3.29 – 24.4% 2.78 – 21.2% 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 IOC September 2003 CET Version: Working Prototype May 2003 Beta Test May 2004 Version 1 Sept 2004 Progress with CET Independent Testing Performance
CET Status • CET Version 1 delivered September, 2004: • Full ‘operational’ version of toolkit: • CET Estimator – take data activity description and produce life cycle cost estimate, run ‘what-if’s; • CET Reviewer – use can refine estimate to reflect technology re-use, building on existing base, institutional support, practical constraints; • CDB Analyzer – provides summary of CDB contents, • CET Users’ Guide: • ‘How to’ on installation and operation of the CET; • Guidance on building your data activity description; • Guidance on interpretation and use of CET estimates; • Background on DSP reference model and functional areas (drop Working Paper 3). • CET Technical Description Document: • Detailed description of estimating processes used by CET • Overall approach information (drop Working Paper 2); • Parameter information (drop Working Paper 4). • Opportunities for use are welcome – especially from those who submitted info initially. • CET and CDB will be sustained as needed to support users. Next scheduled full release is September 2005.
Today’s Demo • You’ll see a demo of the toolkit, and will have an opportunity to test drive it using your own data.