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Supernova Remnants and ULX bubbles. Manfred Pakull, Fabien Grisé, C. Motch, R. Soria 0bservatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg. SNR & PWN in the Chandra Era, July 8-10 2009, Boston, MA. Outline. -- Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) -- ULXs are (often) located in bubbles = ULXBs
Supernova Remnants and ULX bubbles Manfred Pakull, Fabien Grisé, C. Motch, R. Soria 0bservatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg SNR & PWN in the Chandra Era, July 8-10 2009, Boston, MA
Outline -- Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) -- ULXs are (often) located in bubbles = ULXBs -- many (large) SNRs are really ULXBs -- Rosetta Stone S26 in NGC 7793 -- ULXBs = jet inflated « beambags » like SS433/W50
Ultraluminous X-Ray sources • Bright (variable) non-nuclear X-ray sources in galaxies • (Long & van Speybroeck (1983) • i.e Lx ~ few 1040 erg/s: • more luminous in X than Local Group of Galaxies!! • Isotropic luminosities > 1039.5 erg/s • i.e. Lx > Ledd (= 1.3 1038 erg/s M/M ) • for stellar-mass accretors ( M < 20 M) • ‘superEddington’ sources 1 ULX per 3 star-forming galaxies
XMM/ EPIC view of NGC 4559 (Cropper et al 2004)
2 ULXs in NGC 4559 (Sc, d = 10 Mpc) XMM Optical Monitor image (near-UV band) X-7 Cropper et al 2004, MNRAS; Soria et al 2004, MNRAS
XMM/ EPIC view of NGC 4559 (Cropper et al 2004)
Ultraluminous X-ray Sourcessuggested nature • SNe/very young SNR, but most are variable ! • truly super-Eddington (Begelman 2002) • beamed into our l.o.s. (King 2002, Markoff 2002) • stellar pop III remnants (Madau & Rees 2001) • low-metallicity (Z = 0.1Z) binaries (Pakull & Mirioni 02) • intermediate mass black holes, IMBH; in between the stellar and AGN variety • We need information from other wavelengths !! • optical work: Pakull& Mirioni&Grisé, Roberts & Co; Abolmasov & Fabrika ...
A few examples of our optical follow-up observatuions of ULXs
ULX IC 342 X-1 • "Tooth" nebula situated in spiral arm has a diameter of 220pc (Pakull & Mirioni 2002; Roberts et al. 2003; Grisé et al 2006) • SNR-like spectrum: [SII]/H=1.2 [OI] 6300/H=0.4 • X-ray or shock ionization ? • Detection of supersonic expansion (see later) CFHT, Ha from Laurent Mirioni’s thesis
ULX IC 342 X-1 • "Tooth" nebula situated in spiral arm has a diameter of 220pc Pakull & Mirioni 2002; Roberts et al 2003; Grisé et al 2006 • SNR-like spectrum: [SII]/H=1.2 [OI]6300/ H=0.4 • X-ray or shock ionization ? • Detection of supersonic expansion (see later) CFHT; from Laurent Mirioni’s thesis
* HaVLT VLT, FORS : HeII l4686 emission ULX NGC 1313 X-2 Lx ~ 1039-40 erg/s variable location far away (9kpc) from nucleus of 4.7 Mpc distant spiral NGC 1313 SNR-like optical spectrum (e.g. Grise et al. 2008) bubble diameter ~ 26’’ = 400 pc (!) vexp.~ vshock ~ 100 km/s *
Are there unrecognized ULXB(incl. from presently inactive, or from ULXs possibly beamed away from us)among large SNRs candidates ?
Optical [SII]/Ha > 0.4 selected surveys of SNRs in large nearby galaxies (outside LG)Matonick & Fesen 1997:N5204, N5585, N6946, M81, M101; N2403Blair & Long 1997:N300, N7793 Ha [SII] [SII]-Ha
some very large SNR candidates… Log S - logD for SNR Lozinskaya & Moiseev 2007 IC 10: Bubble around XRB WR + 30 Mo BH (LM2007) NGC 5585 S1: new ULX (Pakull et al 2008) S1-N5585 10 100 300 pc
300 pc 5.0 very large ‘SNR’ in NGC 5585 Matonick & Fesen (1997) noted huge (200x300) pc ‘SNR’ in NGC 5585
very large ‘SNR’ ULXB ! 300 pc 5.0 Matonick & Fesen (1997) noted huge (200x300) pc ‘SNR’ in NGC 5585 Chandra: point source (~ 5 1039 erg/s) as in many previously identified ‘SNRs’ Ho IX, NGC 6946X-1; M81X-6 …
The ‘SNR’ MH9-11 in HolmbergIX Subaru Ha[OIII]B 30 " = 500 pc SE Holmberg IX X-1: Lx ~1040 erg/s Miller (1995): X-ray superluminous SNR; but X-ray variable point source! Note small cluster incl. ULX counterpart; SE: shock breakout (?)
Holm IX NGC1313 X-2 H [NII] 6584 IC 342 X-1 Holm II Kinematics of ULX bubbles Vexp = 80 – 250 km/s
Energetics of ULX Bubbles • Typical bubble radii ~200 pc (ie. >> SNR) • Expansion velocity ~ 80 km/s (up to 250 km/s) • if due to SN explosion; Sedov /snowplow : E0 ~ 2 1052 erg R1003v1002n t ~ 1 106 yrs, E0 ~ 5 1053 ergn “Hypernova” (GRB) Remnant (shock Ha luminosity: Ia~ vexp2.3 n --> n = 0.1-1.0 cm-3) - Explosion of several (>20) SNe (superbubble) excluded (no massive cluster !) - Hypernova remnants (very popular 10 years ago) excluded
HST/ACS NGC 6946 MF16 no HNR ! • - brightest ‘SNR’ (1039 erg/s) • ‘colliding SNRs’ (Blair & Fesen 94, BF & Schlegel 01) • X-ray variable ULX (Roberts & Colbert 03) • - vex=225 km/s; t ~3 104 yrs; • (Dunne et al. 00) ULX 30 pc (Swartz, Soria, in prep) The youth of the bubble excludes nature as a remnant of SN explosion that created compact accreting star in ULX [after SN explosion nuclear timescale expansion of donor star before Roche lobe overflow mass transfer can take place]
Energetics of ULX Bubbles • Bubble radii up to ~200 pc (ie. >> SNR) • Expansion velocity ~ 80 km/s (up to 250 km/s) • if due to SN explosion; Sedov /snowplow : E0 ~ 2 1052 erg R1003v1002n t ~ 1 106 yrs, E0 ~ 5 1053 ergn(shock Ha luminosity: Ia~ vexp2.3 n --> n = 0.1-1.0 cm-3) • if wind/jet driven bubble (Castor 1975, Weaver et al 1977): • Lw ~ 5 1039 erg/s R1002v1003n • t ~ 1 106 yrs (3 104 for NGC6946X-1); Lw ~ 1040 erg/s for all ULXB • Lw = ½ Mdot vout2 ~ jet mechanical luminosity of SS433; • i.e. vout should be mildly relativistic (~ 0.3 c) .
mQSO SS433 & W50 mechanically inflated Bubble W50 with ‘ears’ due to v=0.26c jets (+SNR ?) radio-image 200 pc ASCA image (Kotani 98) Begelman’s ‘beambags’ i.e. linear triple
ss433film VLBA; credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF
some very large SNR candidates… Log S - logD for SNR NGC 7793 S26 S1-N5585 10 100 300 pc
13’’ 250pc H X-ray Chandra (archive) NGC 7793-S26: discovery of an extra-galactic SS433/W50-type system • very large optical ‘SNR’ S26 in NGC7793 • dist=3.4 Mpc, dia~250pc; [SII]/Ha~0.5. Blair & Long 1997 • radio source (> CasA; Pannuti et al 02) from Chandra archive: S26 is coincident with linear X-ray triple
S26 Chandra Ha contours Lx ~ 1037 erg/s hard source = 23mag OB star Lx ~ 1037 erg/s soft hot spot 0.3-1.0 keV 1.0-2.0 keV 2.0-8.0 keV
What have we learned/open questions • ULXs blow very energetic bubbles (ULXB) • ULXB resemble large SNRs but they aren’t • synchrotron/thermal bubble NGC7793-S26 is jet-inflated • (SS433 and S26 do show Pmech >> Lx; both are not ULX) • connection mQSO and ULX ? jet interaction with ISM • all large SNR candidates are ULXBs (incl. inactive ULX) Merci !