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Welcome!!! Please come in and take a seat. Marshmallow Challenge!!!. Get into groups of four Each group will have the following materials: 20 strands of spaghetti 1 yard of tape 1 yard of string 1 marshmallow. Marshmallow Challenge!!!. What’s the goal?
Marshmallow Challenge!!! • Get into groups of four • Each group will have the following materials: • 20 strands of spaghetti • 1 yard of tape • 1 yard of string • 1 marshmallow
Marshmallow Challenge!!! • What’s the goal? • Using your materials, each group must build the tallest free standing structure possible in only 18 minutes. The marshmallow must be on top. • Questions?
So, what’s the point? • http://marshmallowchallenge.com/Welcome.html
The Gift (30 minutes) • Read the poem, “The Gift” • Then, complete the activity. You may use the partners in your group to help you complete the assignment, but everyone needs to have their own paper turned in by the end of the exercise.
Quick Write • Pull out a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil • Lets talk about standards based grading! Yay! • Think back to the marshmallow challenge…. • How can we connect the structures we created during the marshmallow challenge to our performance in standards based grading? Think of formative (20%) and summative (80%) assignments. What could the spaghetti represent? What could the marshmallow represent? Why?
I-Search!!! • This six weeks you will be writing an I-Search, expository essay as your summative assessment. • What’s an I-Search Paper?.........
Homework • By next class, everyone should know what cherished item they will be writing their I-Search papers about. So, be thinking about it!!! • Next time we’ll be doing some brainstorming activities to help you begin the writing process, so come prepared!