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GENERAL DATA. Founded in 1968 14 Schools Humanities Social Sciences Health Sciences Experimental Sciences and Technologies 15 Associate Schools 49 Departments 9 Libraries. GENERAL DATA. 40.360 Undergraduate students 44 Degree courses 28 Diploma courses

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  1. GENERAL DATA • Founded in 1968 • 14 Schools • Humanities • Social Sciences • Health Sciences • Experimental Sciences and Technologies • 15 Associate Schools • 49 Departments • 9 Libraries

  2. GENERAL DATA • 40.360 Undergraduate students • 44 Degree courses • 28 Diploma courses • 11.290 Postgraduate students • 72 Doctorate programmes • 58 Masters • 111 Postgraduate courses • 2.984 Teaching staff • 1.342 Non-academic staff

  3. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL • CRE Institutional Audit • Strategic Plan • Programme contract


  5. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL CRE Institutional Audit • Definition of strategies to improve Quality • Spread of Quality culture

  6. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL Strategic Planning • Strategic Plan 1993-2000 • Governing Plan 2002-2006 3 basic axis: Learning. Research. Relations with society 3 crossing axis: People. Resource funding. Internal Organisation

  7. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL Strategic Planning • Governing Plan 2002-2006 • 39 Objectives • 199 Specific actions

  8. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL Programme contract • Promote Quality as an element of management • New way of funding distribution • Regional Government / University • Annual review

  9. INSTITUTIONAL LEVELProgramme contract • Programme contracts within the UAB • University with schools, departments and courses • Link with degree assessment programme

  10. INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL Programme contract • 44 internal contracts with different courses • identify priorities • resources negotiation • follow up

  11. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Teaching • Degree Assessment Programme • Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari a Catalunya

  12. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Teaching • Degree Evaluation: • Self-assessment • External experts visit • Final report • Improvement Proposals - Programme contract

  13. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Teaching • Support programme for innovation in university teaching - PSIDU • Sharing experiences • Training courses “tailor made” • Cards • Good practices • Experiences • Teaching Research • Reflections

  14. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Teaching • Student-opinion questionnaires • Revision and improvement every two years • School questions • Analysis of the results • Information tostudents

  15. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Students • Relations with secondary schools • Welcome programmes • Propedeutical subjects • Tutorial programme • Graduate observatory programme

  16. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Research • Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) • Quality Manual

  17. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Management • Minimum Rubbish • Environment Office - OSHA • “Festa Major”

  18. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Management • External audits - ISO 9002 • Library Service • Tourism School • Working groups • Process analysis • Improvement initiatives • Administrative situations diagnosis

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