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Dear Reader, Given below are some key news updates from the past week pertaining to international trade and customs both from India and around the world.<br>
4/4/22, 6:17 PM TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 | ELPLAW (https://elplaw.in/) Home (https://elplaw.in/) TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 Mar 28, 2022 Author(s) : Parthsarathi Jha (https://elplaw.in/people/parthsarathi-jha) , Sanjay Notani (https://elplaw.in/people/sanjay-notani) Naghm Ghei, Harleen Sandha, Shruti Agarwal Dear Reader Given below are some key news updates from the past week pertaining to international trade and customs both from India and around the world. World Trade Organization (WTO) WTO denies Belarus’s application to become a member of the organization, citing its involvement with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (https://thehill.com/policy/international/europe/599629-world-trade- organization-denies-application-for-membership) Items proposed for consideration at the next meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body to be held on 28 March 2022 (https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news22_e/dsb_agenda_28mar22_e.pdf) Agriculture negotiators chart path towards MC12 ahead of the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12), which is now scheduled to take (https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news22_e/agng_21mar22_e.htm) place the week of 13 June The fourth review of the trade policies and practices of the United Arab Emirates took place on 22 and 24 March 2022 (https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/tpr_e/tp523_e.htm) Canada is contributing CAD 200,000 (approximately CHF 150,000) to the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) to help developing and least-developed countries (LDCs) engage more actively in global agricultural trade (https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres22_e/pr900_e.htm) United States, Europe & Asia https://elplaw.in/tradewatch-weekly-bulletin-march-28-2022/ 1/4
4/4/22, 6:17 PM TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 | ELPLAW European Commission imposes de?nitive anti-dumping duties on imports of calcium silicon originating in China (https://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=2374) EU and Canada lay the foundations for free movement of architects by concluding the negotiations for a ’Mutual Recognition Agreement’ (MRA) on (https://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=2373) the professional quali?cations of architects UK (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-launches-negotiations-with-canada-on-a-new-modernised- trade-deal) launches negotiations with Canada on a new, modernised trade deal The UK has secured a resolution to end the ongoing issue regarding steel and aluminium tariffs with the US (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-and-us-resolve-steel-and-aluminium-tariffs-issue) Joint (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/joint-statement-on-usuk-dialogues-on-future-of-atlantic-trade) Statement on U.S./UK Dialogues on Future of Atlantic Trade Joint outcome statement: India-UK conclude the second round of talks for an India-UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/joint-outcome-statement-india-uk-round-two- fta-negotiations) U.S.- UK Joint Statement on steel and aluminum to address non-market excess capacity so as to preserve their critical steel and aluminum industries (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/us-uk-joint- statement-on-steel-and-aluminum) USDOC issues Final A?rmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value on Organic Soybean Meal from India (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/23/2022-06154/organic- soybean-meal-from-india-?nal-a?rmative-determination-of-sales-at-less-than-fair-value) USDOC issues Final A?rmative Countervailing Duty Determination on Organic Soybean Meal from India (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/23/2022-06155/organic-soybean-meal-from- india-?nal-a?rmative-countervailing-duty-determination) USDOC issues Final A?rmative determination in the Expedited Sunset Reviews of the Antidumping Duty Orders on Certain Carbon and Alloy Steel Cut-to-Length Plate from Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Korea, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Taiwan, and the (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/25/2022-06274/certain-carbon-and-alloy-steel- cut-to-length-plate-from-austria-belgium-brazil-the-peoples-republic) Republic of Turkey USDOC issues Final A?rmative determination in the Expedited First Sunset Review of the Countervailing Duty Order on Certain Carbon and Alloy Steel Cut-To-Length Plate from the People’s Republic of China (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/25/2022-06331/certain-carbon-and-alloy-steel- cut-to-length-plate-from-the-peoples-republic-of-china-?nal-results) USDOC issues Final A?rmative determination in the Expedited Fourth Five-Year Sunset Review of the Countervailing Duty Order on Stainless Steel (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/23/2022-06075/stainless-steel-plate-in-coils- from-south-africa-?nal-results-of-the-expedited-fourth-?ve-year) Plate in Coils from South Africa Certain Mobile Access Equipment and Subassemblies from China Threaten U.S. Industry, says USITC (https://www.usitc.gov/press_room/news_release/2022/er0324ll1909.htm) https://elplaw.in/tradewatch-weekly-bulletin-march-28-2022/ 2/4
4/4/22, 6:17 PM TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 | ELPLAW India Lead (https://www.livemint.com/news/world/lead-negotiators-for-india-eu-fta-to-meet-in-march-end-plan-for- talks-11648140775694.html) negotiators for India-EU FTA to meet in March end, plan for talks Ministry of Commerce & Industry noti?es amendment to Noti?cation No. 60/2015-2020 dated 09.03.2022 to the extent that export of Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati) to EU member states and other European Countries namely United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland only will require Certi?cate of Inspection from EIA/EIC. Export to remaining European countries (except United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) will require Certi?cate of Inspection by Export Inspection Council / Export Inspection Agency (https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/234394.pdf) for export from 1st July, 2022 Ministry of Commerce & Industry noti?es amendment in Export Policy of Hydro?uorocarbons (HFCs) to the extent that it has been revised from ‘Free’ to ‘Restricted’ category with immediate effect and export Authorisations would be issued (https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/234395.pdf) based on NOC from MoEF&CC Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers noti?es Orders to extend the date of enforecment of p-Xylene (Quality Control) Order, 2021 and the Polyurethanes (Quality Control) Order, 2021 until 19 September 2022. (https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/234403.pdf) CESTAT Delhi in the case of Marina Enterprises has observed that CA certi?cate is not mandatory for Special Additional Duty (SAD) refund under Noti?cation No. 102/2007-Cus. dated 14.09.2007 as invoices issued by the company did not contain break-up of additional duty or SAD and in the body of invoice it was mentioned that – no bene?t of additional custom duty levied under subsection (5) of Section 3 of the Customs Tariff my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/shrutiagrawal_elp- in_com/EbFVOhW8U5tHpqTCowaE1iwBzjIoMI7Z_PSl3l7cLQJhlw?e=XFub3t) Act shall be admissible. (https://elpin- In case of Neev Trading Co., Hon’ble Delhi CESTAT has observed that extended period of limitation is not invokable against the company who has not engaged in fraud, mis-statement or contumacious conduct even if DEPB/DFIA/FPS/VKUGY scrips have been fraudulently obtained by original exporter (https://elpin-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/shrutiagrawal_elp- in_com/ETjcnxkMHVZIodmqjgaAd1EBl7qpKCKM_OemnFXf-kmGSg?e=RmRGyM) Nepal, India PMs likely to jointly inaugurate cross-border railway link on 2nd April 2022 (https://www.wionews.com/south-asia/nepal-india-pms-likely-to-jointly-inaugurate-cross-border-railway- 465246) UAE-India CEPA to become operational in one month. This CEPA will simplify customs procedures, reduce logistics cost and open new (https://www.zawya.com/en/economy/global/uae-india-cepa-to-become-operational-in-one-month- emirati-o?cials-wgyh9qxi) opportunities for professional services Government is implementing the dual Bharatmala (road network) and Sagarmala (waterways network) to improve logistic backbone (https://knnindia.co.in/news/newsdetails/sectors/reducing-logistics-cost- https://elplaw.in/tradewatch-weekly-bulletin-march-28-2022/ 3/4
4/4/22, 6:17 PM TradeWatch Weekly Bulletin – March 28, 2022 | ELPLAW will-help-manufacturing-exports-?eo-chief) We trust you will ?nd this an interesting read. For any queries or comments on this update, please feel free to contact us at insights@elp-in.com (mailto:insights@elp-in.com). For speci?c updates regarding BIS in India, please click here (https://elplaw.in/practicearea/bis-in-india/) Disclaimer: The information provided in this update does not constitute legal opinion or advice. Readers are requested to seek formal legal advice prior to acting upon any of the information provided herein. This presentation is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or corporate body. There can be no assurance that the judicial/ quasi-judicial authorities may not take a position contrary to the views mentioned herein. Privacy Policy (https://elplaw.in/privacy-policy/) Terms Of Use (https://elplaw.in/terms-of-use/) Disclaimer (https://elplaw.in/disclaimer/) Sitemap (https://elplaw.in/sitemap/) (https://www.facebook.com/elplaw.in) (https://www.twitter.com/ELPIndia) (https://www.linkedin.com/company/economic-laws-practice) COPYRIGHT © 2018 ECONOMIC LAWS PRACTICE https://elplaw.in/tradewatch-weekly-bulletin-march-28-2022/ 4/4