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Randomized Algorithm. Dealing with NP-C problems. NP-Complete Problem. A problem that, right now, we need exhaustive search Example: SAT TSP Vertex Cover Etc. Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Find a sequence of city to visit Minimize the cost of travel. Example. Example.
Randomized Algorithm Dealing with NP-C problems
NP-Complete Problem • A problem that, right now, we need exhaustive search • Example: • SAT • TSP • Vertex Cover • Etc.
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) • Find a sequence of city to visit • Minimize the cost of travel
General Search Algorithm whilehas_unexplored_solution() { Solution sol = gen_another_solution() int cost = evaluate(sol) if (cost < min_cost) { min_cost = cost; min_sol = sol; } } Time = number of solutions * evaluation
TSP Solution Space • N cities • (N-1)! / 2 • assume symmetric graph
Relaxation • In practice, we don’t really need the “best” solution • But we need it now • Something close to now (1 min, 1 hour, etc.. But not 100 years) • Just something being “near” the best solution
Approximation Algorithm One who try to optimize everything is bounded to be unhappy
Bounded solution • If solving for “optimum” solution requires exponential time • What polynomial time could give us? • What can we say about the solution from polynomial time?
Approximation Ratio Problem Instance The “best” solution for I Our algorithm Approximation ratio, upper bound of our sub-optimal
Approximation Algorithm • Algorithm that run fast (polynomial time) that give good approximation ratio • Reasonable choice when dealing with NP complete problem
Clustering • Input: • Set of points X • Integer k • Output: • Partition of points into k set • Such that the diameter of each set is minimized
Metric Property • A function d(x,y) such that • d(x,y) >= 0 • d(x,y) = 0 if and only if x = y • d(x,y) = d(y,x) • d(x,y) < d(x,z) + d(z,y) TriangularInequality
Guarantee • Ratio = 2 • i.e., the resulting diameter is not more than twice of original
Why ? • Let p be the point in X that is farthest from μ1, μ 2, μ 3,…, μ k • Let r be the distance from p to it’s closest center • Then… by triangular inequality, every cluster has diameter at most 2r
So what? • How r relate to the optimal solution? • There are k + 1 points • μ1, μ 2, μ 3,…, μ k, p • Such that they are all at least r from the others • So, any partition into k set must have some set that contains at least two of tem • That set must has diameter at least r
Approximated Euclidian TSP • TSP such that distance between two cities is a Metric • What is closely relate to TSP and can be easily compute?
MST and TSP • Given an answer for TSP • It is a cycle • Remove one edge from the answer • The result is path that is also a spanning tree (not minimal) • Let p be that path
From MST to TSP • Given an MST • Do DFS, the result of visiting is simply a cycle that visit every vertex • Also visit some vertex multiple times
From MST to TSP • Length of that path is at most twice of the best TSP path • Fix the path into TSP • Simply skip the vertex that is about to re-visit and move to the next vertex in the list
Fixing the Path By triangular inequality, the new path is shorter
Approximated 01-Knapsack • Input • A number W, the capacity of the sack • n pairs of weight and price ((w1,p1),(w2,p2),…,(wn,pn)) • wi= weight of the ith items • pi= price of the ith item • Output • A subset S of {1,2,3,…,n} such that • is maximum
Guarantee • Pick any ε > 0 • Result value is at least (1 – ε) of the maximum value
Approximated 01-Knapsack • Knapsack can be solved using dynamic programming • Using O(nW) • W = sum of weight • We can derive similar algorithm using O(nV) where V = sum of values
O(nV) knapsack • Let K(v)be the “minimal weight” when sum of selected value is v • If the ith item is in the best solution • K(v) = K(v – pi) + wi • But, we don’t really know that the ithitem is in the optimal solution • So, we try everything • K(v) = min1≤i ≤ n(K(v – pi) + wi)
Approximation • Since it is O(nV) • Can we reduce V? • To improve running time
Value scaling • Scale the price by a constant • Resulting price is at most n/ε • Thus, the running time is (n3/ε)
The optimal solution • Let S be the selected subset of the optimal • Let K* be the maximum value • Find the result of the rescaled input
Approximation Ratio • Rewrite in terms of K* • Let Ŝ be the set of selected rescaled item
RANDOM SEARCH Search with bounded resource
General Search Algorithm whiletime_not_exceed() { Solution sol = random_a_solution() int cost = evaluate(sol) if (cost < min_cost) { min_cost = cost; min_sol = sol; } } Time is bounded Best solution is not guaranteed
Does it work? • If we have “enough” time… • Eventually, we will hit the “right” answer
Hill Climbing It’s ok to be greed
Can we improve Random Search? • Anything better than randomly generate a new answer?
0-1 Knapsack Problem • Pick a combination of items • Solution Space • 00000 (0) • 00001 (1) • 00010 (2) • 00011 (3) • 00100 (4) • . • . • 11111 (31) 32 solutions in total
Evaluation Function eval (1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) … Solution
Neighbor of Solution • In solution space • 00100 (4) is close to • 00011 (3) and • 00101 (5)
Hill Climbing Search • Generate only the neighbor solution • Move to the best neighbor solution Solution sol = random_a_solution() whiletime_not_exceed() { Solution nb[] = gen_all_neighbors(sol) Solution nb_sol; intnb_min; For all x in nb { int cost = evaluate(x) if (cost < nb_min) { nb_min= cost; nb_sol = x; } } if (nb_min < min_cost) { min_cost = nb_min; sol = nb_sol; } } If cost does not improve, we might stop
Best Problem for Hill Climbing • Unimodal
Bad problem for hill climbing • Multimodal
Local Minima • Hill climbing is a local search • (solver can define their own “local”) • It could stuck at local minima • Need something to fix it • If stuck • Randomly generate another solution and start from that solution
Simulated Annealing O’ mother nature, I worship thou
Annealing • A material (metal) is heated and then slowly cooled down • Rearrangement of atom • Because, if not heated, atom is stuck at irregular position from inertia • That’s like the “Local Minima”
Simulated Annealing • Just like hill climbing • But solution is allowed to move to lower position • With some probability • With inverse proportional to the elapsed time • Help escape from local minima
Simulated Annealing Solution sol = random_a_solution() whiletime_not_exceed() { Solution nb = gen_one_neighbors(sol) int cost = evaluate(nb); if (cost < min_cost) { sol = nb; min_cost = cost; } else { if (random() < chance_at_time(t)) { sol = nb; min_cost = cost; } } }