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“Seminar Kebangsaan Sumber Elektronik di Malaysia” 5-7 Disember 2012 Bayview Beach Resort, Penang. Inter library Loan System: Enhancing Resource Sharing of PERPUN Members. Presented By: Mr Kamal Sujak Chief Librarian, Multimedia University Library. Highlight .
“Seminar Kebangsaan Sumber Elektronik di Malaysia” 5-7 Disember 2012 Bayview Beach Resort, Penang Inter library Loan System: Enhancing Resource Sharing of PERPUN Members Presented By: Mr Kamal Sujak Chief Librarian, Multimedia University Library
Highlight • Introduction on ILLS PERPUN System • :Participating Libraries • :From manual to automation • Technical requirements • :Hardware • :Software • :Network architecture • Flow chart of the system • System implementations and status • Strength, Opportunities, Challenge, and Threat • Q&A
Introduction This system has been developed base on collaborative decision of PERPUN members in PERPUN meeting (No. 3/2011) at UUM dated 19th September 2011. “3.3.2 – Mesyuaratmengambilmaklum agar satusistemPinjamanAntaraPerpustakaan (ILL) dapatdilihatdandibangunkandiperingkat PERPUN.” An integrated web-based ILL system to replace and enhance the existing manual base ILL system used by PERPUN members.
Introduction A client-server web-based system architecture will improve the access and speed of ILL process by allowing participating library to update each other’s database directly, ensuring data integrity, simplifying status tracking, supporting current status and statistical reporting.
The Development Team Introduction • This system has been developed by: • Multimedia University Team • SIG ISM - MYSYL
Development Plan Introduction
Introduction Technical requirements Hardware -Minimum requirement hard disk space 250 GB - Minimum Memory: 8 GB -Dell Server R610 Software and OS platform -Window base platform -Based on PHP5 version -Database MySQL Cost -Server RM 45K
Introduction • 3.3 :Network architecture • -Server will be located At Multimedia University PAP Server Located @ MMU Internet
of New ILL system Characteristics • Easily accessible, easy to use by both users and librarians, and minimize the amount of human effort in ILL process. • Provide a mechanism to control legitimate access by library users, librarians and participating libraries. • Progress tracking exists to enable users to check about the status of their ILL requests.
of New ILL system Characteristics • Transaction updates to allow both libraries to keep track and monitor the loan status. • Overdue items are automatically flagged and make known to the librarians. • Completed ILL transactions are kept in the databases for 3 years prior being archived. • Statistical report can be generated for viewing and analysis.
New Request Flow chart
Renew Flow chart
Who Involved? • Administrator- Each participating library appoints their own admin to manage and monitor their respective ILL users. (MySYLrepresentative). • Librarian – Person in-charge to process and execute the request.
Admin User can appoint/add new librarian whom will be responsible and manage ILL process. Once the institution’s admin login to the system, he/she will be directed to his/her university’s admin page, and able to modify his librarians’ account. Admin User
Admin able to modify librarians’ email and insert remarks, reset password, activate or de-activate user account. Any updates to the librarian’s account will be notified via email. Admin User
As a user, he/she can modify his/her account information such as email and password. Librarian
Librarian How to use the system To request an item, librarian need to key in requestor’s personal data and choose item types. There are 6 types of request can be made: Book, journal article, conference paper, chapter of book, dissertation and upload file. *Upload file is a function that user may upload metadata file to the system. Readable metadata is on *.ris , *.txt and *.enw
Librarian How to use the system User need to fill in the request form. This will ease the supply library to retrieve the record. Different item types have a different required metadata. For book, it is advisable for the librarian to priory search in KATALOG INDUK PERPUN and export the record to metadata format.
Librarian How to use the system Search the required item from KIP or other database i.e. IEEE database and export the citation or metadata to your desktop.
Librarian How to use the system Upload the metadata to the system. System will read and encoded the metadata to text readable data.
Librarian How to use the system Librarians should verify the data before submitting the request . To view your metadata you may click on the VIEW THE FILE HERE
Librarian How to use the system Once record submitted, user need to choose respective librarian and institution that may respond to his/her request . User may also choose list of librarians from the institution that was selected. User also has an option to receive copy of email of the request.
Librarian How to use the system Requested item record is available at REQUEST FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONpage. Any unprocessed request, there is a CANCEL button at the end of the row for users to cancel the request. However for the processed request there is no cancel button provided . Librarian may click the DETAILS button to get the detail of the request. They may also use the ALERT button to communicate with the requestor.
Librarian How to use the system There are 2 types of cancelling request i.e. by item and by institution. Only unprocessed item can be cancelled.
Librarian How to use the system To check any request, user can click at the “Request from other institution” button. To start processing the request, user click on detail button and user will be redirect to the item detail form. When the status of the item is RETURNED, user may hide the report by clicking the HIDE button. This may useful to minimize the view of the request item list.
Librarian How to use the system If user agree to provide the item, once he/she click on the submit button, all the same request to other institution will be cancelled. For example if MMU request a book from UUM and UPM and librarian from UPM agreed to supply the item, automatically request to UUM will be cancelled. In addition, if the supply library reject the request, other responded librarians are not affected.
Current Status • The system is installed initially in MMU library for a pilot run and further evaluation. • This system run in a development server until the new server is ready. • Beta version has been reviewed and tested by the librarians. • After full fledge installation, training will be conducted in 1st quarter of 2013.
Future Enhancement • Enhancing the interface for more user friendly. • Integrated with the library’s web page to provide the added ILL functionality. • Requestor may directly request to the PAP and librarian can choose valid request base on the library profile. • More Integration with the KIP.
Strength & Opportunities • Focus on specific institutions (Academic) that mostly required similar item type. • Opportunities to enhance the system to meet the user requirement. • Cost saving. • All transactions recorded either by email or system. • Able to export metadata from KIP or Other Online databases. • Maintaining and Enhancing the system can be discussed on the MYSYL platform. • Standardize reporting for KPI.
Challenge & Threat • There are differences in ILL policies and rules among all institutions, such as diversity on patron type, item type fee and fine. • Cooperation and responsibility. • Changing mindset of requesting item from traditional method to a new system.
Conclusion An integrated ILL system for PERPUN has been proposed and developed. The overall improvement in speed and efficiency of the ILL service will enable a large number of ILL request to be handled and this definitely will enhance resource sharing among participating libraries.