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Review on Word 2007. Modified Slides from the Book Grade 11 – Computer Concepts. Unit Introduction. Microsoft Word is a word processing program used to create: Letters Memos Newsletters Research papers Web pages Business cards Resumes Financial reports Other types of documents.
Review on Word 2007 Modified Slides from the Book Grade 11 – Computer Concepts
Unit Introduction • Microsoft Word is a word processing program used to create: • Letters • Memos • Newsletters • Research papers • Web pages • Business cards • Resumes • Financial reports • Other types of documents Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Understanding Word Processing Software Header Graphic Column Formatted text Chart Table Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Exploring the Word Program Window I-beam pointer • The Word program window opens and displays a blank document • The insertion point indicates where text appears when you type Blank document Insertion point Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Exploring the Word Program Window Quick Access toolbar Title bar Ribbon Scroll bar Document window Ruler Status bar View buttons Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Exploring the Word Program Window • The Ribbon contains tabs • Tabs include buttons for commands organized in groups • Quick Access toolbar contains frequently used commands and is customizable Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Starting a Document • Automatic features that might appear as you type • AutoComplete • AutoCorrect • Spelling and Grammar Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Saving a Document • Save a file for the first time using the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar or the Save command on the Office menu • Assign a filename and a file location to a document using the Save Asdialog box Location of the file Filenames should be brief and descriptive .docx file extension indicates the file is a Word document Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Selecting Text • Formatting marks are special characters that appear on screen to help you edit and format text This formatting mark indicates a blank line or the end of a paragraph • Formatting marks do not print • Use the Show/Hide ¶ button turn the display of formatting marks off and on Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Formatting Text Using the Mini Toolbar • Includes the most commonly used text and paragraph formatting commands • Appears faintly above selected text • Becomes solid when your point to it • Right-click selected text if the Mini toolbar disappears Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Creating a Document Using a Template • New Document dialog box Installed Template Preview Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Creating a Document Using a Template • Replace placeholder text with your information Inserted text Placeholder text Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Viewing and Navigating a Document • Use the Zoom level button on the status bar • Use the Zoom slider on the status bar Zoom In Zoom slider Zoom level button Zoom Out Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Viewing and Navigating a Document • Word document views (cont.) • WebLayoutview displays a document as it will look when viewed on a computer screen using a Web browser • Outlineview displays the headings in a document in outline form • Draft view shows a simplified layout of a document, without margins, headers and footers, or graphics Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Summary • When you start Word, a blank document opens in the document window • To create a new document, begin typing in the blank document • Save the new document with a descriptive filename • As you edit the document, save your changes to it often Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Using the Office Clipboard • The Office Clipboard • Stores up to 24 items • Stores text and graphics • Items can be cut or copied from any Office program • Items on the Office Clipboard can be viewed • The last item collected is stored on both the Office Clipboard and the system Clipboard Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Using the Office Clipboard Click to resize or move the Clipboard task pane • The Office Clipboard appears in the Clipboard task pane • Can be set to open automatically after two consecutive cut or copy actions • Display manually by clicking the launcher in the Clipboard group Stored items Icon indicates the item is collected from Word Click to change display options Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Finding and Replacing Text • Find and Replace dialog box Enter Find criteria Enter Replace criteria Select search options Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Checking Spelling and Grammar Identified misspelled word Suggested correction Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Checking Spelling and Grammar Identified grammar error Suggested corrections Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Researching Information Word in document • Thesaurus appears in the Research task pane • With an active Internet connection, the Research task pane provides access to other reference sources Possible meaning Synonyms for the word Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Adding Hyperlinks • The Insert Hyperlink dialog box Use to modify ScreenTip Types of links you can create Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Adding Hyperlinks • Hyperlinks in a document Purple indicates hyperlink has been followed Hyperlink and its corresponding ScreenTip Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Preparing a Document for Distribution • Document Information Panel Click list arrow, then click Advanced Properties to open the Properties dialog box Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated
Formatting with Fonts • Serif fonts have a small stroke, called a serif, on the ends of characters, and are often used for body text: • Times New Roman • Garamond • Book Antiqua • Californian FB • Sans serif fonts do not have a serif, and are often used for headings: • Arial Rounded MT Bold • Comic Sans MS • Franklin Gothic Demi • Papyrus Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated 25