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P e r kins Fis ca l T r a i ning T r e a t me n t o f M o n e y D e t a il – S e c o n d a r y. Michelle Kamenov , Joel Larsen, L a uri e R h ea ult Minnes o t a D e p a r t m e n t of E du ca t i on September 29 , 201 4. A G EN D A.
PerkinsFiscalTrainingTreatmentofMoneyDetail–Secondary Michelle Kamenov, Joel Larsen,LaurieRheault MinnesotaDepartmentofEducation September 29,2014
AGENDA Reviewdevelopmentof SecondaryPerkinsBudget (ExcelSpreadsheet) ReviewProceduresfor submittingapplicationsand budgetsthrough SERVSFinancial ThesecondaryPerkins budget spreadsheetandinstructionsareavailablefordownloadat http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/professionaldevelopment/index.html An overview of the CTE Revenue for FY 2015
Process Step 1: VerifyfinalPerkinsconsortiumallocation, includingseparatebasicand reserve allocations.
Process Step 2: CompletePerkinsapplication,including identificationofactivitiesbygoal, administrativeexpenses, and activitiestobe carriedout fortheconsortiumbysubgrantees
Process Step 3: Develop thebudgetforeachactivity,including bywhomorwheretheactivitywilloccur
LearningthatworksforMinnesota CTE™ Goal1:Designing&.implementingProgramsofStudyGca1s, ObjectivesandStrategies
Process Step 4: Determine foreachactivitywhetheritaddresses BasicGrantorReserveFundactivities.
Process Step 5: Determine theappropriateUFARSObject(OBJ) code(s)foreachactivity.Each expenditure maybereportedunderonlyoneobjectcode.
UFARSOBJ http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/SchSup/SchFin/FinMgmt/UFARS/
Process Step 6: CompletethePerkinsSecondary Budget Spreadsheettobeattached tothePerkins applicationin SERVSFinancialandsubmitted with your online application at applyheremn.org
Consortiumname Fiscalagent Districtnumberand type Basic Reserveallocation BUDGET SUMMARY TAB
Objective 1: Professional Development-Technical Skill Development Objective 2: Travel GOAL 1 TAB
Process Theconsortiumwouldsimilarlyenter informationforgoals4 and 5.
CAUTION Movingorcopying/pastingcellson the spreadsheet maydisrupttheautomatic summaryfeatures(totheBudget Summary tab).
Process Step 7: Revisethebudgetspreadsheetwhenever substantialbudgetchangesaremade.
Process Step 8: InJanuary,enterexpenditures madethrough December31on thespreadsheetbygoal (or admin)andsubmittheupdatedspreadsheet toMichelle Kamenov at MDE
LearningthatworksforMinnesota CTE™ c II I I II I I H B G I A D E F CarlD.PerkinsEducationAct·BasicGrant·Goal1SecondaryBudget 2013-2014 Goal1:DesigningProgramsofStudy 3 ConsortiumName: CentralLakes 4 5 - - - 118,840.25 Columntotal Expenditures through Reallocated Amount UFARS Object Code UFARSObjectDescription 140LicensedClassroomTea:her 6 Objective Item Amount Notes December31 ReserveAmount 1TSAIPOS/SpecProjCoord 7 5,000.00
Iwillnowturn the discussionovertoLaurie Rheaulttotalk about SERVS Financial.
PerkinsSecondaryAccessingFunds– SERVSFinancial SERVS(StateEducationalRecordViewandSubmissionSystem) isapasswordprotectedweb siteformembersof secondary educationalorganizationswhohavereceived prior approval tosubmitgrantapplicationsandcreatebudgets,approve transactions,request fundreimbursementorsimplyviewgrantapplicationsandthebudgetmanagementprocess. http://education.state.mn.us/EGMS/.
Horne:AccountabilityPrograms:ProgramAccountabilityandImprovement:GrantsManagementDirectory:AllOpenGrantOpportunitiesHorne:AccountabilityPrograms:ProgramAccountabilityandImprovement:GrantsManagementDirectory:AllOpenGrantOpportunities AllOpenGrantOpportumtles Thitableincludesalistingofallco1111JetitiveandformulagrantopportunitiescurrentlyavailablethroughtheMinnesotaDepartmentofEducation.Youmaysortandretreveinformationbygranttitle,MOEprogram3rea,eligibleapplicants,dollar amountorduedate.SelectaS!Jecificgranttitleformoredetailedinformationaboutthegrantopportunity. >Currentsortingcriteria:FiscalYear&Descending Contact mds.ss.rvsfinsncisl AmountUpApplicationToDueDate Title ProgramArea EligibleApplicants Hslp FORMULA-420-SFY2012,IDEAPARTBSECTION619PRESCHOOLLf!::N_TLVE,flE_s3:5....C_i:o.84,1rA FORMULA-475-SFY2012,CARL0. PERKINSCAREERANDTECHNICALEOUCATION-RESERVE,CFOA84.048A, FFY2011 FORMULA-428-SFY2012,CARL0. PERKINSCAREERANOTECHNICALEDUCATION-BASIC,CFOA84.048A,FFY2011 ProgramFinance/EarlyLocalEducation 2012 $5,379.54106/30/2012 LearningSeivices Agencies(LEAs) ·········-····-······ Centerfor 2012PostsecondarySuccess /\pprovcdPcrl<inoConsortia $76,19710/14/2011 Centerfor 2012Postsecondary Success ApprovedPerkins Consortia $588.28010/14/2011 r1
SERVS Financial Selectyour district. SelectGrant Management.
SERVSFinancial Yourgrantapplicationhasbeensuccessfullysubmittedandthestatusis“Signature Pending”. OncetheSuperintendentorExecutive Directorhas approvedthisapplicationon behalfof yourorganization,MDEwillbegintheirreviewprocess.Youmaycheckthestatusofthisor anyotherapplicationontheGrant ApplicationspageofSERVSFinancialGrants Management.
SERVSFinancial SignaturePending
SERVSFinancial • ApplicationStatusOptions • SignaturePending– applicationsubmittedbyApplication- Budget, Application-Budget ApproverorAccountRegister. ApplicationBudget Approvermustsign. • UnderProcess– ApplicationBudgetApproverhas signed.Itis nowinMDE’sworkflow queueawaitingreview. • Resubmit– MDEhasrequestedthatyouresubmit theapplicationtomakechanges. • Denied– Yourapplicationisformallydenied. • Approved–Yourapplicationisapprovedandthebudgetcan bebuiltinSERVSandonce itisFundedandActiveyoumaybegin spendingmoney.TheAccountRegisterwillbe ableto makedrawrequests.
SERVSFinancial • Reminders: • MakefinalFY14 SERVSdrawrequestsfor Basic-428 andReserve-475. • SERVSexpenditures shouldmatch UFARS.
I will now turn the discussion over to Joel Larsen to talk about the CTE Revenue system
Career & Technical Education Funding 2014-2015 • CTE Levy Funding – FY 14 (2013-2014) based on the lessor of – • $80 per ADM grades 10-12 or the lessor of • 25% of Program Expenses • CTE Revenue – FY 15 (2014-2015) • 35% of Program Expenses
Small School – 50 Students/class 2013-2014 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 62,916 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 44,973 Total $107,889 x 25% = $ 26,972.25
Small School – 50 Students/class Total CTE Expenses $107,889 x 25% = $ 26,972.25 the Number of students grade 10 -12 = 150 lessor 150 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $ 12,000 2013-2014 CTE Levy Revenue
2014-2015 CTE Revenue 2014-2015 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 65,644 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 48,125 Total $113,769 x 35% = $ 39,819.15
Small School CTE Levy Funding 13-14 = $ 12,000.00 CTE Revenue Fund 14-15 = $ 39,819.15 Increased funding = $ 27,819.15
Medium Size School –150 students 2013-2014 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $143,578 FACS = $ 60,713 Business = $ 0 Construction Occ. = $ 0 Total $204,291 x 25% = $ 51,072.75