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Rural Cohesion Policy after 2013: European Commission view. Władysław Piskorz Urban Development-Territorial Cohesion Unit Directorate General for Regional Policy European Commission COTER Seminar – Warsaw, 20 th October 2011. Densely populated areas Intermediate density areas
Rural Cohesion Policy after 2013: European Commission view Władysław Piskorz Urban Development-Territorial Cohesion Unit Directorate General for Regional PolicyEuropean Commission COTER Seminar – Warsaw, 20th October 2011 European UnionCohesion Policy
Densely populated areas Intermediate density areas Thinly populated areas European UnionCohesion Policy
Rural regions can contribute to the success of the Europe 2020 strategy • Rural regions can’t develop on the basis of agriculture alone • Need to work in a coordinated manner on main drivers of rural areas: • economic diversification; • accessibility of services of basic interest; • improvement of human capital. European UnionCohesion Policy
From the past to the future • Structural funds for rural areas • 2000-2006 (ex post evaluation) • 2007-2013 (Community Strategic Guidelines) • Green paper on Territorial Cohesion • Urban-rural partnerships • Legislative proposals for 2014-2020 European UnionCohesion Policy
Structural funds for rural areas in 2000-2006(ex post evaluation) • Rural development not specifically targeted by the ERDF; • ERDF provided significant financial support to project in rural areas • fostering diversification of economic activities • improving socio-economic conditions • transport, environment and telecommunication infrastructure • weak support to energy infrastructure • Business with growth potential and R&D but less than in urban areas; European UnionCohesion Policy
Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-2013 • Territorial Cohesion: taking on board territorial dimension to develop sustainable communities and to prevent uneven regional development from reducing overall growth potential • Rural Diversification: Cohesion policy can play a key role in support rural areas regeneration, complementing the action supported by CAP Pillar II • Integration between Rural development and Cohesion Policy: MS should ensure synergies and consistency between actions to be financed by the ERDF, Cohesion fund, European Fisheries Fund and EAFRD European UnionCohesion Policy
Programming period 2007-2013 • 85 billion Euro from Structural Funds to support rural areas • 91 billion Euros from CAP Second Pillar (17 billion Euro support to wider rural development) • Common objectives for diversification economic activities and improvement of quality of life in rural areas • MS and regions had the opportunity to develop their own coordination strategy European UnionCohesion Policy
Green paper on Territorial Cohesion • Recognition of the polycentric EU growth model! • A relatively dense urban network: 5000 towns and 1000 cities, only 7% of people living in cities over 5 million (25% in US) • Economic activity more concentrated across EU than population • To ensure a balanced and sustainable territorial development of EU as a whole, avoiding excessive concentration of growth • Access to services of general economic interest is often a problem in rural areas European UnionCohesion Policy
Preparatory Action: RURBAN • Increasing interest in rural-urban linkages as a driver of integrated territorial development but … • Not yet solid empirical foundations of analysis on the ground • General Objective: to analyse territorial partnership practices for towns/cities and rural areas, to achieve better cooperation between different actors in developing and implementing common urban-rural initiatives based on the integrated approach and • to promote territorial multilevel governance TO CREATE A BRIDGE BETWEEN REGIONAL POLICY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY European UnionCohesion Policy
Actions • A preparatory study building up on existing bibliography • A comprehensive study – by OECD • 2 regional workshops (Lorraine -FR, Mazovia-PL) • Final Conference • Dissemination of the results across EU European UnionCohesion Policy
The EC proposal for 2014-2020 • Alignment of cohesion policy with Europe 2020 • Reinforced strategic programming • Thematic concentration • Conditionality • Stronger focus on results • Streamlined delivery system European UnionCohesion Policy
Common Strategic Framework Partnership Contract More coherent use of available EU funds Operational Programmes Comprehensive investment strategy: aligned with Europe 2020 objectives Coherence with National Reform Programmes Coordination: cohesion policy, rural development, maritime + fisheries funds Objectives and indicators to measure progress towards Europe 2020 targets Effectiveness: introduction of a performance framework Efficiency: reinforcement of administrative capacity, cutting red tape European UnionCohesion Policy
New Regulations and Rural Areas Common Strategic Framework • Sets a comprehensive investment strategy for cohesion policy at EU level • Translatestargets and objectives of Europe 2020 into investment priorities for Member States and Regions • Covers cohesion, rural development and fisheries policies and coordination with other EU instruments • Partnership Contract at country level! European UnionCohesion Policy
Knowledge transfer and Innovation Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems Resource efficiency and shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy Social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas Competitiveness of all types of agriculture and farm viability Food chain organisation and risk management Rural development in a new framework Europe 2020 strategy Common Strategic Framework (CSF) – reflecting EU2020 through thematic objectives Partnership Contract – national framework outlining the use of the funds in the pursuit of EU2020 objectives and coordination mechanisms Rural development policy: EAFRD Other structural funds (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund the EMFF) Innovation, Climate Change and Environmental care as cross-cutting themes Priorities Rural Development Programme European UnionCohesion Policy
Supporting Integrated Programming • Integrated programme approach • Possibility for Member States to prepare and implement multifund programmes combining ERDF, ESF and the Cohesion Fund • Integrated territorial investments • Investments under 1 or more Operational Programmes can take the form of integrated territorial investments • Requires urban development strategy or other territorial strategies or pacts • Integrated approach to community-led local development European UnionCohesion Policy
Reinforcing community-led local development • Integrated approach to community-led local development • Facilitates integrated investment by small communities including local authorities, NGOs, and economic and social partners • Integrated local development strategies • Local action groups to design and implement these strategies • Integrated approach and common rules = can be financed jointly from ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and EMFF European UnionCohesion Policy
Where can I find further information? www.inforegio.europa.eu Follow @EU_Regional on Twitter European UnionCohesion Policy