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Strengthening Civil Society in the Western Balkans and EU Region

This project focuses on enhancing civil society capacities, accountability, and ties within the Western Balkans and EU regions, aiming to improve democratic processes and citizen engagement.

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Strengthening Civil Society in the Western Balkans and EU Region

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  1. Robert Nelson, Regional Programming Civil Society Facility – Horizontal Issues 1

  2. Project Background (1) • 2005/2006 Commission Communications on the “Western Balkans” and on “Civil Society Dialogue in Candidate Countries”: the importance of extended relationship between CSOs from Europe and from the region. • 2007/2008 Enlargement Strategy Paper: commitments by the European Commission to improve the quality of enlargement process by emphasising fundamental issues such as civil society development and people-to-people contacts within the region and with the EU.

  3. Project Background (2) 2007: Launch of the New Civil Society Facility through three strands: - Civic Initiatives and Capacity Building - “People to People” Programme - Partnership Actions 2008: Commission Communication on Western Balkans: creating conditions conducive to further growth of CSOs’ activities that complement positive steps made so far in the region

  4. Project Objective and Purpose Objective • Strengthen civil society within a participative democracy, stimulating a civil society friendly 'environment' and culture Purpose • Increase the overall capacities, accountability and credibility of CSOs • Enhance CSOs' services and role in the democratic process • Reinforce dialogue and strengthen ties between CSOs within the region and with their counterparts in the EU • Develop CSOs’ consultation towards citizens and public bodies

  5. Points of concern: • Legitimacy and credibility of CSOs are recognised; • Legal framework facilitating CSO activities; • Sufficient absorption capacity of CSOs; • Increased cooperation between CSOs; • National policies supportive to CSOs’ catalytic role; • Citizens’ trust of CSO activities; • Donors continue engagement in supporting civil society.

  6. Expected results • Increased capacities and capabilities of CSOs • Stronger networking (local & international) • Improved services • Better understanding of EU affairs and procedures • Enhanced visibility, participation, influence • More participation of society in CSOs and their activities A CIVIL SOCIETY CULTURE

  7. Measurable indicators • Increased number of advisory services provided by CSOs • Improved mutual cooperation among CSOs, and with public authority • Increased number of new partnerships at network, national or regional, and EU levels • Increased number of new EU projects • Increased number of good practices, information and communications exchanges in the region and the EU level • Improved level of democracy indicators

  8. Conclusions The Civil Society Facility will harmonise civil society support under IPA and aims to combine the regional and national approaches. The multi-beneficiary programme may prepare the grounds for national programmes for some countries. At the same time, it will complement national programmes by providing multi-country cooperation and exchange opportunities for CSOs.

  9. Planned Regional activities (1) • Technical Assistance (€8 Million) • Identify priority needs of the civil society sector in the region • Design and deliver training programmes • Develop communication tools, e.g. website and database • Advise on ad hoc basis individual CSOs • Evaluate the impact of (donor funded) actions • Publish and disseminate project results • Advise on further actions (Call for proposals)

  10. Planned Regional activities (2.1) • “People 2 People” Programme (€4 Million) • Organise EU visits for groups of people belonging to existing organisations, individuals who play a central role in disseminating information on EU policies and are reputed promoters of civil society rights and role • Raising awareness on relevant EU matters • Bringing the understanding of the acquis closer to citizens • Stimulating NGOs influence and dissemination of knowledge • Fuelling relationship between CSOs, CSOs and the public bodies

  11. Planned Regional activities (2.2) “People 2 People” Programme 2008 events in Brussels • 11-14 November - EU decision-making process and institutions for young branches of political parties • 18-21 November - Intercultural dialogue • 24-27 November- Children’s Rights in Europe • 1-4 December - Health Challenges in Europe • 9-12 December -Employment and Social Dialogue (Taiex team)

  12. Planned Regional activities (2.3) “People 2 People” Programme 2009: events planned (Taiex) • Participatory democracy, lobbying and advocacy towards different levels of governance, stimulation citizens' participations in Civil Society • Safeguarding and promotion of rights for inclusion of disabled • Social aspects in agricultural sector • The role of the civil society in combating corruption • The role of the civil society in the inclusion of the Roma • Combating discrimination in all forms. Legislation and good practices • Access to justice. Legal aid • Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms • Research Potential in Europe • Consumer protection

  13. Planned Regional activities (3) • Partnership Actions (€4.5 Million) Environmental Forum (€0.3 million) • Set up NGO/EC platform / system of information and discussion Environment, Energy Efficiency, Health and Security at Work (€4.0 million) • Developing networks and partnership in the region and at the EU • Encouraging intervention and transparency of public administrations • Fostering public awareness on good practices and legal measures Fight Against Corruption, Organised Crime and Trafficking (€4.5 million) • Awareness of citizens, CSOs and media about needs in the fields • Create structure for constant monitoring of implementation of reform • Create and develop CSO networks

  14. Ideas on Regional activities 2009 Calls for Proposals that group all sorts of CSOs, socio-economic partners, public administrations, education institutes, etc. acting in a transnational partnership Themes could be: • Food and product safety • Environment • Innovation, Research & Development • Corporate social responsibility • (socio-economic) Integration of disadvantaged • Minorities • Culture

  15. Implementation and duration • Technical Assistance: Service Contract (24 months) • “P2P” Programme: Service Contract on an annual basis • Partnership Actions: Calls for Proposals 1. Environment Forum: Service contract (24 months) 2. Environment, Energy Efficiency, Health and Security at Work: Grants up to 24 months 3. Fight against Crime, Corruption and Trafficking: Grants up to 24 months

  16. Planned National Activities Complementarity: Key challenge to strengthen the civil society dialogue in the overall process of the countries’ accession Civil society capacity building will gain in importance Implemented either by EC Delegations or in Croatia and Turkey by the Beneficiary (“decentralised management” (DIS))

  17. Planned National Activities in 2008 Mainly Calls for Proposals for grants to Civil Society Organisations: Bosnia and Herzegovina €3.5 Million Croatia €3.0 Million the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia €1.2 Million Serbia €2.0 Million Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) €1.7 Million Turkey €3.2 Million Albania and Montenegro are concentrating on existing support under CARDS and will programme new activities under the Civil Society Facility in 2009.

  18. OTHER INITIATIVES IPA: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Community Programmes: • Progress • Daphne • Culture • Media • Europe for Citizens

  19. Albania National Activities in 2008 Several CARDS projects provide support to CSOs: capacity-building and greater involvement in EU policy debate (€1.0 Million) participation in protection schemes for victims of human trafficking and in social service delivery (€0.7 Million) strengthening advocacy role and CSO contribution to the protection of basic rights, gender equality and marginalised persons (€1.2 Million) Therefore no new actions have been programmed in 2008.

  20. Bosnia and Herzegovina National Activities in 2008 The IPA 2008 programme (€3.5 Million) will consist of: Supporting the cooperation of CSOs with municipal authorities Establishing a permanent NGO fee-based training Centre Raising the capacity of CSOs in addressing environmental problems Creating and implementing the National Youth Strategy It will be implemented by: a call for proposals, TA to provide support in fields not covered by the regional TA, a grant agreement with UNDP.

  21. Croatia National Activities in 2008 Aim: Improving CSO capacity to monitor and implement EU acquis (transparency and accountability, the fight against corruption, anti-discrimination strategy and sustainable development) Each grant will include capacity-building and networking encouraging contacts with EU counterparts Implemented via 3 grant schemes (each €1.15 Million) Calls for Proposals: 1st quarter - contracts to be signed in 4th quarter of 2009.

  22. fYRoM National Activities in 2008 Support (€1.2 Million) to CSOs in decision-making and providing social services to: support the implementation of the strategy for cooperation between the Government and the civil sector; increase the involvement of civil society in the process of policy-making particularly those connected to EU integration; the participation of civil society in providing social assistance. Projects will start in 2009.

  23. Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99) Planned National Activities in 2008 Under IPA 2008: grant scheme of €1.7 Million to support the civil society sector Likely areas: environment, equal opportunities and provision of social services to specific vulnerable groups. It is expected that contracts will be signed in early 2009.

  24. Montenegro National Activities in 2008 In the IPA 2008 no new CSO actions programmed. IPA 2007: CSO projects started in 2008 to facilitate dialogue and partnership between local and EU CSOs, particularly in social, health and cultural fields. IPA 2009: to provide feedback for extra support (€3 Million) Activities envisaged to: raise awareness on EU environmental policy; support anti-discrimination initiatives; enhance cultural dialogue; support the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs. Activities are expected to begin in 2010.

  25. Serbia National Activities in 2008 Under the IPA 2008 €2 Million for CSOs Aim to strengthen dialogue and partnership between the Serbian government and civil society as well as to promote and reinforce the capacity of CSOs. All projects ready for tendering in the 1st quarter of 2009.

  26. Turkey National Activities in 2008 In addition to the current implementation of Civil Society Dialogue programme, the IPA 2008–2010 will offer a further opportunity for strengthening dialogue (€30 ‑ 45 Million) and will: facilitate domestic development of civil society and its involvement in the shaping public policies; reinforce social dialogue and trade union rights; promote cultural diversity and minority rights; and support social inclusion of vulnerable persons, including Roma. In 2009 and 2010, projects will be launched to reinforce the democratic participation of civil society.

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