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Part II: Counting

Part II: Counting. Basic Counting: Principles Lists, Permutations, and Subsets Binomial Coefficients Pigeonhole Principle. L04: Basic Counting. Objectives Counting: What and Why? Basic principles of counting Reading SDB, pp. 31-38. Outline. Introduction to Counting The Sum Principle

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Part II: Counting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Part II: Counting • Basic Counting: Principles • Lists, Permutations, and Subsets • Binomial Coefficients • Pigeonhole Principle

  2. L04: Basic Counting • Objectives • Counting: What and Why? • Basic principles of counting • Reading • SDB, pp. 31-38

  3. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  4. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  5. Selection Sort Comparison Counting # of comparisons: n n n 2 2 2 n-1 n-1 n-1 1 1 1 3 3 3 … … … … … … i=1: n-1 i=2: n-2 ….. i=n-1: 1 Total # of comparisons = (n-1)+(n-2)+…+1

  6. Sum Principle S # of comparisons: =|S1| n n n 2 2 2 n-1 n-1 n-1 1 1 1 3 3 3 … … … … … … i=1: n-1 i=2: n-2 ….. i=n-1: 1 Total # of comparisons = (n-1)+(n-2)+…+1 =|S2| =|Sn-1|

  7. Sum Principle in Abstract S4 S2 S1 S3 Si: blocks subsets … … Abstraction: From Concrete example to General Principle

  8. Set-Theoretical Concepts in Sum Principle

  9. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  10. {p|p an UST student who takes 91M to school}

  11. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  12. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  13. Matrix Multiplication

  14. Product Principle in General • Si and Sj are disjoint, |Si| = n • S = S1 U S2 U … U Sm • |S| = m |Si| = mn

  15. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

  16. First: Ordered Pairs

  17. Now: Two-Element Subsets

  18. Outline • Introduction to Counting • The Sum Principle • Principle through an example • Set-Theoretic concepts and Notations • Summing consecutive integers • The Product Principle • The principle • An application: Two-Elements subsets

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