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Welcome to Pantside Primary School! A nurturing environment for 3-11-year-old pupils, fostering a strong partnership between home and school. Discover our school hours, term dates, organization approach, and more.
Pantside Primary School Brochure Head Teacher: Mrs Kate Bennett Chair Of Governors: Mr G. Heard Dear Parents, We welcome you and your child to Pantside Primary School and hope this is the beginning of an important and supportive partnership between home and school.
School Details The school is a Primary School accommodating 3-11 year old pupils living within the area of Pantside. Occasionally pupils are admitted from outside the area. As of September 2018 the school has 197 pupils on roll. All pupils come from a non Welsh speaking background. Pantside Primary, Old Pant Road, Pantside, Newbridge. NP11 5DE E-mail: panpa@caerphilly.gov.uk Tel: 01495 243286 School Hours Juniors 8:55 am - 12.20pm 1:00pm - 3:00 pm Foundation Phase 8:55 am - 12.00pm 12:45pm - 3:00 pm Nursery 8:55 am - 11:30 am Morning break 10.35 - 10:55 am Infants 10:35 - 10:50 am Juniors
School Term Dates In addition to the closures below, we also close for five days per academic year for teacher training. We will confirm closure dates to all parents and carers via newsletters and our text service.
Useful Information School Organisation Classes are not streamed, but for some work children may be placed in groups that match their stage of development. We currently have one age group per class for Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 & Year 4. However, we do have a mixed age class for Year 5/6. We may also mix classes up for certain activities as part of our philosophy of sharing learning and team work. Charging and Remission As part of our approach to teaching we try to link projects with educational visits. We have to ask for voluntary contributions from parents to cover the cost of these visits. We always attempt to find ways of keeping these costs to a minimum, but if there are insufficient funds then trips may have to be cancelled. Although we never plan to make a profit, should an underspend occur it will be used to offset the next trip. Pastoral care Class teachers are responsible for the children in their class. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for the pastoral care and the class teacher refers matters of serious concern to the Headteacher or in their absence the Deputy Headteacher. Newsletters The Pantside News comes out on a monthly basis and contains bundles of information on recent and forthcoming events. It also celebrates our achievements. If you want anything put in an edition then please let the Headteacher know. Homework(policy available on request) The Homework Policy for the school asks that: • Children are encouraged to read each day in a calm and encouraging setting. Parents are invited to borrow reading books and books for enjoyment from the school library. • Children are set keywords to read and spell each week. • Additional tasks are sent home weekly in their learning log and are usually related to topics in school • Letters are sent out at the beginning of each term to let you know about topics. This may give you a chance to visit the library and borrow some relevant books. • Spellings or multiplication tables may be sent home in preparation for a test. Please encourage and work with your children to master these. Above all children need a quiet place and need a routine in place for completing homework. Please help in anyway possible so that your children see learning as constant and not just when they are in school. Weekly homework is available on the school’s website: www.schoolswire.org
Useful Information Additional Learning Needs (ALN) The progress of each child is carefully monitored and assessed. Where the progress of an individual child is giving cause for concern the parents will be informed. The school’s ALN policy is available to all parents and outlines the school’s procedures for children with special educational needs. The school’s ALN Coordinator is Mrs Jordan And Mrs Marshall is the ALN Link Governor Those children that are placed on the school’s ALN database will receive Individual Development Plans (IDP). IDP’s are reviewed by the class teacher, ALNCO, children and parents on a termly basis. SNAP Cymru provides, information, advice and support for parents of children with additional learning needs. Contact details - 08451203730 www.snapcymru.org More Able and Talented (MAT) The school has a More Able & Talented policy. Working with the LEA, the school aims to provide additional opportunities for those children that are displaying a particular talent or ability in individual areas. A school database is maintained and used to identify children that are more and exceptionally able or talented. Those children that are placed on the ‘Exceptionally Able’ register will receive an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Equality and Inclusion The school has clear policies in place and are committed to providing equality and an inclusive education. All children have access to all activities and support is available to ensure this. We encourage respect within school and the wider community. Please read our policies to find out more. Pupils with Disabilities The school’s admissions policy does not discriminate against disabled children. Anyone can apply for their child to be admitted to our school and places are allocated according to LEA policy. Safeguarding Arrangements Children may disclose information to staff regarding problems with their home or personal life. All staff are instructed to inform the Headteacher or in her absence the Deputy Headteacher immediately. The Headteacher may seek advice from social services.
Useful Information Health and Safety We want to ensure that children are safe and secure at all times. Any health and Safety concerns are to be reported to the Headteacher. • Car - please park near the Spar and not on school premises. • The school has a door buzzer entry system and visitors can only gain entry if allowed by a member of staff. No parents are allowed to park in the bottom car park at ANY time of the day. • All visitors must sign in and out of the visitors book • A daily Health & Safety inspection is carried out by the site manager and the Governing Body Health and Safety committee meet termly. • At break times staff monitor the children to ensure their safety. • Children and parents must enter the premises along the pedestrian path and not the driveway. The path is safe and there is a barrier to guide you to the relevant points of access in the school. • Please do not allow your children on the climbing equipment out of school hours. • We are a non-smoking site, this includes electronic cigarettes. • The site is monitored by CCTV cameras 24 hours a day. First Aid All staff have received basic First Aid training and there are two members of staff who are designated first Aiders and have received more advance training, these are Mrs Stevens and Mrs Wilson. We have 2 Paediatric first aiders these are Mrs Wilson & Mrs Davies. Most staff are basic first aid trained. First aid kits are placed at strategic points around the school. If any issues arise and give us cause for concern, we’ll contact you, therefore emergency contact details are vital. If a child has a bang to the head and they are feeling dizzy or have a headache, then as a precaution they shall be sent home for monitoring. School Discipline The school aims are Ready Respectful and Safe, we feel these three words encompass everything. Pupils are expected to conduct themselves in a way which demonstrates their respect for others and their concern to uphold the good name of the school. To achieve this we require your full support. We have a policy statement on behaviour as well as strategies for dealing with bullying and inappropriate behaviour. As stated in the Safe Guarding Children Act 2004, ‘Teachers at school are allowed to use reasonable force to control or restrain pupils under certain circumstances. Other staff may also do so, in the same way as teachers, provided they have been authorised by the Headteacher to have control or charge of pupils.’ Please come and see us immediately if you have any concerns.
Useful Information Attendance and Punctuality We take this matter very seriously at Pantside. Each year we have to report to the Welsh Assembly Government the number of unauthorised absences and the percentage of attendances. Each individual child’s attendance figures will be reported at the end of each academic year and we also report the schools attendance in Pantside News. Registers are closed at 9:05 each morning and at 12:50 (Infants) 1:05 (Juniors) each afternoon, which means that if your child arrives after these times they are considered absent. It is very important that children arrive on time for school. A child arriving late disrupts his/her continuity of learning and also, the learning of others in class. Late marks are recorded. Please ensure your child attends school on time. The school will contact parents of children who regularly arrive late. In the case of absence due to illness, the school must be informed on the first day of absence, by 9.30am in order for us to record the absence as authorised. This should be done by letter, telephone (absence line) or in person. We are unable to accept a message from another child. Where the absence or lateness is due to medical appointments the school must be informed beforehand. If no message is received by 9.30am on the first day of absence, the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) will be informed. A parent of a child who is unavoidably taken on holiday during term time must complete an holiday/absence form (in advance if possible) which can be obtained from the school office. A maximum of ten school days is allowed per academic year. Individual absences are scrutinised by the Education Welfare Officer and they may decide to visit individual children’s homes to ascertain any poor attendance and/or punctuality. Please help us achieve our whole school target of 94.5%by sending your child to school everyday. Not only does it help them to learn, it develops their social and interaction skills and makes our school a better place to be.
Useful Information Attendance Remember our target this year is 94.5%! Sport and PE All children should have a full and suitable sports kit for all parts of the school’s PE curriculum. It is our joint responsibility to encourage children in personal hygiene, so, we expect children to have a clean kit in school so that they can complete activities in a safe and comfortable manner. For indoor PE/Games the children require shorts and t-shirts For outdoor PE/Games the children require shorts, t-shirt and trainers. Please put names on all kit in school. No jewellery can be worn during PE. We therefore recommend that the children don’t wear jewellery to school at all. If jewellery is worn (we only allow stud earrings for health and safety reasons) we are obliged to place a plaster or micropore tape over it during PE sessions.
Home School Agreement A copy is available from the office for you to sign and is part of the on entry welcome pack. A signed copy is kept for all children in the office. The Parents/Guardians I/We shall: • see that my child gets to school regularly, on time, appropriately dressed in uniform and properly equipped; • make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour; • support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour; • support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning; • attend parent’s evenings and discussions about my child’s progress; • get to know about my child’s life at school. The School The school will: • contact parents if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality ; • care for your child’s safety and happiness; • ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community; • provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child; • let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour; • achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility; • keep you informed about general school matters/ activities and about your child’s progress in particular. The Pupil I shall: • attend school regularly and on time; • bring all the equipment I need every day; • wear the school uniform and be tidy in appearance; • do all my classwork and homework as well as I can; • be polite, well behaved and helpful to others; • keep the school free from litter and graffiti
Curriculum Leadership Teams Assessment Manager- Millie Rogers Professional Lead- Aaron Disley ALNCo SophieJordan Health & Wellbeing Jodie Selby LLC Lydia Medlicott FP Leader/ Humanities Tracey Middle MD Millie Rogers CD Kellan Groves Welsh Rebecca Brill Science & Technology Aaron Disley/Sophie Jordan Values Based Education Aaron Disley
Who's Who! Headteacher: Mrs K. Bennett Looked After Children & Child Protection Officer Deputy Headteacher: Miss M. Rogers Deputy Looked After Children & Child Protection Officer Nursery Teacher: Miss M. Rogers Teaching Assistant: Mrs G. Langley Reception Teacher: Miss R. Brill Teaching Assistants: Mrs A. Collins & Mrs W. Jenkins Year 1 Teacher: Mrs L. Medlicott Teaching Assistants: Mrs J. Gibson Year 2 Teachers: Mrs T. Middle & Miss E. Sage Teaching Assistant: Mrs J. Price & Miss L. James Year 3 Teacher: Miss J. Selby Teaching Assistant: Mr P. Sergeant Year 4 Teacher: Mr A. Disley Teaching Assistant: Mrs J. Jones Year 5/6 Teacher: Mrs S. Jordan Teaching Assistant: Mrs N. Humayra SRB1 Teacher: Miss S. Edwards Teaching Assistants: Miss Gough, Miss Davies & Miss Morgan SRB2 Teacher: Mrs K. Collins Teaching Assistants: Mrs Stevens, Miss Howell & Miss Rose Literacy,Numeracy & Thrive Support Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wilson, Miss Cake & Mrs Forward
Who's Who! School Clerks: Mrs M. Taylor & Miss R. Daley Site Manager: Mr D. Jones Assistant caretaker/School Crossing Patrol: Mrs L. Hughes Lunchtime Supervisors: Mrs P. Bowdler, Mrs G. Jones & Mrs K. Davies Kitchen Staff: Mrs C. Rogers, Ms L. Hodges & Mrs E. Bennett The Governing Body Chair of Governors: Mr G. Heard Vice Chair/Co-Opted: Rev Val Hodges Headteacher: Mrs K. Bennett Deputy Head Teacher: Miss M. Rogers (Observer) Parent Representatives: Mrs Marshall, Mr Bell-Jones Teacher Representative: Miss J. Selby Staff Representatives: Miss J. Cake Local Authority Representative: Councillor Mr A. Hussey, Rev Stephen Smith & Sarah Probert Clerk to the Governors: Mrs E . Everson Leader of Education: Mrs K. Cole Ty Dysgu Tredomen Park Ystrad Mynach
Curriculum Overview Our subjects are grouped into areas in line with Donaldson. Below gives an overview of the areas your child will cover. Health & Wellbeing PE & PSE Languages, Literacy and Communication English Welsh Mathematical Development Maths Science & Technology I.C.T Science Expressive Arts Art Design Technology Music Humanities History Geography R.E
Curriculum Information Welsh Welsh is taught throughout the school as a second language and Conversational Welsh is encouraged throughout the day as opportunities arise. Religious Education All children take part in an act of collective worship each day and follow the statutory Religious Education framework. If parents wish to exclude their children from these activities, they must inform the Headteacher in writing. When teaching Sex Education we focus on: • Physical development as they grow into adults • Respect for their own bodies • Keeping clean and healthy • Moral issues • Respect for the views of others • Relationship issues We also use the School Nurse to deliver particular parts of the curriculum to Year 6. We will of course inform you when we arrange these sessions and you will have a chance to view any material we use. We always deal with issues in a sensitive and professional manner, however, if you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact us Our Sex Education policy is available on request. Throughout the year parents are given opportunities to attend curriculum open days. During these days demonstration lessons are provided as well as parent guides outlining guidance on individual subject areas and how parents may support their child at home.
Foundation Phase Assessment, Recording and Reporting in the Foundation Phase An initial assessment will be made within the first six weeks of your child entering our school. The purpose of this assessment is to determine what he or she can do and understand and provide a ‘baseline’ for each child as they enter the Foundation Phase. This information will help to ensure that each child’s first experience of education is appropriate to their stage of development and the activities and experiences planned for them will help them to move forward in their learning. Staff will assess each child’s stage of development through observing them in their everyday activities and use the information to plan the next stage in their development. The on-entry assessment will be undertaken in the language of the school. Your child’s teacher will arrange a meeting during this term to discuss the report with you and provide helpful guidance on how we can work together to ensure that your child makes the best possible progress. You will also receive a written report on your child’s progress at the end of this year unless your child starts school in the summer term. You will receive a written report at the end of each year as your child moves through the Foundation Phase. The report will give information on your child’s progress in the seven Areas of Learning. At the end of the phase, the report will include the teacher’s assessment of your child’s achievements during the Foundation Phase. In addition to this the profile assessments carried out on entry to the school are updated regularly and finalised at the end of year 2.
Admission Procedures Children start Nursery the academic year (September) after their third birthday. We accept children in the term following their third birthday (rising threes). For any new admissions to the school an LEA procedure must be followed: • Parent to contact Andrea West – Admissions Officer 01443 864870 and request admission to your chosen school • Admission Department will contact school direct and inform of new placement • Parents will be informed and will be asked to contact the school to arrange visit date & start date. If you wish to receive any further information then please call into school Transitional Procedures Secondary Schools Newbridge School is the recommended destination for the majority of children leaving Pantside. A great deal of effort is made to ensure a smooth transition between schools. The Year 6 children pay regular visits to Newbridge School, for both curriculum and social development. The close liaison between our schools is imperative and driven by our desire to offer our children the best opportunities. If your child is not going to the usual secondary school (Newbridge School) opportunities are created for them to visit their chosen school. On occasions, additional transition links are set up for pupils with specific ALN.
General Information To help promote a Healthy school children are only allowed Fruit, milk or water for snacks at playtime. Only water is allowed to be drunk throughout the day Fruit Infants- 50p a week (preferably paid at the beginning of the week) Juniors- 20p fruit 30p Bottled Water School phone number- 01495 243286 E mail- panpa@caerphilly.gov.uk Flying Start (a free pre Nursery facility for children) Dinners cost £2 per day School uniform Grey, navy or black trousers/skirt white polo shirt navy sweater/cardigan Black shoes/trainers
Before & After School Clubs The school is very fortunate to have staff who are able and willing to give extra tuition after school hours. We have a changing rota of clubs throughout the year. We will let you know in writing when clubs are organised. Criw Cymraeg Variety of Sport Clubs Gardening Singing Club Creative Photography Breakfast Club is free to children and starts at 8am every day
Parent Information Information from Parents In order that our records are up to date and accurate we ask parents to complete a form which provides us with essential information. It is very important that we are kept informed of any changes in circumstances, change of address or phone number so that in an emergency we can contact you. We will require a daytime number that is available at all times. We also require an up-to-date mobile phone number so that we can contact you via text with reminders. Allmedical details need to be provided. Medicines should only be sent to school if specific instructions have been given in writing and only if the medicine can be administered safely. Asthma Cards need to be signed by the GP and returned in order for us to administer. All medicines will be kept safely in a secure place out of the reach of children.We will only follow directions given by the Doctor or pharmacist for administering medication. If in doubt then please seek advice from the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher Parent Visits Parents are invited to as many functions as possible e.g Christmas Concerts, Sports Days , Open Days, Special Assemblies. It is hoped that we create a welcoming atmosphere where you can enjoy all that is good about our school. For security reasons all visitors and parents must report to the main office using the main entrance of the school. A security door is installed and access is gained by pressing the bell. All visitors must sign in and out. Please make appointments to see staff beforehand as teaching the children and after school clubs must not be disrupted. The Headteacher or Deputy are usually available upon request We look forward to working with you.
Parent Information Planning, Preparation and Assessment- PPA All teachers are entitled to 10% non-contact time of their working week. This amounts to between 2 and 2.5 hours each week. PPA is covered by an Higher Level Teaching Assistant, who will continue and extend activities that are already set up in class. Newly Qualified Teachers are also entitled to NQT which equates to ½ a day a week. The staff who will teach your children are well known to us and will help us to raise standards in this school. If you have any questions, please come and see the Headteacher. Tuck and Healthy Schools We are working hard to be a Healthy School. We only sell fruit and we only permit children to eat healthy snacks at breaktime and drink healthy drinks. We recycle paper, cardboard, cans and plastic bottles. We also compost fruit peelings, grass cuttings and cardboard. All children are responsible for bringing a water bottle to school with water in it. Please note that we will not allow crisps, sweets and fizzy drink during break time as this is considered unhealthy. Those who bring packed lunch may however, bring crisps and chocolate if they wish. This will be eaten during lunchtime. We would urge you to think healthy though.
Parent Information Volunteers We are always looking for people to add their names to our list of helpers. The more help we get the more we can offer the children. If you can help or know someone who would like to then let us know. We will be pleased to welcome you. Parent Teacher Association (PTA) We have a very supportive set of parents and friends who work closely to provide fun activities and fund raising opportunities. They then use the money to purchase the extra items that we cannot always afford. We are very fortunate to have this support and are always on the look out for new members. The more help we have the less there is to do and we also build a stronger team! Meetings are frequently held in the School , so keep an eye out for info on newsletters and/or texts. Reporting to Parents The Headteacher and staff are always ready to meet parents to discuss matters involving children. It is however important to try to make an appointment in the first instance. Viewing our school is also always welcomed and should be done by appointment with the Headteacher. A special meeting will be held in the Summer Term for the parents of children who will be joining us in Nursery September. (Spring and Summer) for rising 3 children. We will also hold meetings during the summer term for parents to meet their transition class teacher. We will talk about our curriculum and answer and questions you may have. Informal Parent Evenings are undertaken in October and February. These meetings offer you the chance to view work and discuss the progress of your child with the class teacher. We will also ask parents to sign a Home/School agreement to ensure a clear working partnership between us. A full and comprehensive written report is provided in July which clearly sets targets for the future.
Happy Together Learning for Life Pantside Primary School’s Vision and Values Vision Statement Happy Together – Learning for Life Dysgu Hapus – Dysgu Byw Key Values PARTNERSHIP ATTITUDE INDEPENDENCE RESPECT SAFE CONFIDENCE READY PRIDE Partnership – Working with others and collaborating to get things done. Attitude – Have a positive attitude and enjoy learning in a happy, friendly environment. Independence – Every child has the courage to work by themselves and to become increasingly independent. Respect – To promote mutual respect, to be respectful of others and the school’s and community’s buildings and surroundings. Safeand Responsible – To take ownership for yourself in an environment free from danger, fear and failure. Confidence – For every child to believe in themselves and their abilities and to celebrate these individual skills Ready – To be ready for excellence by putting 100% into everything that you do. Pride – To develop a sense of pride at home and in school, including embracing the Welsh language and culture. Our Mission We Value Attitudes to Learning Good behaviour and self-awareness of learning enables all to progress, achieve and aspire. Collectively we have high expectations of pupils and are able to share experiences. We offer a consistent and positive approach to behaviour. We Value Equality Everyone is included and offered opportunities in a fair and flexible environment. All children, parents and staff are valued, respected and are listened to. We Value Learning and Teaching Learning is engaging, exciting, challenging and supported across the curriculum offering a wide range of additional opportunities. Learning environments are safe, stimulating, welcoming and attractive. Community and the Local Environment We aim to value, appreciate and work in partnership with the local and wider community. In school we promote eco-friendly attitudes and sustainability.
Happy Together Learning for Life School Complaints The Governing Body take all complaints very seriously as we are committed to providing high-quality education. We aim to make the schools complaints procedure easy to follow with three easy steps. The full version of the complaints policy is available from the school Step 1 – Informal Stage – You must contact the Headteacher of the school first as the vast majority of complaints are resolved at this stage Step 2 – Formal stage - All complaints will need to be addressed to Mr G. Heard at the school in writing where they will be thoroughly investigated and a response made in writing. Step 3 – School Complaints Committee – If you are unhappy with the investigation you must write to the school and request the Clerk to the Governing Body convenes the Complaints Committee of the Governing Body to review your complaint. There are other statutory processes for complaints and appeals relating to the curriculum, Special Educational Needs (SEN), religious worship, admissions, exclusions, staff grievance, teacher capability and staff disciplinary.