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Developing Standards Aligned IEPs. February 15, 2011 Webinar Teri Duckett. In preparation for the webinar, please read the handout “David’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement.”.
Developing Standards Aligned IEPs February 15, 2011WebinarTeri Duckett In preparation for the webinar, please read the handout “David’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement.”
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services. PaTTAN’s Mission
Our goal for each child is to ensure Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams begin with the general education setting with the use of Supplementary Aids and Services before considering a more restrictive environment. PDE’s Commitment to Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Learner Objectives • Utilize student data to determine present academic levels. • Create IEP goals relative to the Pennsylvania academic standards. • Align goals to specially designed instruction that addresses a student’s needs across settings. • Determine progress monitoring tools and schedules to evaluate and improve instruction.
POLL : What are your beliefs? Whenstudents with disabilities are provided with appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level academic knowledge & skills and communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same age peers without disabilities. 1) “I agree” 2) “I disagree”
Accessing the General Education Curriculum 6 • What is meant by the general education curriculum? • The full range of courses, activities, lessons, and materials routinely used by the general population of a school • What is meant by access? • Active engagement in learning the content and skills of the curriculum that is being taught to general education students.
What is a Standards-Aligned IEP? An IEP that connects a student’s learning to grade level Pennsylvania standards and evaluates their progress through the lens of the general education curriculum, standards, assessment anchors and curriculum frameworks.
wwwwwwww Standards Aligned System Clear Standards FairAssessments Interventions StudentAchievement Materials & Resources CurriculumFramework Instruction www.pdesas.org 8
SAS: Standards and Anchors Standards and Alternate Standards Benchmark measures that define what students should know and be able to do. Assessment Anchors (PSSA, PASA, Keystone) Clear examples of the skills/knowledge that should be learned and will be assessed on state tests at specific grade levels. 10
PA Academic Standard 1.1.BReading Independently- Word Recognition Skills Read an excerpt from the grade level standards below. Determine which grade matches each description. Which is a Grade 3, 5, 8 or 11 standard? A. Root words, prefixes, suffixes, syllabication, picture and context clues B. Syllabication, root words, prefixes, suffixes, dictionary or context clues C. Root words, context clues, dictionaries, glossaries D. Root words, context clues, word origins and reference sources to recognize and understand new words 11
Monitoring of Progress in A Standards Aligned System All information is obtained and all judgments are made with the standards and anchors as both the starting and ending point 12
Present Levels of Academic Achievement It is critical that assessment, present levels, goals and progress monitoring include both the instructional and grade levels • Instructional level alone does not meet the criteria of the general education curriculum • Grade level alone does not meet the criteria of an IEP based on identified skill deficits
Example… “Jessie’s classroom performance is inconsistent.” What is meant by classroom performance? • Maintains 3-ring binder of study guides for each core academic class What is meant by inconsistent? • Ranges from 1 – 8 missing guides per week Put it all together for a clearer statement: “Jessie maintains study guides for her academic classes, and averages 4 missing guides per week.”
Meet David… Completing his 4th grade year ( 10 years old) IEP Written for 5th grade year Review handout, "David's Present Levels of Academic Achievement” Underline or highlight his needs. Handout
General Observations: David’s PLAA David’s Present Levels in Reading, Writing and Math: Are they.. • Connected to standards? • Descriptive? • strengths, needs, input from teachers on successful SDI • Data types? interpretations of the data? • Summative • Formative • Diagnostic • Benchmark • Instructional level information? • Grade level information?
Prep for the IEP B ring all data R esources: Standards/Anchors/SAS Curriculum Framework/PSSA BluePrint I ndividualize! D escribe SDI that works G rade level requirements E nter your suggested Standard Aligned Goals Handout
B R I D G E - sampleStudent__________________Grade __4__Subject____________ David Reading Prioritize- ask… What skills are needed to close the gap & achieve at or above grade level? Reading Standards 1.1.5 Learning to Read Independently-C,D,E 1.2.5 Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Text – D,E 1.3.5 Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, Fiction and Non Fiction-A,C Standards for Success 1.1.5 C Use meaning and knowledge of words across content areas to increase reading vocabulary. 1.2.5D Make inference about similar concepts in multiple texts and draw conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers. 1.3.5A Read, understand and respond to various genres. (inferences) Anchor R5A.1.3 1.3.5 C Compare the use of literary elements within and among texts including characters, setting, plot, theme, and point of view. Anchor R5B.1.1.1
Characteristics of Standards Aligned Goals: • Address student needs identified in PLAA • Project student performance at the end of one year of instruction • Begin from baseline of skill • Describe skill attainment level • Need to be prioritized: 3-5 goals • Are NOT the curriculum or program • State measurable, countable data • Lead to visual countable progress monitoring
Inference Standards Aligned Goal Sample Category 1.2 Reading Analyzing and Interpreting Text Standard 1.2.5D Make inference about similar concepts in multiple texts and draw conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers. Anchor R8.A.1.3.1 and 2 Make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations based on text. Cite evidence from text to support generalizations. Goal: Using classroom reading materials and graphic organizers, David will identify evidence from text to support generalizations in order to make inferences with 80% accuracy on 8 work samples collected bi-monthly.
Writing Conventions Standards Aligned Goal Sample Category 1.5 Quality of Writing (conventions) • Standard 1.5.5.F:Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. • Spell common, frequently used words correctly. • Use capital letters correctly. • Punctuate correctly. • Use correct grammar and sentence formation. Goal: Given a writing prompt, David will write a three-paragraph essay and score a minimum of 41 on the Correct Word Sequence Grade 5 assessment, for three out of four prompts.
Interpret Math LanguageStandards Aligned Goal Sample Category 2.5 Mathematical Problem Solving and Communication Standard 2.5.5.B: Use appropriate mathematical terms, vocabulary, language, symbols, and graphs to explain clearly and logically solutions to problems. Goal: David will use correct mathematical terms, vocabulary, language, and graphs to explain (state and/or write) clearly and logically solutions to problems as evidenced by a minimum score of 4 out of 5 on the Math Language Rubric used in conjunction with assessments given every two weeks.
SDI for David Reading… • Digital/audio versions of social studies and science text books. • Access to online (auditory) glossary in content area texts • Instruction in use of outlining/concept mapping software • Teacher-made graphic organizers and templates for organizing information prior to each unit • Checklists and guides for note-taking • Access to word processor in class for writing assignments greater than one paragraph in length Math • Use of manipulatives to solve equalities • Graphic representations of word problem types/use of templates • Use of rubrics and word banks to guide written/oral responses to problems
SDI and theUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) UDL removes barriers to learning by anticipating the needs of ALL students. Multiple means of representation Multiple means of expression Multiple means of action and engagement www.cast.org ttp://www.ihdi.uky.edu/IEI/
Sample of David’s Reading Progress Monitoring Every 9 weeks parents will receive a report of Reading goals measured by: Weekly probes in specific skills graphed Accuracy graphed on related classroom worksheets/quizzes and tests 4Sight Reading Benchmark in Nov., Jan., and March PSSA Reading April (parent report over summer)
Sample of David’s Math Progress Monitoring Every 9 weeks parents will receive a report of math goals measured by Biweekly probes in math specific skills graphed 4Sight Math Benchmark in Nov., Jan., and March
Sample of David’s Writing Progress Monitoring Every 9 weeks parents will receive a report of Writing goals measured by Bi-weekly writing prompts – Correct Word Sequence graphed – formative assessment Self and/or teacher analysis of use of style on writing prompts every two weeks PSSA Writing (parent report over summer) – summative assessment
Supplementary Aids and Services Toolkit • Analyzes from a student perspective • Enhances participation • Involves a team approach * (Toolkit is not for every student with an IEP)
Teri Duckett tduckett@pattan.net 1-800- 441-3215 Diane Funsten dfunsten@pattan.net 1-800-441-3215 Contact Information www.pattan.net Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tom Corbett, Governor Pennsylvania Department of Education Ronald J. Tomalis, Secretary Dr. Carolyn Dumaresq, Deputy Secretary Office for Elementary and Secondary Education John J. Tommasini, Director Bureau of Special Education Patricia Hozella, Assistant Director Bureau of Special Education