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Donna Doss ddoss @lincolnschools.orgkIm shackelfordKShackelford@lincoln schools.org. Louisiana Department of Education and Pacific Metrics Corporation. Why ? . Quick-Write: 3-2-1 Name three reasons EAGLE will support classroom instruction.What are two student outcomes that will result from using EAGLE?What is one purpose for Lincoln Parish to implement the use of the on-line assessment tool ? .
1. Lincoln Parish
Slide 1: Title PageSlide 1: Title Page
2. Donna Doss
ddoss @lincolnschools.org
kIm shackelford
KShackelford@lincoln schools.org Louisiana Department of EducationandPacific Metrics Corporation Training developed by LDOE, Pacific Metrics a School Improvement focus design by Donna Doss and Kim ShackelfordTraining developed by LDOE, Pacific Metrics a School Improvement focus design by Donna Doss and Kim Shackelford
3. Why ? Quick-Write: 3-2-1
Name three reasons EAGLE will support classroom instruction.
What are two student outcomes that will result from using EAGLE?
What is one purpose for Lincoln Parish to implement the use of the on-line assessment tool ? Writing Prompt: Why EAGLE?
Use a Quick-Write 3-2-1 Format, then participants will share out 3-2-1 responses from the prompt.
Use a Quick-Write 3-2-1 Format, then participants will share out 3-2-1 responses from the prompt.
What is EAGLE?
Purpose of Online Assessment
Visual Learning Tour: Test Center
Tools For Teachers
Data Driven Decision-Making
Next Steps
Good morning/afternoon and welcome to the EAGLE Teacher Workshops.
Show of hands: elementary school teachers, HS teachers, administrators
The EAGLE system was developed by Pacific Metrics Corporation in Monterey, CA. Pacific Metrics has collaborated with LDE on other online systems such as PASS, Newton’s Classroom, End-of-Course Tests and the GEE online.
Before we get started, I’d like to make sure that everyone stopped at the table to sign in and picked up a training materials. If you didn’t, please take a minute to do so now.
The purpose of today’s training is:
First, to provide training materials for your specific school site to the EAGLE Online Assessment System
Second, to teach you 3 specific tools for assessment
Finally, to describe how EAGLE can help both teachers and students in the classroom , monitor student progress, and check for understandingGood morning/afternoon and welcome to the EAGLE Teacher Workshops.
Show of hands: elementary school teachers, HS teachers, administrators
The EAGLE system was developed by Pacific Metrics Corporation in Monterey, CA. Pacific Metrics has collaborated with LDE on other online systems such as PASS, Newton’s Classroom, End-of-Course Tests and the GEE online.
Before we get started, I’d like to make sure that everyone stopped at the table to sign in and picked up a training materials. If you didn’t, please take a minute to do so now.
The purpose of today’s training is:
First, to provide training materials for your specific school site to the EAGLE Online Assessment System
Second, to teach you 3 specific tools for assessment
Finally, to describe how EAGLE can help both teachers and students in the classroom , monitor student progress, and check for understanding
5. What is ? Enhanced Assessment of Grade-Level Expectations
EAGLE is an online classroom assessment tool designed to help TEACHERS AND STUDENTS identify student strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can access targeted classroom resources and refine instructional strategies based on student test performance.
A Tool for Teachers
Create quizzes with items aligned to GLEs
Use the premade tests for pre or post assessment
Assign quizzes/tests to entire class or individual students
Communicate with students using the Message Center
Learn to score CR items with the Hand Scoring Tutorial
Analyze reports showing class and individual student performance
Access instructional resources aligned to the GLEs
What is EAGLE? A Tool for Teachers
Now to address the question… What is EAGLE?
The acronym EAGLE stands for Enhanced Assessment of Grade-Level Expectations.
EAGLE is a valuable tool for teachers.
Teachers can access over three thousand GLE-based items to create tests.
The system includes pre-made tests to be used as created or cloned and modified. (Grades 3-12) – will discuss in more detail later in this presentation
Teachers can easily assign tests to entire classes or individual students. So the test scheduled can be focused on each students needs.
A distinguishing feature of EAGLE is that it provides you with different types of Detailed reports, including a report at the GLE level.
The system also provides links to instructional resources aligned to LA’s GLEs.What is EAGLE? A Tool for Teachers
Now to address the question… What is EAGLE?
The acronym EAGLE stands for Enhanced Assessment of Grade-Level Expectations.
EAGLE is a valuable tool for teachers.
Teachers can access over three thousand GLE-based items to create tests.
The system includes pre-made tests to be used as created or cloned and modified. (Grades 3-12) – will discuss in more detail later in this presentation
Teachers can easily assign tests to entire classes or individual students. So the test scheduled can be focused on each students needs.
A distinguishing feature of EAGLE is that it provides you with different types of Detailed reports, including a report at the GLE level.
The system also provides links to instructional resources aligned to LA’s GLEs.
6. What is ? A Tool for Students
Take quizzes/tests online to measure GLE-based skills
Receive immediate results for MC and some SA items
View meaningful reports showing actual performance compared to goal set by teacher
Communicate with teacher using the Message Center
Track GLE performance using the Student
Self-assessment Report
What is EAGLE? A Tool for Students
READ DEFINITION.What is EAGLE? A Tool for Students
7. Purpose of Online Assessment Scenario: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment should be Diagnostic and Prescriptive Approach, not an autopsy!Scenario: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment should be Diagnostic and Prescriptive Approach, not an autopsy!
8. 2 Methods of Web Access will be modeled in the following slides.2 Methods of Web Access will be modeled in the following slides.
How to Log on via LDOE Home Page: Select Testing InformationHow to Log on via LDOE Home Page: Select Testing Information
10. Testing Portal: EAGLE Access At the Testing Portal: Click on EAGLE icon At the Testing Portal: Click on EAGLE icon
11. Or use direct IP address to Louisiana Eagle SiteOr use direct IP address to Louisiana Eagle Site
12. Click here to get Guest Account Announce: This is the log page in to the EAGLE Training Site. While training today, if you do not know your user name or password please log on as a guest. Please note the training site is limited to Grade 4 content and examples.Announce: This is the log page in to the EAGLE Training Site. While training today, if you do not know your user name or password please log on as a guest. Please note the training site is limited to Grade 4 content and examples.
13. Principals’ User Administrator List (Teachers with User IDs & PWs Each school site has been trained over the last three years by the LDOE, Trainer of Trainers, or District Support Staff-Donna Doss, Sherry Boyd, or Kim Shackelford and has received the School Site List with User ID’s and Passwords. There should be a School Site Administrator for each school in Lincoln Parish that maintains the site list, removes staff after exiting from school and exchanges names with adds new additions to the roster. Donna Doss is the District Contact for School Site Administrator’s Lists.Each school site has been trained over the last three years by the LDOE, Trainer of Trainers, or District Support Staff-Donna Doss, Sherry Boyd, or Kim Shackelford and has received the School Site List with User ID’s and Passwords. There should be a School Site Administrator for each school in Lincoln Parish that maintains the site list, removes staff after exiting from school and exchanges names with adds new additions to the roster. Donna Doss is the District Contact for School Site Administrator’s Lists.
14. EAGLE?District SIS Uploads (TBA) .During the month of September there will be District SIS Uploads-The Monday Memo will be used to notify the Principals that the system is down and when it is expected to be up and functioning for 2010-11 School Year.
We encourage you not to wait until the last minute to begin using EAGLE. You should have your students working in the system all year long.
.During the month of September there will be District SIS Uploads-The Monday Memo will be used to notify the Principals that the system is down and when it is expected to be up and functioning for 2010-11 School Year.
We encourage you not to wait until the last minute to begin using EAGLE. You should have your students working in the system all year long.
15. Teacher Home Page Read Menu of Choices from Left to Right for the EAGLE Teacher Home PageRead Menu of Choices from Left to Right for the EAGLE Teacher Home Page
16. View Classroom Roster Prior to the teacher’s first usage of EAGLE on-line assessment this fall. Please check Classroom Rosters. Select Class Roster by Grade/Teacher Name/Hour TaughtPrior to the teacher’s first usage of EAGLE on-line assessment this fall. Please check Classroom Rosters. Select Class Roster by Grade/Teacher Name/Hour Taught
17. Design Class Roster To edit Class Roster: Can select student from School Roster by Grade Level. If student does not appear on School Roster then, upload student from CSV(Data Warehouse) with CSV Instructions provided.To edit Class Roster: Can select student from School Roster by Grade Level. If student does not appear on School Roster then, upload student from CSV(Data Warehouse) with CSV Instructions provided.
18. Help Screen If you have any trouble or want specific directions for conceptual tasks on the EAGLE site feel free to go to the HELP screen.If you have any trouble or want specific directions for conceptual tasks on the EAGLE site feel free to go to the HELP screen.
19. EAGLE Development Schedule This is the EAGLE development schedule.
All content is developed by content specialists. Each test item went through multiple reviews by the Pac Met content development team and copy editing team, then through multiple reviews by LDE content staff and Louisiana teacher groups before ever being loaded to the EAGLE Item Bank.
This table shows the content that will be developed each year.
[note pointer in May 2011]
EAGLE currently includes approximately 8,000 items in math, ELA, and High School Social Studies and Science Courses.
By the year 2012 EAGLE will include approximately 12,000 items across the content areas.
Grades 1-12 Math
Grades1-12 English
Grades 3-8 and high school Science
Grades 3-8 and high school Social Studies This is the EAGLE development schedule.
All content is developed by content specialists. Each test item went through multiple reviews by the Pac Met content development team and copy editing team, then through multiple reviews by LDE content staff and Louisiana teacher groups before ever being loaded to the EAGLE Item Bank.
This table shows the content that will be developed each year.
[note pointer in May 2011]
EAGLE currently includes approximately 8,000 items in math, ELA, and High School Social Studies and Science Courses.
By the year 2012 EAGLE will include approximately 12,000 items across the content areas.
Grades 1-12 Math
Grades1-12 English
Grades 3-8 and high school Science
Grades 3-8 and high school Social Studies
20. LDOE Training Materials Also, available at the LDOE website-Test Portal there are state training PowerPoints, a downloadable EAGLE brochure, and the EAGLE manual with 20 Hands-On Activities.Also, available at the LDOE website-Test Portal there are state training PowerPoints, a downloadable EAGLE brochure, and the EAGLE manual with 20 Hands-On Activities.
21. Visual Learning Tour: Hands-On Activity Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site. We’ll take a tour through each of the system’s main features and key functions. But first, let me tell you about FERPA:
Because the EAGLE system contains confidential information, you are required to use a username and password to enter the system. As a teacher this information is provided to you by your school administrator. This measure of security is taken to protect all student test scores and personal information. Once you become an authorized user you should abide by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). If you have questions or want to read more about the FERPA policy click this link (point out the link) and you’ll be directed to the U.S. Department of Education's web page at http://www.ed.gov/offices/OM/fpco/ferpa/.
Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site. We’ll take a tour through each of the system’s main features and key functions. But first, let me tell you about FERPA:
Because the EAGLE system contains confidential information, you are required to use a username and password to enter the system. As a teacher this information is provided to you by your school administrator. This measure of security is taken to protect all student test scores and personal information. Once you become an authorized user you should abide by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). If you have questions or want to read more about the FERPA policy click this link (point out the link) and you’ll be directed to the U.S. Department of Education's web page at http://www.ed.gov/offices/OM/fpco/ferpa/.
22. Quote: from a student captures the fact we’ve been led astray Quote: from a student captures the fact we’ve been led astray
23. Summative: Formative:
Is There A Crucial Distinction? Is there a difference? Are we guilty of making the majority of our instructional decisions based on Summative Data?
With the State/District Initiative for RtI (Response to Intervention) ongoing formative assessments are needed on a continuous basis to check for mastery, progress monitoring, and to have a Universal Screener for all district schools.Is there a difference? Are we guilty of making the majority of our instructional decisions based on Summative Data?
With the State/District Initiative for RtI (Response to Intervention) ongoing formative assessments are needed on a continuous basis to check for mastery, progress monitoring, and to have a Universal Screener for all district schools.
24. Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that monitors progress and provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning for the purpose of improving students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.*
EAGLE is a Formative Assessment that is tightly aligned to the LCC (Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum) and the Statewide Guides to Assessment.EAGLE is a Formative Assessment that is tightly aligned to the LCC (Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum) and the Statewide Guides to Assessment.
25. A moving picture (day-to-day)
Linked to instructional goals
Integrated into instruction
Provide ongoing feedback at a level of detail to stimulate action for improvements in learning
A variety of methods
Constructed and understood within an interpretive framework
Enable descriptive feedback to be provided to students
Involve students in the assessment process
What is the Teacher’s Role in Formative Assessment? What is the Teacher’s Role in Formative Assessment?
26. How can EAGLE be used as a toolto support Formative Assessment?
The Student Report by Test depicts a graphic representation of how far the student has progressed on the GLEs for each test completed and whether they have reached the goal set by the teacher.
The Student Report by Test shows:
where the student should be (teacher’s goal)
where the student is currently on the path to the goal, and
which GLEs the student needs to work on most in order to move closer towards
that goal
Can EAGLE be used as a tool to support ongoing Classroom Based Formative Assessments? The Student Reports present graphic representations of student achievement levels from Advanced to Unsatisfactory. There is also the teacher capability to design, schedule, and set goals which will differentiate assessment practices for student diversity and needs.Can EAGLE be used as a tool to support ongoing Classroom Based Formative Assessments? The Student Reports present graphic representations of student achievement levels from Advanced to Unsatisfactory. There is also the teacher capability to design, schedule, and set goals which will differentiate assessment practices for student diversity and needs.
27. School Improvement Plan:Curriculum Alignment Lincoln Parish Focus:
3 Assessment Tools for Student Learning
Curriculum Alignment
(LCC)Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum Premade Unit Assessments
Close Achievement Gaps
Standards Based Formative Assessment
Monitor Student Progress
Check Understanding of GLEs
The Lincoln Parish Initiative is a continued focus on the scientifically research based strategy-Curriculum Alignment. Curriculum Alignment is total instructional alignment between the curricula, standards based instruction, content literacy & instructional strategies, and assessment design.
There are 3 specific tasks out of the EAGLE Training Manual each school site will redeliver, follow-up, and support the use of the following:
Premade LCC Pre/Post Unit Tests
Test designed to Standards identified as weaknesses in School Level and Student Level Data
Quick Check for Understanding of Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) during a Lesson Plan’s cycle of Instruction
The Lincoln Parish Initiative is a continued focus on the scientifically research based strategy-Curriculum Alignment. Curriculum Alignment is total instructional alignment between the curricula, standards based instruction, content literacy & instructional strategies, and assessment design.
There are 3 specific tasks out of the EAGLE Training Manual each school site will redeliver, follow-up, and support the use of the following:
Premade LCC Pre/Post Unit Tests
Test designed to Standards identified as weaknesses in School Level and Student Level Data
Quick Check for Understanding of Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) during a Lesson Plan’s cycle of Instruction
28. Welcome to the Test Center Welcome to the Test Center for 3 different possibilities: 1) My tests that I have designed 2) Premade Tests aligned to the LCC , and 3) Shared Tests available at my specific school site
The first Assessment Tool we want to address today will be Premade LCC Tests (Handout with Hands-On Task directions provided) Welcome to the Test Center for 3 different possibilities: 1) My tests that I have designed 2) Premade Tests aligned to the LCC , and 3) Shared Tests available at my specific school site
The first Assessment Tool we want to address today will be Premade LCC Tests (Handout with Hands-On Task directions provided)
29. A variety of methods to create, edit, design, share, or schedule assessments at the Test Administration Center.A variety of methods to create, edit, design, share, or schedule assessments at the Test Administration Center.
30. Tools for Teachers:
Curriculum Alignment Key Concepts Grade/Course: High School-Civics Tool #1: Premade Unit tests based on the (LCC)Louisiana Comprehensive CurriculumTool #1: Premade Unit tests based on the (LCC)Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum
31. EAGLE Premade Tests ELA and Math: Tests across grades 3–12
Science and Social Studies: Tests for High School Courses
Designed to be taken in one class period
One pretest and one post-test for each subject and grade level
One test for each Comprehensive Curriculum Unit
Can be saved as a new test and modified
ELA tests are designed using scaffolding (the ordering of items from simple to complex)
Premade tests are aligned to the comprehensive curriculum units and are designed to be completed in under 1 class period--ranging from 15 to 30 items.
Most grade level includes a pretest, a posttest, and a test for each CCU.
These tests were developed by content specialists working with LDE content specialists and teachers in Louisiana
Scaffolding is the ordering of items in a passage from simple to complex—lower level to higher order thinking skills.
For example, in ELA scaffolding is intended to:
Help the student extrapolate information from the passage in a logical way (lead them through the passage)
Establish basic understanding of passage content
Progress to higher order thinking skills, and
End with GLEs addressing narrow skills such as vocabulary and literary terms
An example of strong ELA scaffolding: Main idea, character ID, setting, draw conclusions, inference, symbolism, genre, vocabulary
Teachers can also modify premade tests by “cloning” them.
You can even take the opportunity to download assessment items to model problem solving approaches during Classroom Instructional time. Premade tests are aligned to the comprehensive curriculum units and are designed to be completed in under 1 class period--ranging from 15 to 30 items.
Most grade level includes a pretest, a posttest, and a test for each CCU.
These tests were developed by content specialists working with LDE content specialists and teachers in Louisiana
Scaffolding is the ordering of items in a passage from simple to complex—lower level to higher order thinking skills.
For example, in ELA scaffolding is intended to:
Help the student extrapolate information from the passage in a logical way (lead them through the passage)
Establish basic understanding of passage content
Progress to higher order thinking skills, and
End with GLEs addressing narrow skills such as vocabulary and literary terms
An example of strong ELA scaffolding: Main idea, character ID, setting, draw conclusions, inference, symbolism, genre, vocabulary
Teachers can also modify premade tests by “cloning” them.
You can even take the opportunity to download assessment items to model problem solving approaches during Classroom Instructional time.
32. Student Understandings
Students understand that there are competing ideas for both the purpose of government and of programs created to serve the needs of citizens. Students understand the uniqueness of U.S. government in interaction with other nations.
Guiding Questions
1.Can students identify the services and
protections the government provides citizens?
GLE # 1:Explain competing ideas about the purposes of politics and government and identify reasons why government is necessary
GLE # 2:Identify and describe services provided by government and assess their necessity and effectiveness (e.g., health care, education)
LCC: High School Civics Unit 1 The School Improvement Plans will continue to focus on Curriculum Alignment. The screen represents a High School course, Civics Unit 1. To focus on student growth, professional development activities and planning time are built into the master schedule to map the units of instruction. The planning should focus on expected Student Understandings, Guiding Questions, and mastery of Grade Level Expectations.The School Improvement Plans will continue to focus on Curriculum Alignment. The screen represents a High School course, Civics Unit 1. To focus on student growth, professional development activities and planning time are built into the master schedule to map the units of instruction. The planning should focus on expected Student Understandings, Guiding Questions, and mastery of Grade Level Expectations.
33. Tools for Teachers: LCC Premade Unit Tests To access Premade assessments: Select Test Administration, Schedule at Test, and Premade Tests.To access Premade assessments: Select Test Administration, Schedule at Test, and Premade Tests.
34. Tools for Teachers: LCC Premade Unit Tests When scheduling a premade unit test, Select Subject and Grade Level.When scheduling a premade unit test, Select Subject and Grade Level.
35. EAGLE Test Items: High School Civics Unit 1 Example: High School/Civics Assessment Item from Unit 1 Premade Test. For data to show growth of student there is a strong benefit in administering a pre and post assessment. (Note-In 2012, the Teacher Value Added Model Legislation will evaluate teachers on student growth)Example: High School/Civics Assessment Item from Unit 1 Premade Test. For data to show growth of student there is a strong benefit in administering a pre and post assessment. (Note-In 2012, the Teacher Value Added Model Legislation will evaluate teachers on student growth)
36. Review or Finish Test What if the bell rings and students are involved in testing online?
There is the capability for students to return to the test at another time by selecting Review Items.
Only select “Finish” when assessment is complete and ready to be scored. What if the bell rings and students are involved in testing online?
There is the capability for students to return to the test at another time by selecting Review Items.
Only select “Finish” when assessment is complete and ready to be scored.
37. School Site Task:Access Premade (LCC) Unit Tests Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Premade Tests and take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions. (Handout provided with directions on how to select a LCC premade Unit Test)Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Premade Tests and take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions. (Handout provided with directions on how to select a LCC premade Unit Test)
38. Tools for Teachers:
Standards-based Instruction Key Concepts Grade/Course: 5th Grade ELA and 8th Grade Math Tool #2 Designing a Standards Based AssessmentTool #2 Designing a Standards Based Assessment
39. Formative assessment is the means to identify the “gap” between a learner’s current status and the desired goal
Different students will have different "gaps"
(Sadler, 1989) Data-Driven Decision Making will allow of district, school, and classroom teachers the capacity to identify gaps in learning prior to Spring Summative Assessments in order to provide additional opportunities to reteach or provide instructional interventions to increase student mastery during the year.Data-Driven Decision Making will allow of district, school, and classroom teachers the capacity to identify gaps in learning prior to Spring Summative Assessments in order to provide additional opportunities to reteach or provide instructional interventions to increase student mastery during the year.
40. Example of a “drill down” Data Analysis:
The two goals addressed on School Improvement Plans are ELA and Math.
If data is collected and weaknesses are identified at the District Level & School Level, then EAGLE will provide individual student level data.
With Student Level data we can address students on the edge of the cut off Range scores, address their specific skills deficits, and prevent many students from “Falling Through The Cracks.”Example of a “drill down” Data Analysis:
The two goals addressed on School Improvement Plans are ELA and Math.
If data is collected and weaknesses are identified at the District Level & School Level, then EAGLE will provide individual student level data.
With Student Level data we can address students on the edge of the cut off Range scores, address their specific skills deficits, and prevent many students from “Falling Through The Cracks.”
41. Content Areas and Item Types
Engaging, illustrated passages
Multiple choice: 1 pt.
Short answer: 2 pts.
Extended response: 4 pts.
Writing prompts: 12 pts.
Colorful, interactive items: 3 pts.
Multiple choice: 1 pt.
Short answer: 1 and 2 pts.
Extended response: 4 pts.
Colorful, interactive items: 3 pts.
Social Studies/Science (High School)
Multiple choice: 1 pt.
Short answer: 2 pts.
The EAGLE item bank includes a variety of item types.
The ELA content consists mostly of passages and their related test items.
The test items are classified as MC, SA, ER, and writing prompts.
Passage sets can be reading and responding or UIRs.
The system also features interactive items. I’ll show you an example of an interactive item in a few minutes.
NOTE: interactives are in grade 4 only. We’ll be adding more interactive items in grades 3 and 5 math and ELA.
The math content consists of four different item types: MC, SA, ER and interactive.
New this year are High School Science and Social Studies Courses. The assessment items are MC, SA, and ER.The EAGLE item bank includes a variety of item types.
The ELA content consists mostly of passages and their related test items.
The test items are classified as MC, SA, ER, and writing prompts.
Passage sets can be reading and responding or UIRs.
The system also features interactive items. I’ll show you an example of an interactive item in a few minutes.
NOTE: interactives are in grade 4 only. We’ll be adding more interactive items in grades 3 and 5 math and ELA.
The math content consists of four different item types: MC, SA, ER and interactive.
New this year are High School Science and Social Studies Courses. The assessment items are MC, SA, and ER.
42. Grade 5-ELA: Closing Achievement Gaps To create a Standards Based Assessment: Go to Test Administration, Create a Test, and Select grade Level. Using the drop down menu for Selection Method click Standards.
Example of Grade 5, ELA, Read and Respond, Standard 7To create a Standards Based Assessment: Go to Test Administration, Create a Test, and Select grade Level. Using the drop down menu for Selection Method click Standards.
Example of Grade 5, ELA, Read and Respond, Standard 7
43. Grade 5-Standard 7: Reading and Responding A Distant Boom
Genre: Non-FictionRead the article. Then answer the questions. At 7:17 A.M., June 30, 1908, the sky seemed to explode above the Tunguska River in central Siberia, Russia. Witnesses forty miles away reported seeing a bright flash in the sky before they were violently knocked to the ground by the force of the impact. Intense heat made them feel that their clothes were on fire, and the sound was said to be like stones falling from the sky. The explosion flattened eighty million trees over eight hundred square miles, but amazingly no one was hurt. Think about it this way; the area the explosion affected is slightly smaller than the size of Caddo Parish in Louisiana, home to over two hundred thousand people. The ELA items for Read and Respond offers a “fresh” read for student assessment
Example: Grade 5-Standard 7, Read and Respond to Non-Fiction.
Note this idea for School-wide reform: Addressing student weaknesses in Reading and Responding to Various Forms of Literature doesn’t have to be limited to the English Language Arts classroom. With the non-fiction passages, could Science and Social Studies teachers can promote reading across the content areas by using some of these passages from EAGLE?The ELA items for Read and Respond offers a “fresh” read for student assessment
Example: Grade 5-Standard 7, Read and Respond to Non-Fiction.
Note this idea for School-wide reform: Addressing student weaknesses in Reading and Responding to Various Forms of Literature doesn’t have to be limited to the English Language Arts classroom. With the non-fiction passages, could Science and Social Studies teachers can promote reading across the content areas by using some of these passages from EAGLE?
44. Item Card: Aligned to GLE 17 Teacher can review each assessment item by clicking on the Item Descriptor when selecting assessment items by alignment to GLE(s).
Each item has a description for design, alignment to GLE, and scaffolded degree of difficulty.Teacher can review each assessment item by clicking on the Item Descriptor when selecting assessment items by alignment to GLE(s).
Each item has a description for design, alignment to GLE, and scaffolded degree of difficulty.
45. Grade 8-Math: Closing Achievement Gaps Once again to create a Standards Based Assessment: Go to Test Administration, Create a Test, and Select grade Level. Using the drop down menu for Selection Method click Standards.
This is an example of Grade 8, Math, Standard of Measurement with GLE(s) alignment. Students are expected to mastery within the Standards, Benchmarks, and GLE(s) and this tightens our alignment to “what students should know and be able to do” and referencing the Statewide Guides to Assessment design.Once again to create a Standards Based Assessment: Go to Test Administration, Create a Test, and Select grade Level. Using the drop down menu for Selection Method click Standards.
This is an example of Grade 8, Math, Standard of Measurement with GLE(s) alignment. Students are expected to mastery within the Standards, Benchmarks, and GLE(s) and this tightens our alignment to “what students should know and be able to do” and referencing the Statewide Guides to Assessment design.
46. Item Card: Aligned to GLE Teacher can review each assessment item.
Each item has a description for design, alignment to GLE, and scaffolded degree of difficulty.
This 8th Grade math item pertaining to measuring the volume of a cylinder is a multiple choice item that students could be expected to solve with or without a calculator with a medium level of difficulty.Teacher can review each assessment item.
Each item has a description for design, alignment to GLE, and scaffolded degree of difficulty.
This 8th Grade math item pertaining to measuring the volume of a cylinder is a multiple choice item that students could be expected to solve with or without a calculator with a medium level of difficulty.
47. School Site Task:Create a Test by Content Standard Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Create a Test, use the Selection Method for items by Standards. Take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions in your related content area and design assessments to address student weaknesses. (Handout provided with directions on how to create a Standards-Based Test)
Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Create a Test, use the Selection Method for items by Standards. Take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions in your related content area and design assessments to address student weaknesses. (Handout provided with directions on how to create a Standards-Based Test)
48. Tools for Teachers:
Analyze GLE(s)
Grade Level Expectations Key Concepts Grade/Course: 4th Grade MathematicsUnit # 6 Title: Geometry and Measurement #3 Tools for Teachers: Ongoing Classroom Assessments by (GLEs)Grade Level Expectations#3 Tools for Teachers: Ongoing Classroom Assessments by (GLEs)Grade Level Expectations
49. Develop meaning for student learning. The math embedded in the Lesson Plans should be in Total Curriculum Alignment: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Scenario: Let’s pull a teacher’s Lesson Plans for 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement. The district initiative for Curriculum Alignment was to involve all stakeholders in the learning goals(adminisirators observations, teachers, parental involvement, and student objectives.)
GLEs are to be posted on the board to guide student learning. Were they also posted to guide the Total Instructional Alignment: (CIA)Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment?
If we tighten our Assessment Practices we’ll analyze the GLE(s) for content of “what students should know” and the “Powerful Verbs” in relation to “what the students should be able to do.”
This process will guide our assessment practices to be formatted in relation to the GLE(s) and student expectations.Scenario: Let’s pull a teacher’s Lesson Plans for 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement. The district initiative for Curriculum Alignment was to involve all stakeholders in the learning goals(adminisirators observations, teachers, parental involvement, and student objectives.)
GLEs are to be posted on the board to guide student learning. Were they also posted to guide the Total Instructional Alignment: (CIA)Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment?
If we tighten our Assessment Practices we’ll analyze the GLE(s) for content of “what students should know” and the “Powerful Verbs” in relation to “what the students should be able to do.”
This process will guide our assessment practices to be formatted in relation to the GLE(s) and student expectations.
50. GLE 28—Identify the top, bottom, or side view of a given 3-dimensional object
GLE Student-friendly version: Name all the different views of a 3-dimensional shape. (Student friendly GLEs are available in EAGLE.)
Word(s) to be defined: ‘face’
A face is a plane surface or side of a three-dimensional object. Such as a cube has six faces.
(Show the students a picture with a stack of cubes and locate top, bottom, and sides.)
Student-friendly learning target: Have students use “I am learning to …” statements: “I am learning to identify the top, bottom, and side view. Of a 3-dimensional object” Here is an example of a template that can be used by the teacher to break-down a GLE into student-friendly language and then create a student-friendly learning target.
Student-friendly GLEs are located throughout the EAGLE system.
This template and instructions to use it will be made available on the EAGLE teacher home page.
Here is an example of a template that can be used by the teacher to break-down a GLE into student-friendly language and then create a student-friendly learning target.
Student-friendly GLEs are located throughout the EAGLE system.
This template and instructions to use it will be made available on the EAGLE teacher home page.
51. EAGLE: 4th Grade Math-Student View, GLE 28 Remember the 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement and what the students were expected to master. GLE #28 used the Powerful Verb” identify. Notice the EAGLE alignment is a Multiple Choice Item not at the basic knowledge level, but at a Level 2-Application. Students must apply what they know to using a stack of blocks.Remember the 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement and what the students were expected to master. GLE #28 used the Powerful Verb” identify. Notice the EAGLE alignment is a Multiple Choice Item not at the basic knowledge level, but at a Level 2-Application. Students must apply what they know to using a stack of blocks.
52. EAGLE: 4th Grade Math-Student View, GLE 29 Remember the 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement and what the students were expected to master. GLE #29 used the Powerful Verbs” identify, describe, explain, and draw. Notice the EAGLE alignment is an Extended Response Item not at the basic knowledge level, but Part A at a Level 2 Comprehension of problem Solving Skills and Part B…Remember the 4th Grade Math, Unit #6-Geometry and Measurement and what the students were expected to master. GLE #29 used the Powerful Verbs” identify, describe, explain, and draw. Notice the EAGLE alignment is an Extended Response Item not at the basic knowledge level, but Part A at a Level 2 Comprehension of problem Solving Skills and Part B…
53. Part BClearly describe the flag used to signal the letter Z. Be sure to include the shapes that are used in the flag. Part B… at a Level 3. Students must apply what they know by describing the flag by identifying the specific shapes used in the design of the flag. This item definitely uses reading and responding skills that students have to master within content area instruction.Part B… at a Level 3. Students must apply what they know by describing the flag by identifying the specific shapes used in the design of the flag. This item definitely uses reading and responding skills that students have to master within content area instruction.
54. EAGLE: Hand Scoring The teacher may use the EAGLE Hand Scoring Tutorial to practice scoring with an Item-Specific Rubric. The Scoring tutorial can also be used to model and teach students to grade their peer’s work or to grade their own work and analyze/discuss how well each student performs in a self or peer assessment.The teacher may use the EAGLE Hand Scoring Tutorial to practice scoring with an Item-Specific Rubric. The Scoring tutorial can also be used to model and teach students to grade their peer’s work or to grade their own work and analyze/discuss how well each student performs in a self or peer assessment.
55. Hand Scoring Tutorial This is an example of an ELA Writing Prompt with a 12-point rubric used to score writing. The dimensions and point values are aligned to the Statewide Guide to LEAP/GEE Assessments with scores based on the Six Traits of Writing.This is an example of an ELA Writing Prompt with a 12-point rubric used to score writing. The dimensions and point values are aligned to the Statewide Guide to LEAP/GEE Assessments with scores based on the Six Traits of Writing.
56. Instructional Database At the EAGLE Home Page there is a task labeled Instructional Database. What is its purpose? When all students do not master the specific content or skills, this selection links the teacher back to the Comprehensive Curriculum for planning classroom based interventions for the student. Also there are links to activities for strategic interventions specific to individual or small group instructional needs. (Handout provided with directions for Task-View Instructional Database)At the EAGLE Home Page there is a task labeled Instructional Database. What is its purpose? When all students do not master the specific content or skills, this selection links the teacher back to the Comprehensive Curriculum for planning classroom based interventions for the student. Also there are links to activities for strategic interventions specific to individual or small group instructional needs. (Handout provided with directions for Task-View Instructional Database)
57. EAGLE: Instructional Interventions Sample of the Instructional Database: To use just position mouse over a GLE number to view a description of the GLE and to access lessons and activities that are aligned to the GLE. Provides a bank of teacher resources at the click of a mouse!Sample of the Instructional Database: To use just position mouse over a GLE number to view a description of the GLE and to access lessons and activities that are aligned to the GLE. Provides a bank of teacher resources at the click of a mouse!
58. School Site Task:Create a Test by GLE Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Create a Test and take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions of preparing a quick ongoing assessment related to specific GLE(s) within a unit of instruction . (Handout provided with directions on how to create an Assessment aligned that is GL driven based on current classroom instruction and provide a data report to monitor acquisition of concepts and skills by the students.)
Now I’ll pause the PPT presentation for participants to log in to the EAGLE Training Site for a Hands-On Task. We’ll select Test Administration, Create a Test and take a tour through the system’s main features and key functions of preparing a quick ongoing assessment related to specific GLE(s) within a unit of instruction . (Handout provided with directions on how to create an Assessment aligned that is GL driven based on current classroom instruction and provide a data report to monitor acquisition of concepts and skills by the students.)
59. Tools for Teachers:
Data Driven Decision-Making Data Analysis The tools we will focus on during this training are Student and Teacher Level reports that can be used for Data Driven Decision-Making.The tools we will focus on during this training are Student and Teacher Level reports that can be used for Data Driven Decision-Making.
60. Meaningful Engaged Students and Parental Involvementusing Student Score Reports A Selection on the Tool Bar is Score Reports. There are (4) Student Level Reports that can be accessed by the Student when logged on to EAGLE.
Students receive individual reports for which they can learn to access their own performance on the GLE(s). With EAGLE, students can see how to adjust their own learning by discovering which GLE(s) they know pretty well, and which ones thewy need more work on.A Selection on the Tool Bar is Score Reports. There are (4) Student Level Reports that can be accessed by the Student when logged on to EAGLE.
Students receive individual reports for which they can learn to access their own performance on the GLE(s). With EAGLE, students can see how to adjust their own learning by discovering which GLE(s) they know pretty well, and which ones thewy need more work on.
61. Teach Students to Reflect on their Achievement What did I learn?
What learning targets have I mastered?
What are my strengths in this subject?
What do I still need more practice on?
Which learning targets have I not yet mastered?
What do I still have questions about? Student Accountability is an extremely important factor that is overlooked many times by the media: Self-Assessment and Student friendly reports at provided online to analyze student work and provide feedback.
Note-Student Reports can be shared as a Parental Involvement Activity.Student Accountability is an extremely important factor that is overlooked many times by the media: Self-Assessment and Student friendly reports at provided online to analyze student work and provide feedback.
Note-Student Reports can be shared as a Parental Involvement Activity.
62. Self-Assessment Student Worksheet Report Student Self-Assessment Report on Multiple Choice items, Learning Skills noted as Benchmark- Mastery Level to needing Strategic or Intensive Interventions.
Student Self-Assessment Report on Multiple Choice items, Learning Skills noted as Benchmark- Mastery Level to needing Strategic or Intensive Interventions.
63. Student can review EAGLE Item: The correct response compared to their personal response. If response is incorrect, error analysis is provided in the student feedback.Student can review EAGLE Item: The correct response compared to their personal response. If response is incorrect, error analysis is provided in the student feedback.
64. Student Report by Test
Student Reports show percentages achieved by each test administered.
Data should show closing the achievement gaps with ongoing formative assessments aligned to the curriculum.Student Reports show percentages achieved by each test administered.
Data should show closing the achievement gaps with ongoing formative assessments aligned to the curriculum.
65. Looking at Student Work Progress Monitoring: Teacher Reports The next slides will focus on Student Reports when the Teacher is logged on to EAGLE. Classroom reports are available to teachers for adjusting their instruciton and for meeting students’ needs.The next slides will focus on Student Reports when the Teacher is logged on to EAGLE. Classroom reports are available to teachers for adjusting their instruciton and for meeting students’ needs.
66. Effective Feedback During Instruction
Feedback is most effective in improving achievement if it is delivered while there is still time to act on it, which means before the graded event.
Formative assessment should be used to move students’ learning along a forward path rather than merely tally how much learning has occurred so far. Thus, assessment has to occur in the middle of instruction, not just at the end points (Shepard, 2001, p. 1086 in Chappuis).
When students take a quiz, the score does not have to be used for grading purposes; rather it can serve you and your students as information about what they understand and what they need to improve.
This informational slide is about formative assessments and reflects on current research regarding providing students with timely feedback and follow-up to assessments.This informational slide is about formative assessments and reflects on current research regarding providing students with timely feedback and follow-up to assessments.
67. EAGLE Classroom Level Reports “Work smarter not Harder!”
Six different types of Classroom Reports are generated by EAGLE.
Read slide for EAGLE Classroom Reports.“Work smarter not Harder!”
Six different types of Classroom Reports are generated by EAGLE.
Read slide for EAGLE Classroom Reports.
68. Instructional Needs byGrade-Level Expectation The district plans on utilizing the Instructional Needs by Grade Level Expectations Reports. To monitor progress these Reports will be printed and turned into Donna Doss/ Accountability. This will provide ongoing school data by Grade Levels, Content Areas, and Teachers during 2010-2011 of mastery of curricula or produce student needs to respond with interventions. The district plans on utilizing the Instructional Needs by Grade Level Expectations Reports. To monitor progress these Reports will be printed and turned into Donna Doss/ Accountability. This will provide ongoing school data by Grade Levels, Content Areas, and Teachers during 2010-2011 of mastery of curricula or produce student needs to respond with interventions.
69. Report by GLE Showing Individual Students’ Performance For the Classroom Teacher GLE(s) are also reported disaggregated by Individual Students.For the Classroom Teacher GLE(s) are also reported disaggregated by Individual Students.
70. Analysis of Test Questions Report Analysis of Questions Reports will address items by Multiple Choice and Extended Response for planning specific interventions and allows teachers to Select Instructional Resources to enhance their planning.Analysis of Questions Reports will address items by Multiple Choice and Extended Response for planning specific interventions and allows teachers to Select Instructional Resources to enhance their planning.
71. Do you have any questions or comments?
Share your experiences with EAGLE:
How do you use EAGLE?
What do you like most about EAGLE?
What do your students like most about EAGLE?
What is the greatest benefit you have seen from using EAGLE?
What else?
Do you have any questions or comments?
Share your experiences with EAGLE:
How do you use EAGLE?
What do you like most about EAGLE?
What do your students like most about EAGLE?
What is the greatest benefit you have seen from using EAGLE?
What else?
72. Focused Learning For a Comprehensive Curriculum unit, make a list of major conceptual understandings and a list of common misconceptions for class discussion.
Some multiple choice items can be used in formative assessment contexts if they contain wrong answers that represent faulty reasoning, misconceptions, or partial understanding. Help students to understand how these can be used for assessment.
Use item analysis to determine how many students are distracted by a wrong answer and help them to understand why.
Develop an item in front of your class modeled on a rubric and perhaps even a multiple-choice item showing correct answer and faulty reasoning answers. Suggested Learning ActivitiesSuggested Learning Activities
73. Summary: Formative Assessment “Formative assessments is essentially feedback to the teacher and the student about present understanding and skill development in order to determine the way forward.”
-Harlen and James Why this Initiative? Read the quote by Harlen and James.Why this Initiative? Read the quote by Harlen and James.
74. 1. School Site In-Service:
Curriculum Mapping/Assessment Design
2. District Level Reporting:
MonthLy-Instructional Needs by GLE
3. Student Progress monitoring:
Analyze Class report by Gle
Next Steps Next Steps for Lincoln Parish ImplementationNext Steps for Lincoln Parish Implementation
75. Instructional Needs byGrade-Level Expectation Sample Report to Print for mid-progress reports and end on grading periods, whether -6 or -9 weeks.Sample Report to Print for mid-progress reports and end on grading periods, whether -6 or -9 weeks.
76. Support Services EAGLE Training Site
User Guide/Contextual Help
Teacher and Student Tutorials
System Requirements Document
Help Desk:
toll free: 1-866-552-5583
e-mail: help@louisianaEAGLE.org
Since we can’t cover all aspects of the EAGLE system during this training, this is a list of support services that are available to you.
The EAGLE training site is available 24/7. This site was especially designed for individuals to learn the functionality of the EAGLE system and to use for training sessions.
This is the site to locate the USER Guide for Hands-on Activities.
We also have email and telephone help desks available. Send your emails to: help@louisianaEAGLE.org or call the toll-free number. You will receive a response by the next business day.
The Brochure included in your training materials is important for all stakeholders to have a copy. Teachers will need the brochure in order to reach the HELP desk for troubleshooting.
Since we can’t cover all aspects of the EAGLE system during this training, this is a list of support services that are available to you.
The EAGLE training site is available 24/7. This site was especially designed for individuals to learn the functionality of the EAGLE system and to use for training sessions.
This is the site to locate the USER Guide for Hands-on Activities.
We also have email and telephone help desks available. Send your emails to: help@louisianaEAGLE.org or call the toll-free number. You will receive a response by the next business day.
The Brochure included in your training materials is important for all stakeholders to have a copy. Teachers will need the brochure in order to reach the HELP desk for troubleshooting.