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Explore the causes and events of the Spanish-American War from Cuba's struggle for independence to President McKinley's assassination. Learn about the Progressive Era reform movement addressing societal injustices through political changes. Discover key figures and reforms shaping early 20th-century America.
Turn of the Century America: 1898 – 1910
Spanish – American War: 1898 Causes of the War: 1. Cuba struggling with Spain… Cuba wants independence 2. Reports of Spanish atrocities Yellow Journalism by Hearst & Pulitzer 3. De Lome Letter Letter from Spanish Minister critizing President McKinley & the United States 4. February 15, 1898: The sinking of the “Maine”
President McKinley hesitates… But gives Spain an ultimatum 1. fighting in Cuba must stop 2. Negotiate with Cuba for Cuban self-government 3. Abolish all concentration camps Teddy Roosevelt says we need to attack NOW… Roosevelt orders US Navy into the Pacific to get ready for WAR! On April 9, Spain agrees to United States ultimatum However McKinley still asks Congress to declare war on Spain to intervene for Cuba’s independence April 11, 1898 the US declared WAR on Spain April 19: Teller Amendment = United States is just given help to Cuba… When Spain leaves Cuba so will the USA
Spanish – American War Begins… First fighting will take place in the Philippines… May 1, 1898 Commodore George Dewey will defeat and destroy the Spanish Fleet in 6 hours (only 1 US death)
Spanish – American War In June & July of 1898 USA invades Cuba General W. R. Shafter in charge Fighting begins on June 24, 1898 Major Battles: 1. Teddy Roosevelt & his Rough Riders take San Juan Hill 2. Spain loses the rest of its Navy at the Battle of Santiago Harbor
Spain Surrenders on August 11, 1898 United States lose 3,289 men (379 in combat) Spain over 55,000 The United States Received: Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, (Wake Island) Takes 3 years for US to control Philippines It ends USA isolationism Cuba received: Independence (US gets Guantanamo Bay) Spain received: $20 million ALSO: United States becomes a World & Colonial Power Dr. Walter Reed & Dr. Jesse Lazear figure out “Yellow Fever” This was the USA’s 1st war of intervention Secretary of State Hay calls it “a splendid little war”
President McKinley’s Assassination When: September 6, 1901 Where: Buffalo, New York at the Pan-American Exposition Who: Leon Czolgosz (from Detroit) Why?: "I killed President McKinley because I done my duty. I didn't believe one man should have so much service and another man should have none."
Death of President McKinley President McKinley died on September 14, 1901 at 2:15 a.m. McKinley told his doctors, “It is useless, gentlemen, I think we ought to have prayer.” Later, as he faded, McKinley whispered the words to the hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee." President McKinley, died because of infection and gangrene. Theodore Roosevelt is now President of the USA America’s youngest President
President McKinley’s Funeral McKinley’s Grave
The jury took only half an hour to convict Czolgosz. On September 26, Czolgosz was sentenced to death.[He was immediately taken to Auburn State Prison to await execution.According to one account, Czolgosz expressed remorse on his way to Auburn, saying, "I wish the people to know I am sorry for what I did. It was a mistake and it was wrong. If I had it to do over again I never would do it. But it is too late now to talk of that. I am sorry I killed the President."Czolgosz was executed by means of electrocution on October 29, 1901. His last words are variously reported as, "I killed the President for the good of the laboring people, the good people. I am not sorry for my crime but I am sorry I can't see my father"; or, "I killed the President because he was the enemy of the good people—the good working people. I am not sorry for my crime."
Progressive Era: A reform movement which sought to remove injustices & hardships caused by the industrial society… What is it???? 1. Broad cultural vision 2. Cluster of moral & humanitarian goals 3. Political reforms Progressives believed in PROGRESS… they believed that Social Darwinism & Laissez-faire did not work, that government could and should play an important role in removing injustices…
Progressive Era Progressives had 3 major beliefs: 1. Anti-monopoly 2. Belief in Social Cohesion: we are not autonomous BUT a part of a great web of social relations… The welfare of any single person is dependent on the welfare of a society as a whole. Everyone has a social responsibility to its people and to its society! 3. A belief in organization and efficiency The Progressive Movement began with “Crusading Journalist” They opened the public’s eyes to social, economic and political injustices… Teddy Roosevelt called them “Muckrakers”
Important “Muckrakers” 1. Lincoln Steffens: “Shame of the Cities 2. Ida Tarbell: “Standard Oil Trust” 3. Jacob Riis: “How the Other ½ Lives” 4. Upton Sinclair: “The Jungle” They exposed: problems of child labor, ghettos, prostitution, waste, destruction of our natural resources, woman, Blacks… Progressive Movement also brought the USA into the age of the “EXPERT”… a high value on knowledge & expertise… They will take over all aspects of life: Building, manufacturing, professionals
Progressive Amendments added to the Constitution: 16th Amendment: 17th Amendment: 18th Amendment: 19th Amendment:
Important Woman in the Woman’s Suffrage Movement 1. Carrie Chapman Catt: President of the NAWSA National American Woman Suffrage Association She also creates the League of Woman Voters 2. Alice Paul: More militant… went to the streets to protest… Formed the National Woman’s Party
Civil Rights: Court Case: Plessy v. Ferguson “Separate But Equal”
Civil Rights… 2 approaches Booker T. Washington: Tuskegee Institute Learn trades, gain better skills then focus on EQUALITY Character, not circumstances, makes the man. I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him. If you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams. No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.
W. E. B. Du Bois: Demanded Equal Rights NOW!!!! Wrote the book: The Souls of Black Folk “To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.” “The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.” “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.” “The power of the ballot we need in sheer defense, else what shall save us from a second slavery?” “All men cannot go to college but some men must; every isolated group or nation must have its yeast, must have for the talented few centers of training where men are not so mystified and befuddled by the hard and necessary toil of earning a living, as to have no aims higher than their bellies, and no God greater than Gold.”
Difference between Washington & Du Bois Born into slavery Only after establishing a secure economic base, could Blacks hope to realize their other goal of political and social equality Took a pragmatic approach to economic development Washington Born in the North… College Educated Political and social rights were a prerequisite for economic advancement Took a militant approach for equal rights Du Bois
CULTURAL AMERICA AT THE TURN OF TURN OF THE CENTURY Population in 1900: 76,212,168 45 States 60% still rural… 11 million farmers Fewer then 150 miles of paved roads
Cultural America: 1900 – 1910 Average worker made 22 cents an hour & worked 60 hours a week… .22 x 60 = $13.20 a week $13.20 x 52 = $686.40 a year Teachers salary in 1900 = $325 a year Average size family: 5 kids Life expectancy: 47 years old Leading causes of death: 1. Diphtheria 2. Typhoid 3. Malaria 4. Influenza The common cold was deadly
Cultural America: 1900 - 1910 Technology: 18 out of every 1,000 people owned a phone NO: 1. Radio’s 2. TV’s 3. Refrigerator 4. Electric ovens 5. Most homes had out-houses 6. Cars were for the very rich 7. No such thing as a truck or bus Fads: Ping Pong & Speeding
In 1900…It was a Man’s World!!!! Men ran all the businesses Men casted all the votes Men produced most of the arts & literature Men were the masters of their HOUSES Woman were banned from: 1. voting 2. clubs 3. restaurants 4. saloons 5. could be arrested for smoking in public
For the Men: Their biggest hang-out was at the SALOON In 1900: over 100,000 saloons (bars) in the USA and over 3,000 different breweries
Hero’s of 1900 – 1910: People in the news… Alice Roosevelt… Daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt
Robert Peary April 6,1909: 1st on North Pole????
Election of 1904 T. Roosevelt vs. Alton Parker
Both agreed on the same things So campaigned turned to “Personalities”
Results of the Election of 1904 TR = 336 electoral votes Parker = 140 electoral votes
TR as President (1901 – 1909) 1. Panama Canal
Panama Canal: After the French failed the USA will take on the new task First problem with Columbia: Panama gains independence Key People: William Gorgas vs. mosquito’s & yellow fever George Goethals engineer Cost: $380 million 43,000 labors Biggest engineering project in history (at that time)
TR’s Foreign Policy: “BIG STICK DIPLOMACY” “Speak softly and carry a big stick…”
TR’s “Big Stick Diplomacy”: Roosevelt Corollary: TR said: “USA job to enforce the Monroe Doctrine & to intervene anywhere in Latin America” The Great White Fleet
2. Russo – Japanese War 1904 – 1905 TR successfully negotiating peace between Russia & Japan (fighting over Korea) Roosevelt will win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 1st President to do so
TR’s Square Deal… Anti-trust policy: Roosevelt supported labor & consumer rights 2. Handles Coal Strike of 1902 3. Meat Inspection Act: Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
4. Conservation TR reserves 125 million acres of land for parks 5. Helps establish the NCAA because of violence in football
1909 – 1910: African Safari TR kills: 5 elephants 7 hippos 9 lions 13 rhinos