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The Battle of Stalingrad - Turning Point in WWII

Learn about the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad in World War II, including Operation Blue, Operation Saturn, and Operation Uranus. Discover key facts and outcomes that shifted the course of the war.

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The Battle of Stalingrad - Turning Point in WWII

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  1. The Battle of Stalingrad Topic: The battle of Stalingrad Key Ideas: Importance of Stalingrad, Operation Blue, Operation Saturn, Operation Uranus Key Conclusions to me made: it was a turning point in the war where Germany lost

  2. Groups • Natasya, Jessica O, Davin, Michelle H • Jessica S, Richie, Mikaela, Reyner • Dave, Nicole, Michelle K – No key point 4 • Jason, Winda, Claudia, Michael • Sites • www.world-war-2.info/battles • www.historylearningsite.co.uk/famous_battles_of_world_war_two.htm • Book- read and discuss

  3. You will be graded on: • Individual Slides /10 per student • Information /10 • Relevant Pictures /10 • Presentation /10 • Creativity and Structure /10 Total: /50

  4. The Battle of Stalingrad What: A battle between Germany & its allies and the Soviet Union, for Stalingrad When: Winter, 1942-1943 Effects: Germany lost their old reputation as being invincible

  5. Pictures of the Battle of Stalingrad

  6. Key Fact 1: Importance of Stalingrad Points: /5 Name: Claudia 9B • -Major industrial city on banks of Volga River • -Also Russia’s center of communication • -(Vital transport route between Caspian Sea and Northern Russia) • -Control of the city would cut Soviet transport links with Southern Russia using the Volga River

  7. Importance of Stalingrad (continued) Points: /5 Name: Claudia 9B • If Germany won Stalingrad, it would also allow them to get the rich oil fields of Caucasus • It was also Stalin’s city. • Hitler wanted to capture the city that had the name of his enemy • City’s capture would also be a propaganda achievement. It would have been good for Hitler, for people to know he had beaten his enemy Caucasus oil fields 1942 Stalingrad 1942

  8. Operation Blue Points: /5 Name: Jason 9B • - Code name for the attack that Adolf Hitler ordered on the Soviet Union’s oil fields in the Caucasus region in 1942. • - Failed due to the sixth army – was effectively destroyed at the BATTLE OF STALINGRAD.

  9. Operation Blue (continued) Points: /5 Name: Jason 9B • The operation was divided into 2 groups. • Group A were to attack south towards Rostov, and wipe out through the Transcaucasus heading for the Caspian Sea while taking oil-fields at Maikop. • Group B’s primary task was to provide strong Northern flank along the Don, while cutting the vital Soviet freight traffic on the Volga.

  10. Key Fact 3: Operation Saturn Points: /5 Name: Winda 9A -December 1942 until February 1943 -Red Army Operation on Eastern front of WWII -The first stage was to cut off the Germany’s Army Group A. -24th Dec tanks raided Tatsinskaya(The closest air base to Stalingrad) -29th Dec Germany had no choice but to retreat.

  11. Key Fact 3: Operation Saturn (Continued) Points: /5 Name: Winda 9A *90,000-prisoners, 5000-returned to Germany *By January the Hungarian Army was destroyed (Second Stage) *Germany had to retreat. *Krusk, Karkov, and Rostov were captured on Feb 1943. *Stalingrad was 400 miles off West, they had to delay the offensive until 25h February.

  12. Operation Uranus Points: /5 Name: Michael 9A - A german force was encircled during Operation Uranus. - Zhukov and Vasilevsky were the two leaders. - Zhukov’s Plan was to collect enough resources to keep Paulus German 6Th Amry busy while Soviet troops build 5five new tank armies. - The Germans is surrounded in Stalingrad, The Soviet now attacks the weak fronts held by poorly equipped Romanian armies.

  13. Operation Uranus (Continued) Points: /5 Name: Michael 9A - Germans Sixth Army had lost more troop because of the Soviet ground attacks (January 31, 1943). - The Luftwaffe promised to help resupply the Germans but never did because of the lose of transportation vehicles and weather conditions. - By February 2nd 250,000 German Sixth Army troops has surrendered to the Soviet.

  14. How Did This Affect the War? • It was a turning point in the war • German troops were stopped during their progression across Russia • Unexpected German defeat gave Soviet Union hope • Germany lost their old reputation as being invincible

  15. Conclusion Re-state event The Battle of Stalingrad was a war fought between Germany and the Soviet Union for Stalingrad. What was the result of the event? More than 1 million casualties It was the bloodiest war in human history How did it affect the war? It was a turning point in the war, where it went from Germany winning, to Germany losing

  16. 3 Discussion Questions for Class If Germany hadn’t been stopped in this battle, how do you think it would affect the war? If Stalingrad wasn’t named after Stalin, do you think Hitler would still want to attack it? If one of the operations didn’t happen, do you think that Germany would’ve been stopped during their progression across Russia?

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