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Ms. Butler’s 5 th Grade Historical Document Comparison Webquest

Compare and contrast major political documents - Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and Illinois Constitution. Assigned unique roles for research, then discuss findings within the group. Tasks include researching facts and creating lists of similarities and differences.

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Ms. Butler’s 5 th Grade Historical Document Comparison Webquest

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  1. Ms. Butler’s 5th Grade Historical Document Comparison Webquest

  2. Compare and Contrast Three Major political documents Congratulations! You have been tasked with finding new information for the newest exhibit in the local museum. Your group has been assigned to compare and contrast three major political documents. These three documents are the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Illinois Constitution. Each member in the group will look at a unique document and is assigned to a different role. After each member completes their task, the group must come back together and discuss your findings. Make a list of five similarities and five differences between the documents on Microsoft Word. When you are finished, print the completed document and turn it in with everyone’s names on it along with your printed individual assignments. Good luck historians!

  3. Roles Page Historian 1: Declaration of Independence Historian 2: United States Constitution You have been selected to research the United States Constitution. Click to Continue: You have been selected to research the Declaration of Independence. Click to Continue: Historian 3: Illinois Constitution You have been selected to research the Illinois Constitution. Click to Continue:

  4. Historian 1: Declaration of Independence You have been tasked with researching the Declaration of Independence. Using the websites below, make a list of fifteen important facts. At the end, turn this paper in with your name on it. (Hint: you can include the date it was written, who it was written by, etc.) Visit these websites to gather your information: http://www.congressforkids.net/Independence_declaration_1.htm http://www.congressforkids.net/Independence_declaration_2.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/northamerica/after1500/government/declaration.htm http://www.ducksters.com/history/declaration_of_independence.php

  5. Historian 2: United States Constitution You have been tasked with researching the United States Constitution. Using the websites below, make a list of fifteen important facts. At the end, turn this paper in with your name on it. (Hint: you can include the date it was written, who it was written by, etc.) Visit these websites to gather your information: http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/northamerica/after1500/government/constitution.htm http://www.usconstitution.net/constkids4.html http://www.congressforkids.net/Constitution_delegates.htm (click on “learn more” to view more information) http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/documents/constitution/index.html http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/documents/constitution/about.html

  6. Historian 3: Illinois Constitution You have been tasked with researching the Illinois Constitution. Using the websites below, make a list of fifteen important facts. At the end, turn this paper in with your name on it. (Hint: you can include the date it was written, who it was written by, etc.) Visit these websites to gather your information: https://www.state.il.us/court/Kids/IL_Govt/IL_Const.asp http://www.cahsa.info/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/ILguide.pdf (just look at the page entitled “Background Information”) https://www.isba.org/sites/default/files/teachers/publications/constbook.pdf (Don’t worry about reading the entire document. Just skim for the important information.)

  7. Final Task Now that you have researched the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Illinois Constitution, compare and contrast your findings. Make a word document and list five similarities and five differences you found. When you are done, print out this list as well as your individual list and turn it in with your names on the top.

  8. Rubric

  9. Resources Illinois Social Science Standard 14.A-2 http://www.isbe.state.il.us/ilssocial_science/pdf/goal14.pdf

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