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Chapter II Synthetic vs. Analytic I. Definitions

Chapter II Synthetic vs. Analytic I. Definitions Synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships.

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Chapter II Synthetic vs. Analytic I. Definitions

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  1. Chapter II Synthetic vs. Analytic I. Definitions Synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. Analytic language is characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms.

  2. II. Discussion about key issues A). Inflection in English a. internal form (affixation) prefix: bespectacled, empower, astride suffix: waitress, booklet, deafen b. additive form additive form: students, comes, working internal inflexion: foot-feet, go-went suppletive (异根词): I –me-my, we-us-our c. External form: to express grammatical meaning, not to coin a new word.

  3. to express tense: had been +verb+ed to express voice: be+verb+ed to express subjunctive mood: would +verb Internationalization Internationalize internationalist (international) internationality internationalism internationally internationally nation nation-hood, wide internationale nationalization nationally (national) nationalize nationality nationalizer nationalist nationalistic nationalistically

  4. B) Inflection in Chinese The need of sound: about 20 affixations • Exist in Chinese prefix: lao(老) a (阿) di (第) chu(初) ke (可) suffix: zi (子) er(儿) tou (头) qie (切):迫切,亲切,贴切 yu (于):属于,等于 • Influenced by foreign languages 可能性、现代化、可燃性(combustible) 可溶 (soluble) 可知(knowable)

  5. 3.Special forms to express grammatical meaning 着 了 过 的 地 得 们 跳着 唱了 吃过了 这个演员红了一阵。 这个演员红得很。 耐心地等待。

  6. III Word (sentence) order Word order can express different meaning. conceptual meaning thematic meaning communicative value e.g. 1.I admire his learning, but I despise his character. 2. His learning I admire, but his character I despise. 译文:我佩服他的学识,但鄙视他的为人。 Meaning expressed by the adjustment of sentence order, information structure, and some emphatic devices.

  7. 改译:他的学识,我佩服; 但他的为人,我鄙视。 3 立刻,湖水又涨了起来。从此 以后,湖中的金牛不再出现了,湖水再也没干过。 The lake quickly filled with water. The golden ox never appeared and the lake was never dry. 改译:Quickly, the lake filled with water. From that day on, the golden ox no longer appeared and the lake was no longer dry.

  8. IVA comparison Each nation has its own logic way to express the meaning of the same object in the real world. English: Subject(主体) action (行为) Object (客体) action signifier (行为标志) Chinese: Subject (主体) action signifier (行为标志) action (行为) Object (客体) Language mode: English: subject+ Verb +object +adverbial Chinese: subject +adverbial +verb+ object

  9. e.g. I got a good book in a bookstore. 我在书店买了一本好书。 That’s the natural order to express the same object in Chinese and English. However, if there are some variants, they are usually loaded with special meaning. 1) Subject + Verb and its variant Subject + Verb is changed as Verb +subject to express special semantic meanings and to achieve special communicative function, because Verb is highlighted.

  10. 4. Roar, the mountains, thunders all the ground. 5. 鼓动吧,风!咆哮吧,雷! 闪耀吧,电!《雷电颂》 6. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 4.山在吼,大地在咆哮。(?) 5. The wind blows! The thunder rumbles! The lightening flashes!(?) 6. 凡是有钱的单身汉总想要娶位太太,这已成了一条举世公认的真理。(?)

  11. 2) Object and its variants For the sake of emphasis and text coherence, object can be moved before the subject and verb. Analyze thematic meaning of the followings: 7. All these books I’ll give to my brother. 8. This love of bright color she got from me, along with her red hair. 9 我把钱放回桌上。 “钱我不要,”我说“困难可以克服……” --- 陶承《我的一家》

  12. 7 我将把这些书全部送给我的 兄弟。(?) 8 她从我这里继承了这种对鲜 艳色彩的爱好,还有她那一头 的红发。(?) 9 I put the note down on the table. “I don’t need money,” I told him, “I can manage all right…”(?) 3) Attributive and its variants Reasons: emphasis and coherence

  13. 10. And I stained the water clear. 11. O listen! For the vale profound Is overflowing with sound. 12.池塘四周,长着许多树,翁翁郁郁的。 13 树缝里泄露着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是瞌睡人的眼。

  14. 10我玷污了这纯洁的水。 11你听!你听她的歌声,/在深遂的峡谷久久回荡。《诗刊》1980第2期。 12Around the pond grows a profusion of lush and luxuriant trees. 《英语世界》1985 13 Here and there, a few listless rays from street-lamps filtered through the trees, as the eyes of one who is dozing

  15. 10. 我玷污了这水的纯洁。 11 哦你听!那空谷幽幽 久久回荡着她的歌喉。 12. Around the pond grows a profusion of tress, lush and luxuriant. 13. Here and there, a few rays from street-lamps filtered through the trees, listless as the eyes of one who is dozing. 4) Adverbial and its variants 14. Not for a day has he neglected his duty.

  16. 15.In despair he pistoled himself. 16. 喝吧,为了胜利 喝吧,为了友谊 喝吧,为了爱情(艾青:《酒》) 17. 在银幕上,她是一位观众熟悉的演员; 在文坛上,她又是一位享有盛誉的作 家。 14. 他一天也没有玩忽职守。(?) 15 他在绝望中拔枪自杀。(?) 16. Drink then, to victory… 17.She is a well-known actress on the screen (?)

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