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AP World History POD #25 – American Supremacy

Explore the origins of the Cold War, including the struggle between the East and West, the visions of the Western Allies and Soviets for post-war Europe, the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Blockade, and the role of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

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AP World History POD #25 – American Supremacy

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  1. AP World HistoryPOD #25 – American Supremacy Origins of the Cold War

  2. Class Discussion Questions McKay- “The Division of Europe”, pp. 990-993

  3. What is a Cold War? • The east (Soviet, Communist, Totalitarian) was locked in a social, political, economic, and ideological struggle with the west (American, French, British, Free Market, Democratic) • Competition for world political hegemony between the United States and Soviet Union • Competition for world economic hegemony between the United States and Soviet Union • Competition for world cultural hegemony between the United States and Soviet Union • There was never any direct fighting between these two superpowers although it often occurred through proxies

  4. What was the Western Allies vision for post war Europe? • The United States demanded immediate free elections in Eastern Europe • Desire to uphold the ideals of the Atlantic Charter • The Atlantic Conference took place from August 9-12, 1941, and resulted in the Atlantic Charter, a joint proclamation by the United States and Britain declaring that they were fighting the Axis powers to "ensure life, liberty, independence and religious freedom and to preserve the rights of man and justice." • the United States cut off aid to the Soviet Union in May 1945 • the United States believed the atomic bomb gave them military superiority, thus they got tough with the Soviets or at least talked tough

  5. What was the Soviet vision for post war Europe? • Germany would be divided into zones of occupation and pay heavy reparations to the Soviet Union • Eastern European governments were to be freely elected but pro-Russian • Red Army occupied these lands and installed friendly regimes • The Soviets demanded satellite buffer states in Eastern Europe • Only war would settle the issue- the Red Army would not unilaterally withdraw

  6. What was the Truman Doctrine and how was it applied over the course of the Cold War? • the United States cut off aid to the Soviet Union in May 1945 / the United States believed the atomic bomb gave them military superiority, thus they got tough with the Soviets or at least talked tough at Potsdam • March 1947 • desired to contain communism to areas already under the control of the Red Army • financial aid was provided to Greece and Turkey to help in the resistance • Used to justify involvement in Korea and Vietnam (Southeast Asia), as well as Nicaragua and Cuba

  7. What was the Marshall Plan and was it successful? • June 1947 • over $50 Billion provided to Europe to support reconstruction efforts • loans in exchange for a pledge to hold free elections • Stalin refused all aid for eastern Europe and established Soviet style one party dictatorships in the region

  8. Why did Stalin Blockade Berlin in 1948? • Stalin blocked all traffic through the Soviet occupied zone of Germany • Berlin was closed off the west

  9. How did the Western Allies respond to the Soviet Blockade of Berlin? • The United States and British supplied west Berlin with hundreds of daily flights • After 324 days the Soviet backed down- containment seemed to work

  10. What was the function of NATO? • North Atlantic Treaty Organization • Anti-Soviet military alliance of western governments • Economic aid was channeled through the Marshall Plan and military security was provided through NATO which featured American troops stationed permanently in Europe and the American nuclear umbrella. Thus the United States assumed the international responsibilities it had shunned after 1919.

  11. Why did the Soviets form the Warsaw Pact? • Stalin responded with the Warsaw Pact in the east • This was done to counter-balance the large military alliance they were facing in NATO

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