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“1” Route Directory. PASS DIRECTORY. “3” Route Directory. OFFENSE MAIN MENU. SUMMARY TABLE. ILLUSTRATIONS/EXAMPLES (All versions). “3” Route Directory. Base Route. INTRODUCTION/PHILOSOPHY. INSTRUCTIONAL. “YOU DRAW IT”. VIDEO 1. VIDEO 2. 3 Philosophy. 4 Philosophy. TAGS/VARIATIONS
3 Philosophy 4 Philosophy • TAGS/VARIATIONS • Swap (v. Jams on Middle rec) • FS adjustment to 50 series 3 Route: “DOUBLE CORNER” • The “Double Corner” concept is a very “high-class” tool we have to attack just about any coverage we see! It is one of the primary ways we have to get the ball to outside receivers at a deeper depth! • The basic thought behind the play is to hold flat coverage with the inside “Flat” route, then put the Cornerback in a bind by using either ‘Switched’ or ‘Stacked’ releases straight at him, then breaking them off to two different types of Corner routes above and beneath him! The type of release we use makes it hard for safeties to ‘pattern read’ us as well! • The 3 route is a good way to break down aggressive cornerbacks, and can be used to strike quickly from the Red Zone, convert long 3rd downs, or open up the Flat route very effectively on 3rd and medium to short! • KEYS to a successful play: • Great release by the middle receiver: He must avoid collisions to stay “ahead” of the Corner route, and attract the CB’s attention! • Timing and angle of the break by the Corner route, who must not get too far down inside. • PATIENCE by the QB to let this open up and clear vision of the target area! - t o M A I N D I R E C T O R Y - - t o I N S T R U C T I O N A L -
3 Instructional 4 Instructional S S ## 5. THE KICKER. M, after patiently working all 3 steps of a hard post move, speed breaks to a steep, “High” Corner, taking an angle that will get him deeper than the CB. 2. ATTACK vertically, eyeball the nearest deep defender. O should trail M slightly, don’t get too far inside! 3. NOD opposite direction of break, O at 9, M at 10-11… C 1. “WRAP” to switch positions or stack, pre-read obstacles, find a clear lane! 4-6 M 8-9 I O TRUST TEMPO DISCIPLINE PREPARATION SHARED RESPONSIBILITY 3 route:“DOUBLE CORNER” 4. BREAK M break 1st at 12, 3 hard steps to a thin Post, O off his rear at 10, flattening to the dead space created by CB collapsing with M’s Post move O I • 7 step ANGLE drop... • ‘2’ ball to the Bow Corner if no one invades... • Flat is your ‘Q’ if heat comes early... • Flat if invaded from underneath… “63” Shown • “Object Receiver Read” off the Bow Corner ... • “3” ball to Hi Corner to BS if invaded from above (CB stops feet) BS OUTS:SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS:GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS:FLAT. Just like inside of “4” route. You release last into traffic; let others outside you work, break off their rear. FS MID:“WRAP” to HI CORNER. Split 8-9 yds off T, set the Bunch/Stack. Ideal release is outside the widest short defender; more important is a clean release that doesn’t get you held up. Engage the CB with eyes. After release, straighten to 12, nod to Corner, make a patient, 3-step post move, and explode on a high angle to the Corner, steep enough to get over top of CB. FS OUTS:“WRAP” to BOW CORNER. Once you release inside M & find a free lane, get vertical, keep minimal space betw. you & M; can even stack on his inside hip. You must stay BEHIND M. Eyeball & freeze the safety. Nod at 9-10, Bow out to the Corner into the dead area at 12-14, split 2 nearest defenders. Time your break so it happens just as CB commits to M’s Post fake! QB:7-step angle drop, Flat is ‘Q.’ Object receiver read on either side of the Bow Corner. Bow is a 2 ball. If the CB settles feet/hangs in Bow lane, think deep 3-ball to High Corner to BS.. If any defender is trying to retreat under it, abort drop, go Flat to BS. Never try to drop a ball over a retreating DB/LB. Flat can be primary off tight U by D/D. - C L I C K H E R E T O R E T U R N T O M A I N D I R E C T O R Y -
3 You Draw It v. Cov 0 Split Ray Squeeze Check 53 v. Cov 1 Rex Minus Squeeze H4 63 J J C R M S C S C C R W E E T T E T N T E W J R J C C M R W C N M C N Z D E E E T T E N Bunch Rt Slip Hot 63 v. Cov 3 v. Cov 2 Deuce Lt Stack 73 - C L I C K H E R E T O R E T U R N T O M A I N D I R E C T O R Y -
Q MAX - T o 3 R o u t e M A I N D I R E C T O R Y - 3 ROUTE ILLUSTRATIONS • BASE ROUTE • Bunch Right 63 • Strong Rex Squeeze 2-63 • Larry Minus Stack Check 43 • Rip Firm Squeeze 3 East Dbl Corner • Bunch Left Slug H Crazy 73 3 ROUTE DIRECTORY
BUNCH RIGHT 63 10 15 20 5 Bunch Right 63 HI CORNER SEAM READ Mid: NOD to Post, 2 step SPEED break to Hi Corner, don’t lose speed on either move! ## ## BOW CORNER 12 10-11 FLAT v. Off H X Y Z • #s - 2 • OT +6 R QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: 7 Angle (5 f/Gun) Progression: Object rec. off Bow Corner; 2 ball to Bow- Flat off aborted drop if invaded f/below— Hi Corner off shuffle up if invaded f/top PREVSLIDE 3 RTMENU
Strong Rex Squ 2-63 10 15 20 5 Strong Rex Squeeze 2-63 HI CORNER SEAM READ Mid: NOD to Post, 2 step SPEED break to Hi Corner, don’t lose speed on either move! ## ## BOW CORNER 12 10-11 FLAT v. Off Y X Z • #s - 2 H • OT +8 R QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: 7 Angle (5 f/Gun) Progression: Object rec. off Bow Corner; 2 ball to Bow- Flat off aborted drop if invaded f/below— Hi Corner off shuffle up if invaded f/top “I’m Inside” PREVSLIDE 3 RTMENU
Larry Minus Stack Check 43 10 15 20 5 Larry Minus Stack Check 43 HI CORNER Mid: NOD to Post, 2 step SPEED break to Hi Corner, don’t lose speed on either move! ## ## BOW CORNER 12 10-11 FLAT v. Off X Y H Z • OT +8 R QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: Straight 7 (5 f/Gun) Progression: Object rec. off Bow Corner; 2 ball to Bow- Flat off aborted drop if invaded f/below— Hi Corner off shuffle up if invaded f/top PREVSLIDE 3 RTMENU
Rip Plus Wing 3 East Dbl Corner 10 15 20 5 Rip Firm Squz 3 East Dbl Corner HI CORNER Mid: NOD to Post, 2 step SPEED break to Hi Corner, don’t lose speed on either move! ## ## BOW CORNER OVER 12 10-11 4 PIN ARROW Y X H Z • OT +5 • OT + 8 R QB THOUGHT PROCESS Progression: Same as normal Boot progression but with a ‘Peek’ to Deep Corners PREVSLIDE 3 RTMENU
10 15 20 5 Bunch Left Slug H Crazy 73 HI CORNER Mid: NOD to Post, 2 step SPEED break to Hi Corner, don’t lose speed on either move! SEAM READ ## ## ## BOW CORNER 12 10-11 FLAT v. Off Z Y X H R “I’m Dead” • OT +6 QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: Straight 7 (5 f/Gun) Progression: Object rec. off Bow Corner; 2 ball to Bow- Flat off aborted drop if invaded f/below— Hi Corner off shuffle up if invaded f/top PREVSLIDE 3 RTMENU