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Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia. Project acronym: TEACH Ref. Project: EACEA-544141. Specific objectives:. harmonizing curricula through identifying the role model curricula and developing curricula harmonization plans
Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia Project acronym: TEACH Ref. Project:EACEA-544141
Specific objectives: • harmonizing curricula through identifying the role model curricula and developing curricula harmonization plans • implementing the harmonized curricula through accreditation and enrolment of students • improving transversal skills of teachers through training of trainers (ToT sessions) and local spill-over training sessions • improving teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences of teachers through identifying learning outcomes and methods Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP1 Harmonization of the curricula (19 months) * Coordinator: MMU Manchester, UK harmonization of heterogenic curricula in the participating HEIs. reshaping of the academic content, leading to greater similarities in the subject areas and their workload, as well as in the expected learning outcomes. partner institutions from the EU countries will share their best practices with Serbian institutions and guide them through the process of curricula harmonization. Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP1 Harmonization of the curricula (19 months) * Coordinator: MMU Manchester, UK 1.1. Comparative analysis of the existing curricula 1.2. Introduction conference with the stakeholders 1.3. Defining of harmonization frameworks (4_workshops) 1.4. Study visits (UK, Hungary) at which the curricula harmonization shall be facilitated, guided and enhanced and during which the beneficiaries will have a chance of peer-learning process 1.5. Curriculum harmonization Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP2 Improvement of teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences * Coordinators: UM Maribor, Slovenia and EJF Baja, Hungary aims at equipping teachers with best learning-outcome oriented methods of teaching and learning. The emphasis is placed on teachers training that fosters interactive, problem-based learning and entrepreneurial skills through new and creative ways of teaching and learning from preschool onwards Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP2 Improvement of teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences * Coordinators: UM Maribor, Slovenia and EJF Baja, Hungary 2.1. Needs assessment (report indicating on the particular needs of each institution with regard to teachers’ methodology and transversal and entrepreneurial skills development) 2.2. Design of specific interactive seminars in order to address the gaps determined to exist between the project set goals and the current practise 2.3. Study visits 2.4. Realization of seminars Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP3 Improvement of transversals skills of teachers * Coordinator: WEBIN Belgrade • aims at developing transversal skills such as the ability to think critically, take initiative, solve problems and work collaboratively 3.1. Needs assessment 3.2. Designing and conducting the training of trainers sessions 3.3. Development and production of training related materials and guidelines Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP4 - Accreditation and enrolment of students * Coordinator: VSVKS Krusevac __________________________ WP5 - DISSEMINATION OF PROJECT RESULTS * Coordinator: VSVS Vrsac • regular maintenance of project website and other social platforms, monthly e-bulletin sent to variety of stakeholders as well as interested public, and media appearances in the duration of the project implementation phase Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP6 – SUSTAINABILITY * Coordinator: VSVNS Novi Sad benefits generated by the project to be continued once the programme funding comes to an end. Sustainability will be planned carefully with involvement of all stakeholders through a Sustainability Strategy that will provide for detailed follow up activities and impact analysis. intensive courses of English language will be organized for teaching staff as well as soft skills local training sessions Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP7 - QUALITY ASSURANCE & MONITORING * Coordinator: VSSM Sremska Mitrovica Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) will be appointed and made up of experts in quality control and monitoring. Experts must not be involved in any other activity of the project. They will be establishing specific performance indicators for evaluating the progress and results of the specific activities. These activities will be performed during the whole project life cycle. In-depth progress evaluations are planned to take place after 12 and 24 month of project implementation, whereas external evaluation will be carried out in the project final phase followed by external verification of costs. Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Project objectives are to be reached through the following activities, i.e. WPs: WP8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT * Coordinator: VSVS Vrsac adequate coordination, cooperation and communication framework for the successful implementation. Administration office shall be set up along with local focal points at partner HEIs Kick off meeting will be held to mark the official start of the project Steering Committee shall be constituted together with all other required project teams. Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.
Thank you Vrsac, February 18-21 2014.