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Transform Phlegm, Stop Coughing. HBR class 4. Herbs for Cold Phlegm. Ban xia - Pinellia / Rz Pinelliae warm, acrid, toxic / LU,SP,ST A&I: Phlegm-damp cough, chest bind. (Er Chen Tang) Nausea & vomiting d/t counterflow St qi w/phlegm. (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang)
Transform Phlegm, Stop Coughing • HBR class 4
Ban xia - Pinellia / Rz Pinelliae • warm, acrid, toxic / LU,SP,ST • A&I: Phlegm-damp cough, chest bind. (Er Chen Tang) • Nausea & vomiting d/t counterflow St qi w/phlegm. (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang) • Plum-pit qi. (Ban Xia Hou Po Tang)
All types of phlegm nodules. (Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang) • C&C: Contraindicated in cough d/t def yin, bleeding, damage to fluids. • 4.5-9 g
Tian nan xing - Arisaema tuber / Rz Arisaematis • warm, bitter, acrid, toxic / LR, LU, SP • A&I: Wind-phlegm: dizziness, vertigo, facial paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, tetanus. (Xiao Huo Luo Dan) • C&C: Contraindicated in pregnancy, yin def, lung heat, dry phlegm. • Raw herb is highly toxic, not used internally, use prepared. • 4.5-9 g
Dan nan xing - bile-treated Arisaema / Rz Arisaemae cum Felle Bovis • cold, bitter / LR, LU, SP • A&I: Convulsions, windstroke, infant seizures d/t phlegm-heat (Ding Xian Wan) • Phlegm-heat cough (Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan) • C&C: see above • 3-6 g
Xuan fu hua - Inula flower / Fl Inulae • sl warm, bitter, acrid, salty / LR,LU,ST, SP • A&I: Phlegm damp: LU: asthma, cough; ST: vomit, hiccough. (Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang) • Chest fullness, distension. • Decoct in cheesecloth. • 3-12 g
Bai qian - Cynanchum / Rx et Rz Cynanchi • sl warm, acrid, sweet/ LU • A&I: Turbid phlegm blocking the lungs: cough, wheezing, chest fullness. (Zhi Sou San) • C&C: Contraindicated: qi def, kidney def • 3-9 g
Bai jie zi - White mustard seed / Sm Sinapsis seu Brassicae • warm, acrid / LU • A&I: Phlegm-damp: cough, chest fullness, especially chronic. (San Zi Yang Qin Tang) • Bi d/t phlegm in channels. • Yin sores. (Yang He Tang) • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def, lung def. • 3-9 g
Jie geng - Platycodon root / Rx Platycodi • neutral, bitter, acrid / LU • A&I: Cough w/phlegm d/t wind-heat or wind-cold. (Ren Shen Bai Du San, Sang Ju Yin, Zhi Sou San) • Sore throat d/t wind-heat, phlegm-heat, yin def heat. (Yin Qiao San) • Lung or throat abcess. (Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin)
Guides other herbs to upper jiao. • C&C: Contraindicated: coughing blood, yin def cough. • 3-9 g
Xing ren - Apricot seed / Sm Armeniacae • sl warm, bitter, sl toxic / LI, LU • A&I: Cough & wheezing, esp exterior dry. (Sang Xing Tang, Xing Su San, Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang) • Moistens intestines: for dry constipation (Ma Zi Ren Wan) • C&C: Contraindicated: diarrhea, yin def. Slightly toxic, avoid overdosing. • Caution in infants. Lethal dose 50 seeds in adults, 10 in kids. • 3-9 g
Zi wan - Aster root / Rx Asteris • sl warm, bitter / LU • A&I: Cough d/t wind-cold. Cough w/copious phlegm, difficult expectoration or bloody sputum (Zhi Sou San) • C&C: Caution: yin def, xs heat. Large dose, long-term not recommended. • 3-9 g
Kuan dong hua - Coltsfoot flower / Fl Farfarae Tussilago • warm, acrid / LU • A&I: Cough & wheezing/asthma, esp in cold patterns. • C&C: Caution: cough d/t heat. • Western: hepatotoxic • 1.5-9 g
Su zi, Zi Su Zi - Perilla seed / Fr Perillae • warm, acrid / LI, LU • A&I: Cough, wheezing/asthma w/phlegm and chest oppression. (San Zi Yang Qin Tang, Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang) • Moistens intestines: for dry constipation • C&C: Contraindicated: diarrhea. • 4.5-9 g
Pi pa ye - Loquat leaf / Fm Eriobotryae • cool, bitter / LU, ST • A&I: Lung heat: cough, wheezing. • Stomach heat: hiccough, nausea, vomiting. • C&C: Contraindicated: cough or vomiting d/t cold. • 4.5-12 g
Bai bu - Stemona root / Rx Stemonae • sl warm, sweet, bitter/ LU • A&I: Cough, esp d/t deficiency, incl yin def. (Zhi Sou San) • Topical: kills lice, fleas. • Enema for pinworm. • C&C: Contraindicated: Sp def, diarrhea. • 3-9 g enema: 30-60 g
Sang bai pi - Mulberry bark / Cx Mori • cold, sweet, bland / LU,SP • A&I: Lung heat: cough, wheezing. (Xie Bai San) • Promotes urination: skin or facial edema. (Wu Pi Yin) • Hypertension. • C&C: excess urination, cough d/t wind-cold. • 6-15 g
Aromatic herbs for Transforming Dampness • Treat turbid dampness accumulated in middle jiao: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. • Most enter SP/ST • Usually symptoms of ST qi stagnation; many herbs in this category move qi • Warm, Acrid (treat stagnation), Aromatic (penetrate turbidity and "awaken" SP) • Tend to be VERY drying, inappropriate for Yin-Blood deficiency
Huo xiang - Agastache / Hb agastachis seu pogastemonis • sl warm, acrid / LU,SP,ST • A&I: Turbid-dampness: chest fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San) • Morning sickness. • Summerheat-damp. (Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan)
Stomach flu. • Bad breath. • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def heat, St fire. Don't cook longer than 15 min. • 4.5-9 g
Pei lan - Eupatorium / Hb Eupatorii • neutral, acrid / SP,ST • A&I: Transforms dampness w/o drying: for damp or damp-heat sx. • Summerheat-damp. • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def. • 4.5-9 g
Hou po - Magnolia bark / Cx Magnoliae officinalis • warm, bitter, acrid, aromatic/ LU,LI,SP, ST • A&I: Turbid-damp + stagnant qi or food: chest/ab fullness, nausea, diarrhea, etc. (Ping Wei San, Ban Xia Hou Po Tang) • Wheezing d/t phlegm-damp. (Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang) • C&C: Caution in pregnancy. • 3-9 g
Cang zhu - Atractylodes / Rz atractylodis • warm, bitter, acrid, aromatic/ SP,ST • A&I: Dries dampness, strengthens Sp: damp, low appetite, diarrhea, ab distension. (Ping Wei San) • Wind-damp bi. • Low jiao damp-heat: leg qi, leukorrhea, etc (Er Miao San)
C&C: Contraindicated: yin def heat, qi def sweat. • Very drying. • 4.5-9 g
Bai dou kou - Cardamom seed / Fr Amomi kravanh • warm, acrid, aromatic/ LU,SP,ST • A&I: Various damp + qi stagnation sx: chest fullness, low appetite. (San Ren Tang) • Warms middle, stops vomiting. • C&C: Contraindicated: yin or blood def, absence of cold-damp. • decoct: 3-6 g powder: 1.5-4.5 g
Cao dou kou - Katsumadai seed / Sm Alpiniae katsumadai • warm, acrid, aromatic/ SP,ST • A&I: Dries dampness, warm middle: cold pain, vomiting, diarrhea. (Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang) • C&C: Contraindicated: yin or blood def. Add at end of decoction. • 1.5-6 g
Cao guo - Tsaoko / Fr Amomi Tsaoko • warm, acrid/ SP,ST • A&I: Strongly dries damp, warms middle: cold pain, vomiting, etc. • Meat stagnation. • Malaria. (Da Yuan Yin) • C&C: qi or blood def, absence of cold-damp. OD: vomiting. • 1.5-6 g roast to reduce vomiting
Sha ren - Amomum fruit / Fr Amomi • warm, acrid, aromatic/ SP,ST • A&I: Qi stagnation, dampness, or food stagnation. (Dan Shen Yin, Jian Pi Wan) • Restless fetus + morning sickness. • Add to tonic formulas to prevent stagnation. (Shen Ling Bai Zhu San, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi tang) • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def heat. • 1.5-6 g Add at end of decoction.
Herbs for relieving Food Stagnation • Used for Food Stagnation patterns; mild, usually made of food substances • Neutral or slightly warm or cool; sweet or acrid. • Enter SP/ST
Shan zha - Hawthorn fruit / Fructus Crataegi • sl warm, sour, sweet / LR,SP,ST • A&I: Food stagnation, esp fatty food: meat, milk, etc. (Bao He Wan, Jian Pi Wan) • Ab distension, pain, diarrhea. Postpartum ab pain, lochia d/t blood stasis. • Hypertension, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease
C&C: Caution: Sp/St def w/o food stagnation, also gastric hyperacidity (sour, acidic). • 9-15 g
Mai ya - Germinated barley / Fr Hordei germinatus • neutral, sweet / LR,SP,ST • A&I: Food stagnation, esp starch, milk. (Bao He Wan) • Restrains lactation. • LR Qi stagnation: fullness in chest, ribs, epigastric pain. • C&C: Contraindicated during lactation. • powder: 6-15 g decoct: 12-30 g lactation: 60 g
Gu ya - Germinated rice / Fr Oryzae germinatus • neutral, sweet / SP,ST • A&I: Food stagnation, esp starch, w/ SP & ST deficiency. • C&C: Effects are weakened by cooking, best added as powder to decoction. • 9-15 g
Shen qu - Medicated leaven / Massa fermentata medicinalis • warm or cool, acrid, sweet / SP,ST • A&I: Food stagnation, ab distension, diarrhea, gan accumulation. (Bao He Wan, Yue Ju Wan) • Added to formulas with mineral substances to increase absorption. • C&C: Caution: pregnancy. • 6-15 g
Ji nei jin - Chicken gizzard skin / Endothelium corneum gigeriae galli • neutral, sweet / UB,SI,SP, ST • A&I: Strongly dispels food stagnation: ab fullness, diarrhea, infant gan. • Gallstones, urinary tract stones. • Topical: mouth & throat sores. • Bedwetting. • 3-9 g
Lai fu zi - Radish seed / Sm Raphani • neutral, acrid, sweet / LU,SP,ST • A&I: Food stagnation w/ stagnant Qi: distension, belching, diarrhea. (Bao He Wan) • Coughing, wheezing d/t phlegm. (San Zi Yang Qin Tang) • C&C: Caution: Qi def. • 6-12 g
Herbs for regulating Qi • Primarily treat Stagnant LR (hypochondriac, PMS) or ST (epigastric, digestive) Qi; some also enter LU, SP. • Mostly warm & acrid, some also bitter • Very drying/scattering, caution in deficiency.
Chen pi, Ju Pi - Tangerine peel / Pericarpium Citri reticulatae • warm, acrid / LU, SP, ST • A&I: Qi stagnation and/or turbid dampness in middle jiao w/nausea, vomiting, ab fullness, hiccough. (Er Chen Tang, Ping Wei San) • Phlegm-damp in the lung: cough w/ profuse sputum. (San Zi Yang Qin Tang) • Often added to tonic formulas to prevent stagnation. (Liu Jun Zi Tang)
Ju hong: Red peel: stronger, transforms phlegm. • Ju bai: White Peel: milder, harmonizes stomach. • Ju he: Shan qi, bladder qi pain. • Ju luo: qi stag in luo vessels, chest pain w/chronic cough. • 3-9 g
Qing pi -Green tangerine peel / Pericarpium Citri reticulatae viride • warm, acrid, bitter / GB,LR,ST • A&I: LR qi stagnation esp w/phlegm bind: chest, breast & rib pain, mastitis. • Food stagnation, esp severe or w/Liver qi. (Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan) • Shan qi. (Tian Tai Wu Yao San) • C&C: Contraindicated: qi def. Raises blood pressure • 3-9 g
Da fu pi - Areca peel / Pc Arecae catechu • sl warm, acrid / LI,SI,SP, ST • A&I: Descends qi, reduces stagnation: food stagnation w/constipation. • Expels dampness: ab distension w/superficial edema, leg qi. (Wu Pi Yin) • C&C: Caution: qi def • 6-9 g
Zhi shi - Immature bitter orange / Fr Aurantii immaturus • sl cold, acrid, bitter / LI,SP,ST • A&I: Breaks up qi stagnation: chest & ab fullness, etc. (Si Ni San, Da Chai Hu Tang) • Constipation w/qi or food stagnation. (Xiao Cheng Qi Tang) • Prolapse: gastric, rectal, uterine. • C&C: Caution: pregnancy, weak right qi, sp/st def. Raises blood pressure. • 3-9 g
Zhi ke - Bitter Orange / Fr Citri Aurantii • cool, acrid, bitter / SP,ST • A&I: Sim to Zhishi but milder, better for weaker patients. • Diarrhea w/tenesmus. • Phlegm stagnation in chest, ab fullness, etc. • Prolapse: gastric, rectal, uterine. (Huai Hua San) • C&C: Caution: pregnancy, sp/st def • 3-9 g
Xiang fu - Cyperus tuber / Rz Cyperi • Neutral, acrid, sl bitter, sl sweet/ LR,TB • A&I: LR qi stagnation: painful or irregular menses, flooding & spotting, chest/ab fullness & pain. (Yue Ju Wan, Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang) • Phlegm. • Shan qi. • C&C: qi def w/o stagnation, yin def heat • 4.5-9 g
Mu xiang - Costus root / Rx Aucklandiae seu Vladimiriae • warm, acrid, bitter / GB,LI,SP, ST • A&I: Various qi stagnation sx: chest & ab fullness, nausea (Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang) • Diarrhea, dysentery, tenesmus, pain. (Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan) • Often added to tonics to prevent stagnation. (Gui Pi Tang, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang)) • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def or fluid depletion. • 1.5-4.5 g add @ end of decoction.
Wu yao - Lindera root / Rx Linderae • warm, acrid / K,UB,LU, SP • A&I: Qi stagnation, esp w/cold: chest & ab fullness & pain, vomiting, lower ab pain, cold shan. (Si Mo Tang, Tian Tai Wu Yao San) • Frequent urination, incontinence d/t Kidney def. (Suo Quan Wan) • C&C: Contraindicated: qi def, internal heat • 3-9 g
Chen xiang - Aquilaria / Lignum Aquilariae resinatum • warm, acrid, bitter, aromatic/ K,SP,ST • A&I: Cold & qi stagnation: ab distension/pain, nausea/vomiting. (Si Mo Tang, Su He Xiang Wan) • Wheezing d/t xs or def. (Si Mo Tang) • Constipation, dysuria d/t qi stagnation. • C&C: Contraindicated: qi def w/ prolapse, yin def heat • 3-9 g
Tan xiang - Sandalwood / Lignum Santati albi • warm, acrid / LU,SP,ST • A&I: Cold & qi stagnation: ab pain, vomiting w/ clear fluid. (Su He Xiang Wan) • Chest pain, coronary artery disease. (Dan Shen Yin) • Cheaper substitute for Chen Xiang. • C&C: Contraindicated: yin def heat • 1-3 g