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GeoView Overview: Mapping System for Alberta Geographic Information

Learn about GeoView's features - Screen Layout, Map Tools, Navigation and Editing. Understand map configuration and layers in Alberta Department of Energy's mapping system.

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GeoView Overview: Mapping System for Alberta Geographic Information

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  1. Welcome Welcome! The Alberta Department of Energy provides GeoView as a mapping system to enable users to find geographic information in Alberta.GeoView can be launched as a stand-alone system to view map information (future release) or called from within a specific application such as OASIS.GeoView retrieves the user's profile to display the appropriate configuration of the map. • To the GeoView System Overview • Online Training Course

  2. Revision

  3. Introduction • In this module you will learn about GeoView's: • Screen Layout • Map Control Tools • Map Window • Information Panels • Editor Link • Select by Attribute Link • Note: As this course demonstrates the use of the GeoView tool, the data in some instances may not portray the actual Crown or Freehold ownership.

  4. Screen Layout • The GeoView screen display has four sections: • Information Panels • Map Control Tools • Map Window • Editor/Select by Attribute Links • The Information Panels display information about what is shown on the map such as Land Keys and Map Contents. • The Map Control Tools located in the toolbar area are used to navigate and interact with the map. • The Map Window displays the map. • The Editor/Select by Attribute Links are used to edit specific source layers within the map or to find attributes for selected areas of the map.

  5. Map Control Tools Show Me GeoView'sMap Control Tools are located at the top of the GeoView screen. The tools are used for viewing map data. (click on image for detailed explanation) Zoom In – Used to zoom in to the selected area. You can also click and drag a rectangle around the area of the map and the map will zoom to the area of the rectangle. Zoom Out– Used to zoom out of the selected area. You can also drag a rectangle and the map will zoom out to the area of the rectangle. Pan – Allows you to click and drag the map. The map is rendered according to the orientation the map was dragged. Full Extent – The map is rendered to full extent; zoomed out to the Alberta boundary. Certain situations may dictate that the full extent is the extent of the particular Oil Sands Area. Previous Extent – The map is zoomed back to the previous extent (previous view of the map). Next Event – The map is zoomed forward to the next extent (previous view of the map) Magnify – Opens a small Magnify window which displays the area which was selected on the map. Identify - used to identify a map feature. Upon clicking on the selected area of the map, the identify tool will be able to provide attributes of the layers of the selected area on the map. The identify information can be added to the Results section of the Information Panel. Measure - this tool measures the distance between two points selected on the map and displays the measurement in the pop up Measure window. Print - Also referred to as the Export option. This tool opens up Adobe Acrobat to display a pdf version of the map which you can save, print or send in an email.

  6. Map Window • The Map window contains many layers that can be overlaid to provide a complex and detailed map. The application used defines the initial view that is displayed. • This view of the map can be modified by selecting/deselecting Map Contents and by using the editing tools. • The map is displayed using several methods: • Points – are used for showing exactly where a feature is by displaying a symbol ie. Oil and Gas wells • Lines – are used to show many real world features ie. roads and rivers • Polygons – are used to show features that have boundaries ie. Schemes • Annotations - which identify the subject of the displayed polygon

  7. Information Panels The Information Panels display the different information available in the map. Results - displays the information chosen when using either the Identify Map Control Tool or the Select by Attribute feature. Land Keys - displays those lands which are added or removed lands from the record being viewed. Map Contents - displays the name and the color of the layers available for viewing. Each available layer for the map is listed. The layers of the map can be turned on or off by clicking on the checkbox.

  8. Map Contents The Map Contents section is organized as sets of features called layers. Each layer is named to represent the data on the map. The layers displayed on the map have been marked in the checkbox. You can also show or hide layers. A layer is turned on or off by clicking on (selecting) the checkbox beside the layer name. Click on the + sign to expand the feature and display the symbol associated with the feature. When a map is opened, the selected layers and features in the Map Content Panel will be displayed.

  9. Results Information Panel When the Identify Map Control Tool is used within the map, the details of the selected area for identification is provided. When the Add to Results is selected, the details are added to the Results Information Panel. The item added to the Results Panel can be highlighted on the map when it is toggled on.

  10. Land Keys • The Land Keys Panel will display those lands which have already been added to or removed from the record being viewed. • Modifications to the lands using the Editor function are not recognised until the Edit Tool Save Key is chosen. • Land Keys sort order are as follows: • Meridian • Range • Township • Sections • Quarter Sections • Legal Sub Divisions • Quadrants

  11. Editor Toolbar Link The Editor toolbar link is available to users who are given edit ability for the record being viewed. The Editor opens a new window (floating panel) within the GeoView application.

  12. Editor Windows The Editor Window provides the tools which will allow the choices for adding or removing lands from the record being viewed. The Create New Feature Tools Window is used to create an Add (land) layer, or a Remove (land) layer. Once created, these lands can then be modified using the Edit Tools. The Edit Tools Window is used to modify lands in the current record which are identified under an Add (land) layer, or a Remove (land) layer.

  13. Edit Common Tools The Edit Common Tools are located in the Editor Window. The tools are used for initiating and handling edit choices. (click on image for detailed explanation) Activate Edit Layer – This tool is used to activate any existing layer for the purpose of editing Clear Selected Features – This tool clears any selections, but does not undo any saved work. Undo – This tool cancels the last edit operation that the user performed Redo – This tool repeats the last edit operation that the user performed before the undo Save – This tool save the last edit action and adjusts the data in the Land Keys panel.

  14. Edit Tools (Continued) When the record being viewed has any Added or Removed layers, the Edit tools will be available. Before commencing to select lands for editing, the Add layer or Remove layer must be activated. If it does not exist; it must first be created using the Create New Feature tools (click on image for detailed explanation) Select Feature(s) tool – Used to select the land for addition or removal. Depending on the selection in the Settings panel, the selected land would be highlighted Unselect Features – Undoes selections from the Select Feature(s) tool Add – When this icon is selected, the land will be added to the feature/record Remove – When this icon is selected, the land will be removed from the feature/record

  15. Create Tool • When the record being viewed does not have an Added or Removed layer, the Create New Feature tools may be available.* • To make edits on this layer the following steps are required: • Choose the Selection tool • Use the mouse to select lands on the map • Upon completion of selection, click on [ + ] to create an Add Layer, or the [ * ] (starburst icon) to create a Remove Layer*. • The Settings link is used to change the selection land key default (Section) to a larger or smaller land key choice. • * Some options are not available if the record being viewed limits these options. Select Feature(s) tool – Used to select the land for addition or removal. Depending on the selection in the Settings panel, the selected land would be highlighted Unselect Features – Undoes selections from the Select Feature(s) tool above Create Add – When this icon is selected, an added land feature is created Create Remove – When this icon is selected, a remove land feature is created

  16. Editor Settings • The Settings Link opens a Settings window where a default setting for choosing land keys may be changed. • The default is set to: Section. • The Edit Source Layer dropdown will allow a choice of the following: • Township • Section • Quarter Section • Legal Sub Division • Quadrant

  17. Editing Page 1 When the record being viewed has any Added or Removed layers, the Edit tools will be available. Before commencing to select lands for editing, the Add layer or Remove layer must be activated. If it does not exist; it must first be created using the Create New Feature tools.

  18. Editing Page 2 • Upon activating the Add or Remove land layer, the boundary of entire layer will change to indicate it is activated. • To make edits on this layer, the following steps are required: • Choose the Selection tool • Use the mouse to select lands on the map • Upon completion of selection, click on [ + ] to add selected lands to the editing layer, or click on [ - ] to remove selected lands from the editing layer. • NOTE: The Settings link is used to change the selection land key default (Section) to a larger or smaller land key choice.

  19. Editing Page 3 When choosing lands, the selection will be highlighted and displayed at the land key level you chose under Settings. Otherwise they will just be selected, but not displayed. For example, if the Settings window was changed to ‘Quarter Section’ prior to the land selection, the map view must be zoomed in until the 'Quarter Section' gridlines appear. NOTE: After an edit has occurred. the Editor will display “Unsaved Edits” while you are adding or removing lands to the record. Click on the Save Edits icon, to save the edited record to the database.

  20. Edit Error While editing, if an action is performed which is contrary to the Business Rules allowing the action, a warning window will appear.

  21. Editing - Demonstration Show Me Summation: When navigating or initiating information on the Map, the map tools are used. All retrieved information via the i-tool or the Select by Attributes may be added to the Results Pane and used for highlighting areas of interest. When an Add or Remove layer does not exist, the tools for Create are used. When editing an existing Add or Remove layer, the tools for Edit are used. When the land selection is larger or smaller then a Section, Settings needs to be changed. Display of selected land boundary is at the level set under Settings. Edits are not finalized until they are Saved.

  22. Select by Attribute Show Me • The Select by Attribute window displays an interactive map function which allows you to perform a query to locate the information entered, and an option to load this information in the Results Panel. Once loaded, it can be zoomed to and/or highlighted. • The information to be found is dependent on the record that is opened. • Input Layer choices may include Land (M-R-T: Sec), Well Id, etc. • Attribute Selection is dependent on the Input Layer selected. • Valuecan either be retrieved using the "Get Sample" option, or manually entered using the 2nd radio button text box. • Clearbutton resets the parameters and a new value can be entered. • Query full extent button is used to execute the query. • Data must exist within the record data set in order to be found.

  23. Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the GeoView System Overview Online Training Course If you have any comments or questions on this training course, please forward them to the following email address: • MOGISSUPPORT: Mogiss@enr.gov.ab.ca

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