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Why this sermon series?

Why this sermon series?. Dusting off and shining our core values. They are the “how” that help us accomplish the “why”. The why: “Reflect & Reveal The Unselfish Love of Christ to the World.”. Shorthand: “Know Jesus, Show Jesus.”. The How: Worship, Pray, Grow, Love & Serve.

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Why this sermon series?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why this sermon series?

  2. Dusting off and shining our core values

  3. They are the “how” that help us accomplish the “why”

  4. The why: “Reflect & Reveal The Unselfish Love of Christ to the World.”

  5. Shorthand: “Know Jesus, Show Jesus.”

  6. The How: Worship, Pray, Grow, Love & Serve.

  7. We have over 100 new members since the last time we preached on this.

  8. If you stop revisiting the things that are important to you, they cease to be important.

  9. Today: “Gathering Together” a sermon on Worship

  10. What do we mean by “Worship?”

  11. Christians and Worship

  12. Imagine the perfect worship service

  13. What would really be our criteria for it being perfect?

  14. What’s best for me?

  15. Revelation 5:6-14So I looked, and there surrounded by Throne, Animals and Elders was a Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall. Seven horns he had, and seven eyes, the Seven Spirits of God sent into all the earth. He came to the One Seated on the Throne and took the scroll from his right hand. The moment he took the scroll, the Four Animals and Twenty four Elders fell down and worshipped the Lamb.

  16. Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a gold bowl filled incense, the prayers of God’s holy people. And they sang a new song, “Worth! Take the scroll open its seals. Slain! Paying in blood, you bought men and women, Bought them back from all over the earth, Bought them back for God. Then you made them a kingdom Priests for our God, Priest-kings to rule over the earth.

  17. I looked again. I heard a company of Angels around the Throne, the Animals, and the Elders---ten thousand times ten thousand their number, thousand after thousand after thousand in full song: The slain Lamb is worthy! Take the power, the wealth the wisdom, the strength! Take the honor, the glory, the blessing! Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea join in, all voices in all places singing

  18. To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb! The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength, For age after age after age. The Four Animals called out, “Oh, Yes!” The Elders fell to their knees and worshipped.

  19. Crazy image right? But at least there’s Presbyterians

  20. The Perfect Never Ending Praise-Fest, Fall Down On Your Knees Before The Throne Can I Get A Witness Up In Here Worship Service...

  21. The focus of the worship service wasn’t the participants... It was the Lamb.

  22. So what if the purpose of true Christian worship had nothing whatsoever to do with what I get out of it, and everything to do with what God gets out of it?

  23. What kind of worship does God really like?Authenticity & Excellence

  24. Are you giving God the best of your everything when it comes to your worship?

  25. The problem with God is that God knows you way too well...

  26. Isaiah 1:11-17“...Don’t you think I’ve had my fill of burnt sacrifices? Quit your worship charades. I can’t stand your trivial religious games: Monthly conferences, weekly Sabbaths, special meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings--I can’t stand one more! I hate them! You’ve worn me out! I’m sick of your religion, while you go on sinning... 1:

  27. Go home and wash up, clean up your act. Sweep you lives clean of your evildoings so I don’t have to look at them any longer. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down and out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless. 1:

  28. What does God think about worship with no witness?

  29. It doesn’t matter how awesome the Sunday service is if you don’t leave transformed.

  30. What exactly does it look like when you give God the best of your everything in worship?

  31. It’s not about the “how” it’s about the “whom”

  32. Drums vs. Organs (seriously)God Art WorkGlorify & Enjoy

  33. It Isn’t Confined To An Hour (or so) on Sunday Morning

  34. Crack house church“Your God is too small...”

  35. Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees takes off his shoes---the rest sit round it and pluck blackberries. - E. Browning

  36. Mandisa & Everyday Worship Theology

  37. It’s Better When It’s Done With Other Christ-Crazy People

  38. God is more present in some places...

  39. An Easter Sunday story

  40. Hebrews 10:25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  41. When the Day arrives... I’d rather be in church.

  42. That Old Church SmellCeiling Tiles& Other Stuff

  43. It Actually Transforms You Because You Met Jesus

  44. The Lamb is on The Throne(Jesus is alive and the kingdom is crashing in all around us)

  45. Jesus WANTS to encounterJesus is TRYING to encounter you.

  46. Young people aren’t coming to church because they’ve been to one...

  47. Our expectations aretoo low.

  48. Are you better off than you were one hour and fifteen minutes ago?

  49. Did anything happen?

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