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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services eXpedited Life Cycle (XLC). [Insert Project Name]. Detailed Design Review (DDR) [Insert Date of DDR] [Insert Clarity ID]. Template Instructions. This document is a template for the Detailed Design Review (DDR).
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services eXpedited Life Cycle (XLC) [Insert Project Name] Detailed Design Review (DDR) [Insert Date of DDR] [Insert Clarity ID]
Template Instructions This document is a template for the Detailed Design Review (DDR). Sections should not be removed from the presentation. If a section is not applicable, please indicate as such and provide an explanation. Additional slides may be added to convey information that you feel is important to share that is not addressed by this template. Please ensure that your presentation is Section 508 compliant by following the URL: http://www.hhs.gov/web/policies/checklistppt.html DELETE THIS SLIDE BEFORE FINALIZING YOUR PRESENTATION
Presenters See this slide’s notes pages for slide instructions.
PDR Findings [Identify any recommendations and/or findings from the PDR and their resolution.]
Project Information Business Need [Insert condensed business need and drivers from Sections 4.1 & 4.3 of the Business Case or from the AR presentation] Goals/Scope/Purpose [Insert condensed goals/scope from section 4.2 of the Business Case and the business and functional purpose from sections 3.1 & 3.2 of the Requirements Document or from the AR presentation] Stakeholders [Insert stakeholder information from Section 4.4 of the Business Case or from the PSR presentation] Cloud Services [Are you planning to use cloud services now or in the future?]
Proposed System System Scope [Insert condensed system scope from Section 4.3.1 of the High-Level Technical Design.] High Level Functional Requirements [Insert high level functional requirements from Section 4.3.3 of the High Level Technical Design.] Summary of Changes [Insert condensed summary of changes of the current system from Section 4.3.4 of the High-Level Technical Design (if applicable).]
Response Data System Security Level: [insert the System Security Level from Section 2.9 of the Information Security Risk Assessment.] E-Authentication Level: [insert the E-Authentication Level from Section 2.10 of the Information Security Risk Assessment.] [Please note if either of these assessments have changed since the PDR or if they have remained the same.]
Data Design [Summarize the Logical and Physical Data Models for the application.]
User & Machine Readable Interface [From the System Design Document, list the various user classes/roles associated with the system. For each user class/role, provide estimates of the total number of users anticipated, a maximum number of concurrent users, and the number of external users. Also include the inputs and outputs associated with each user class/role.]
System Architecture [Insert the system architecture diagram from the Preliminary Design Review presentation, which depicts the overall, integrated structure of the system in terms of presentation, application and data regions including data storage and manipulation, user and external interfaces. If not available from the PDR, this information can be obtained from the System Design Document.]
Physical Design [From the information contained in the System Design Document, insert a diagram depicting the physical hardware design.]
Software Design [From the information contained in the System Design Document, provide information on each system software component, indicating the following: • Services identifier • Service based design, decomposition of services being used and built from the application and data zones • Definition – the specific purpose and semantic meaning of the service • Responsibilities – the primary responsibilities and/or behavior of the service. What does the component accomplish? What role does it play? What kinds of services does it provide to its clients? • Resources – a description of any and all resources that are managed, affected, or needed by the service. Resources are components external to the design such as memory, processors, printers, databases, or a software library. This should include a discussion of any possible race conditions and/or deadlock situations and how they might be resolved. • Reporting Design and Integration - if built in, provide details on data traffic and volumes
Security Design [From the information contained in the System Design Document, insert a diagram depicting the security design.]
Performance Design [From the information contained in the System Design Document, insert a diagram depicting the performance/reliability design.]
Internal Communications Design [From the information contained in the System Design Document, insert a diagram depicting the internal communications design.]
System Integrity Controls [From the System Design Document, provide design specifications for the following minimum levels of control and any additional controls as appropriate or necessary: • Internal security to restrict access of critical data items to only those access types required by users/operators • Audit procedures to meet control, reporting, and retention period requirements for operational and management reports • Application audit trails to dynamically audit retrieval access to designated critical data • Standard tables to be used or requested for validating data fields • Verification processes for additions, deletions, or updates of critical data • Ability to identify all audit information by user identification, network terminal identification, date, time, and data accessed or changed.]
External Interfaces [From the System Design Document and Section 6 of the Interface Control Document, if applicable, describe the interface(s) between the system being developed and other systems (e.g. batch transfers, queries, etc.), indicating the location of the interfacing system. Include the interface architecture(s) being implemented (e.g. wide area networks, gateways, etc.) and the interfacing mechanisms (e.g., MQ, Gentran, etc.). If remote connectivity is required, identify the method of access. Provide a diagram depicting the communications path(s) provided in Section 3, System Overview, of the System Design Document. The graphical representation should depict the connectivity between systems, showing the direction of data flow.]
Planned Tests [Insert information on the planned testing from the Test Plan. Describe the various types of testing (test functions) to be performed.]
Features Not Being Tested [From the Test Plan, list and describe the system functions/features not planned to be tested and explain why.]
Defect Management [From the Test Plan, describe the defect resolution process to be implemented during testing, including the operational definition and assignment of appropriate impact/severity levels.]
Test Environment [From the Test Plan, provide details and a graphical representation of the environmental components required to test the system, including hardware, software, communications, and any other resources used to configure the test environment, as well as any security considerations.]
Test Schedule [From the Test Plan, list the milestone events and dates for all testing activities.]
Release Impacts [From the Test Plan, list the milestone events and dates for all testing activities.]
Release Notification [From the Release Plan, describe any release-specific communication that needs to occur.]
Data Conversion Approach [From the Data Conversion Plan, describe the approach that will be used to extract, transform/cleanse and load data from the source to target destinations during the conversion/migration process.]
Data Conversion Schedule [From the Data Conversion Plan, provide a schedule of conversion activities to be accomplished.]
Data Conversion Quality Assurance [From the Data Conversion Plan, describe the strategy to be used to ensure data quality before and after all data conversions.]
Implementation [From the Implementation Plan, describe the planned deployment, installation, and implementation approach.]
Project Management Update:Status [Provide an update on the status of the project.]
Project Management Update:Risks & Issues [Provide an update on the project risks and issues, including the probability of occurrence and the mitigation for each risk.]
Project Management Update:Cost & Schedule • Cost • Schedule See this slide’s notes pages for slide instructions.
Project Management Update:Deliverables Status [Provide an update on the status of the deliverables required for the project as documented in the Project Process Agreement. Also provide an update on the status of your Information Security Certification & Authorization process.]
Conclusion of Detailed Design Reviewfor [insert project name]