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Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07

The Energy 4 Cohesion Project Financing Opportunities for Bioenergy Actions in the Rural Environment Saaremaa Island as part of the E4C Project. WIP – Renewable Energies, Munich Martha Bißmann, Dr. Christian Epp. Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07. Presentation Structure.

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Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07

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  1. The Energy 4 Cohesion Project Financing Opportunities for Bioenergy Actions in the Rural Environment Saaremaa Island as part of the E4C Project WIP – Renewable Energies, Munich Martha Bißmann, Dr. Christian Epp Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07

  2. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  3. Excellence, experience and professionalism  For more than 20 years Interdisciplinary Team: >25 people Project Department Event Department Set-up, management and realisation of both large- and small-scale RE projects Organisation of major events aimed at advancing RE technologies

  4. WIP Focus Rural Development based on RES  WIP is currently working with14 target regions in Eastern and South Europe Organisation of European Biomass Conference:  16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition in Valencia in June 2008

  5. WIP is Project Coordinator and/or Partner in the following Projects: • PV Enlargement • PV Catapult • PV Policy Group • PV Employment • PV Secretariat of the PV Technology Platform • Sevilla PV • COMPETE • BEST • Biofuel Marketplace • BIG >East • ADIRA • Energy 4 Cohesion • RES-Integration • K4RES-H • RESCUE • Pellets Atlas

  6. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  7. Bioenergy - Opportunities • Use of own energy resources • Security of supply with affordable energy • Strengthening of rural economy • Accumulation of Know-How • New perspectives for young generation  Sensitization of population for region‘s own strengths

  8. Bioenergy - Business Fields • Mobilising of resources • Waste disposal • Biofuel production • Production of heat and electricity • Consultation and service  Full, or parts of bioenergy supply chain

  9. Bioenergy - Challenges • Long term security of supply of biomass raw materials • Development of regional ‘high-prized’ sales markets • Political support and public acceptance • Financing !! Starting Point: - Cooperative structures instead of delivery relations - Bioenergy projects embedded in regional energy planning - Use of innovative technologies - Acquisition of tailor-made financing

  10. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  11. Bioenergy Project Phases 1) Project Idea 2) Feasibility Study 3) Project Development 4) Construction and Commissioning 5) Operation

  12. Phase 2: Feasibility Study Objective: Proof of feasibility Result: Detailed project description • Installation sites • Biomass supplier • Selected technologies, technical project design • Preliminary contracts und “Letter of Intents” attached Financial requirements: • Focus on advance payments • Use of own know-how • Purchase of external know-how for essential planning details (legal, technical, logistical)  Financial requirements : Between 5.000 and 20.000 Euro

  13. Phase 3: Project Development Objective: Profound data for acquisition of financing Result: Business Plan with attachments • Binding offers for production technology and distribution • PPA • Profit and loss account • Licensing and binding approval of land purchase Financial requirements : • Labour intensive process • Higher need for specialised know-how (licensing procedures, contractual arrangements)  Financial requirements: between 20.000 und 100.000 Euro

  14. Phase 4: Construction and Commissioning Objective: Erection of complete infrastructure Result: Sustainable utilization of region’s own bio-energetic resources • Mobilisation (Cultivation and harvesting) • Refinement (Drying, pressing, fermentation, etc.) • Distribution or energetic utilization Financial requirements : • Investment in production technology • Investment in logistics • Support in mobilisation of raw materials  Financial requirements: between 1 Mio und 20 Mio Euro

  15. Bioenergy Project Phases 1) Project Idea 2) Feasibility Study 3) Project Development 4) Construction and Commissioning 5) Operation

  16. Financing Strategies 2) Feasibility Study: Own resources and public grants  Financial backflow through company shares 3) Project Development: SEED Investment and public grants  Financial backflow through project development fee 4) Construction and Commissioning : • Own capital (possible integration of biomass supplier) • Dept capital • Infrastructural funding  Potential financial backflow through sale to operator 5) Operation  Financial backflow through operative profit

  17. Energy 4 Cohesion Financing Strategy 2) Feasibility Study: Own resources and public grants 3) Project Development: SEED Investment and public grants 4) Construction and Commissioning : • Own capital (possible integration of biomass supplier) • Dept capital • Infrastructural funding 5) Operation

  18. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  19. EC - Project ‘Energy 4 Cohesion’ • Support the implementation of bioenergy pilot actions in rural target regions through: • Selection and dimensioning the sustainable energy actions in feasibility studies, feasible for public financial support, with main focus on: • European Structural and Cohesion Funds during the funding period from 2007-2013. • Political lobby work on EC level to open SF and CF for bioenergy in rural areas Strategy: combined top-down and bottom-up approach

  20. Project consortium • WIP - Renewable Energies, Germany (coordinator) • EREC – European Renewable Energy Council, Belgium • forseo, Germany • ENVIROS, Czech Republic • ECB – Energy Centre Bratislava, Slovak Republic • SEGI AT, Poland • GEONARDO, Hungary • Archimedes Foundation, Estonia • LEI – Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania • EKODOMA, Latvia • ETA-Renewable Energies, Italy • AUA – Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

  21. E4C Target Regions Selection criteria: • Large bioenergy potential • Difficult economic situation • Political support and interest in bioenergy • Availability of data and preliminary work  Pre-requisites for interesting biomass project ideas

  22. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  23. E4C Master Plan for Estonia • Developed by Archimedes, Tartu, EE • Maria Habicht, • Ülo Kask • Target region: Saaremaa Island • 4 innovative RES and RUE actions feasible for Structural and Cohesion Funds 2007-2013 • Detailed financial and technical engineering of pilot energy actions 103 pages, 3 MB available for download at: www.e4c.org

  24. Target Region Portrait - Saaremaa Island • General context: • Located in the centre of the Baltic Sea region in the western part of Estonia • Area: 2 992 km2,57% is covered by forests • Arable lands: 570 km2 • Population: 35 076 • Current energy situation: • Negative energy balance, high dependence on imported fossil fuels; • Lack of systematic planning; • Lack of detailed analyses of possibility of usage of RES which discourages potential investors; • Low efficiency and disagreement with changed economic situation.

  25. RE and RUE Potential - Saaremaa Island Renewable Energy Potential: • Most promising and used sources: Wind and Biomass Energy Savings Potential: • EE potential in housing sector: 40.5 GWh peryear

  26. Estonian Master Plan – Energy Actions 4 innovative RES/ EE Energy Actions, feasible for Structural and Cohesion Funds 2007-2013: • Implementation of a 54 MW biomass-fired CHP plant at the district heating company Kuressaare Soojus Ltd on the island Saaremaa. • Renovation of 0,7 MW DH boiler plant and switch to biomass fuel in Karla municipality. • Switch from fossil fuel to solid biofuel in the district heating boiler plant in Salme village. • Renovation of 0,8 MW district heating pipelines and installation of heat substations in the buildings of Liiva in Muhu Island. 103 pages, 3 MB available for download at: www.e4c.org

  27. Energy Action 1 – Biomass CHP in Saaremaa • Current statewithin the existing DH system: • Installed capacity - 53 MWth • Length of pipelines in DH network - 33 km (36% of them new or with renovated insulation) • Number of consumers (buildings) switched to DH network – 270 • Annual heat production (2006): 80,193 MWh; 228,695 GJ • Technical parameters of the proposed CHP plant: • Installed capacity: 2,5 MWe + 10 MWth • Number of boilers: 1 • Annual heat production: 49,000 MWh, 176,400 GJ (~58% share on total DH system production) • Annual electricity production: 13,600 MWh • Fuel consumption: 76,300 MWh, 100,395 m3 of wood fuels (loose m3)

  28. Energy Action 1 – Biomass CHP in Saaremaa Financial Engineering of Investment: 50% by bank loan, 40% from SF, 10% with own funding. Positive Impacts: + Decreasing the dependence on imported fossil fuels + contribution to security and stability on energy supply for local population + use of local energy resources for satisfying the local need for energy, both heat and electricity

  29. Presentation Structure • Bioenergy Projects in Rural Environment • Financing of Bioenergy Project Phases • Energy 4 Cohesion • E4C Project Ideas in Estonia • Conclusion and Outlook

  30. Conclusions • Bioenergy projects in rural environment can have very positive impacts on regions • New approaches are needed for security of supply of raw materials in the long-term to guarantee sustainable production • Projects like Energy4Cohesion are needed for raising awareness and creating project ideas • Tailor-made financing is needed for different projects

  31. Energy 4 Cohesion Financing Structure • Financing of mobilization and sensitization in target regions and feasibility study through public EC money • Private investment for hardware financing • Structural Funds support for required accompanying infrastructural investments Various E4C projects are looking for potential private investors !!

  32. Many Thanks for Your Attention!! Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07

  33. Contract Number: EIE/05/103/SI.420018 http://www.e4c.org Energy 4 Cohesion Oct 07

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