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Collaborate to innovate? Variety in regional co-inventorship networks: stylized facts from the OECD REGPAT database. Annalisa Primi and Giulia Ajmone Marsan OECD- Regional Development Policy Division Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development annalisa.primi@oecd.org.
Collaborate to innovate?Variety in regional co-inventorship networks: stylized facts from the OECD REGPAT database Annalisa Primi and Giulia Ajmone Marsan OECD- Regional Development Policy Division Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development annalisa.primi@oecd.org Conference on Regional Innovation and Growth: theory, empirics and policy analysis. Pecs, Hungary 1 April 2011 Session on : New developments in research tools for empirical analysis
On the policy side: • Rising demand for “policy accountability” • Evolution towards more “sophisticated policy approaches” On the measurement & analysis side: • = > investing for more and better regional metrics • = > advancing in “models” & “research and theoretical approaches” for regional development. • Regional Development Policy Division: a team working on: data collection, analysis and policy assessment (territorial development and regional growth, innovation, rural, urban, multi-level governance) Ex. Regions@glance2011: competitiveness-inclusion-sustainability
Regional development as a multi-faceted process NOVELTY VARIETY COMPLEXITY • Measuring Regional Innovation: ongoing efforts regionalization of patent database and of Scopus. • An example: = >> exploratory analysis of regional collaborative patterns in innovation using patent data. • 3 technologies (bio-telecom and renewable energies) • PCT patent applications from 77-79 to 2005-2007 • Regional patenting and co-inventorship • Variety of networks • Evolution of co-inventorship networks over time
Patenting is on the raise… …But with differences across technological sectors Share on total PCT patent applications
There is a repositioning of actors & new actors are entering in the “game”. Biotech Share of top 20 patenting regions on total patent applications 76% = > 52%
There is a repositioning of actors & new actors are entering in the “game”. Telecom Share of top 20 patenting regions on total patent applications 78% = > 67%
Patenting behaviour is evolving A growing number of patent applications are filed by co-inventors located in different regions. Heterogeneity by tech sectors and by countries. Share of patents with at least one co-inventor located in another region over total patent applications (Three year moving average 1977-2008)
Variety in collaboration models: BIOTECH 2005-2007 Share of co-patents on total patent applications Bubble size = % of regional patent applications on total patent applications Territorial network degree (variety in number of extra-regional partners)
Variety in collaboration models: TELECOM 2005-2007 Share of co-patents on total patent applications Bubble size = % of regional patent applications on total patent applications Territorial network degree (variety in number of extra-regional partners)
Variety in collaboration modelsRENEWABLE ENERGIES 2005-2007 Share of co-patents on total patent applications Bubble size = % of regional patent applications on total patent applications Territorial network degree (variety in number of extra-regional partners)
Top patenting regions Variety ofco-inventorship networks
Co-patenting network Renewable energies 2005-2007 14% of patent applications have a co-inventor located in another region Top 20 patenting regions account for 50% of total patenting Link intensity >3
OECD explorer: a web tool to analyze regional information, collaborate in producing more info, disseminate insights Monica Brezzi, Head, Statistical Unit- Regional Development Policy Division http://stats.oecd.org/OECDregionalstatistics Statistics eXplorer - author tool Analyse – Visualize data Statistics Publisher Publish – from information to knowledge monica.brezzi@oecd.org