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Homework: Assignment 5 for tomorrow

Consider: Why do so few bills become laws?. Homework: Assignment 5 for tomorrow . The Powers of Congress: Lawmaking. a.k.a., How A Bill Becomes A Law… …or dies trying. Chapter 6 AP Government and Politics . Types of Legislation. Public bill Private bill Simple Resolution

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Homework: Assignment 5 for tomorrow

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  1. Consider: Why do so few bills become laws? Homework: Assignment 5 for tomorrow

  2. The Powers of Congress: Lawmaking a.k.a., How A Bill Becomes A Law… …or dies trying Chapter 6 AP Government and Politics

  3. Types of Legislation • Public bill • Private bill • Simple Resolution • Joint Resolution • Concurrent Resolution

  4. 6.4 What is the president’s role in lawmaking?

  5. Obstacles to Legislation • What reasons exist for why so few bills become laws? • Where do most bills meet their maker? • Why? • What are some of the other major obstacles in the legislative process? • Why do some bills make it through Congress faster than others?

  6. Charting a Bill – “The Stimulus” • THOMAS – • http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:H.R.1: • Mapping the Recovery • http://www.recovery.gov/About/Pages/The_Act.aspx

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